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Tom Shadow1363
Software Engineer Jr.


Pedro Guilherme Guimarães Abadia abadiapedro
Graduado em Sistemas de Informação pela Universidade Estadual de Goiás e Pós Graduando em Gestão de Projetos pelo IPOG

Associação Educativa Evangélica Anápolis, Goiás, Brasil

Danillo Acassio KnightCapivara
Software Engineer - I / Front-end Developer - AZ Tecnologia em Gestão.

COTIN - Coordenadoria Especial de Tecnologia da Informação / SEFAZ-MS. Campo Grande - MS

Sellami selllami
Full stack developer


Shaan Hashmi shaanhashmi
#Ionic3/4, Angular5/6/7/8, #NodeJs, #ExpressJs, #MongoDb, #JavaScript, #React, #React-Native #bootstrap #AngularMaterial #CSS#, #SCSS, #HTML5
Azu zuqj
From Suzhou Industrial Park Technical College, love programming and sharing, hope to make more friends on github!


Aaditya Ansh ADItya0367
E-Cell IIT Kharagpur | Tech enthusiast | DSA | C++ | Full Stack | Leetcode @ 250+ | Founder @Codepect
Software Engineer

serix Nairobi ,Kenya

Matthew Drummond mdrummond1
I enjoy learning new things. Currently learning cross-development with .NET Maui. Have been developing in C# and .NET for 4 years.

Wichita, KS

Eduardo Ervideira eduardoervideira
student of computer engineering


Cozanet Mathieu mathieu-cozanet
Developpeur Wannabe chez @Oclock


Max Wiederholt maaaaaaaax
technical account manager @ Retool & founder @mischief-app • previously @sourcegraph, @actions-on-google, @confluentinc, @ucla

San Mateo, CA

Mohamad J. Makki mjmk3
Developer \\ Java\Spring | Golang\Gin-Gonic | MySQL-PostgreSQL-Oracle

Istanbul, Turkey

ronnie bee ronniekram
pgh, pa

Actual Size Pittsburgh, PA

Luke Simmons Skyluker4
I like computers.

The University of Arkansas Fayettville, AR

Michael BMKiyv
A new javascript developer. I`m ready for new experience and for my new profession


Ash Bhat theashbhat

Commure Mountain View

Bethany Weddle bnweddle

Spectrumware Wichita, KS

Working hard trying to become a human being

Sudip Shrestha sudipstha08
Full Stack Software Engineer ✌️ Building the future with one line of code at a time. 🚀

MomentoAI Kathmandu, Nepal

Elias Olivtradet edeoliv
I am a full-stack developer with a passion for creating innovative technology solutions to complex challenges.

E²TMK | Software Development Estonian

naseokhoo cokkiboy
개발못하는 개발자


Antoni Luizar antoniluizar
Software Developer

Arequipa, Perú


San Francisco CA

Benedikt Traut trautb

Darmstadt, Germany

Fabio Spinelli spinellifabio

Purelab S.r.l. Verdello (BG), Italy

Hung Hoang hunghg255
Frontend at @agiletechvn

@agiletechvn Hanoi, Vietnam