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UENO M. eunos-1128
Bioinformatics🧬 / Cheminformatics⚗️ / Web Development🌐

Kitasato Univ. Tokyo

Renato Augusto Corrêa dos Santos SantosRAC
Ph.D. in Genetics and Molecular Biology | Bioinformatician. Post-doc researcher in the Laboratory of Computational, Evolutionary and Systems Biology - LabBCES

University of Georgia Athens, GA

John Blischak jdblischak
Freelance Scientific Software Developer

Ohio, USA

Sam Morozov sammorozov
Data Scientist / Web3 dev / ex-Analyst in fintech 🇷🇺


Research on AI and Big Data in medical

Zhejiang University Zhejiang University

Militha Mihiranga Militham
How fast is the world moving? I'm moving at a similar pace. I do not understand? No rules? No Google search? My dictionary does not have those words. Where prob

Data Tune Colombo

Gopukrishnan R LucyatDCB
MSc scholar in Computational Biology at DCB, UoK
I am a Master's student in Microbiology at the Institute Pasteur of Shanghai, under the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (UCAS).

Institute Pasteur of Shanghai, UCAS China

QOLAC qolac
QOLAC is an outstanding health technology company that designs, develops, and sells products and services for the healthcare sectors.

QOLAC United State

Andrew Allen Bruce andrewallenbruce
Healthcare Data Analyst


Hector Ramirez HectorRamirez85
Data Scientist | Data Evangelist | Explorer | Passionate life-long learner

Cuernavaca, Morelos. Mexico.

Paula Ruiz Rodriguez Paururo
I am conducting in-depth genetic research on two of the world's most lethal pathogens: SARS-CoV-2 and Mycobacterium tuberculosis.

@PathoGenOmics-Lab Spain

Ginger tizzytaz
I’m exploring, reading, and attempting this, not very successfully though

Freelance/self employed

Alejandro Ceballos Sandoval ceballos-san-md
| MD | Doctorate Student @UdeG | Clinical Researcher @ Antiguo Hospital Civil de Guadalajara | Densitometrist @ INTEC |

@UdeG Guadalajara, México

Shahan Ali Memon samemon
I study people, how they communicate, and how they collaborate with each other

University of Washington

Jinyu Zhu jyzhu-pointless
Computational biology & Population genetics

Peking University Beijing, China

Aaron Benson Wong aaronbwong
Neuroscientist at Erasmus MC | Neurophysiology | Auditory private profile for random things: @Enakcihc

Erasmus MC

Adam Richard-Bollans alrichardbollans
Kew Research Fellow

Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

Jason D. Moss jasondmoss
I plan, develop, implement and maintain modern web sites, strictly adhering to open standards and conventions. Compliant. Portable. Functional.

JdmLabs Ottawa, Canada

Ash QueenKraken
Senior Product Manager @elifesciences


Alan Chagas Alantantofaz
Sou apenas mais um curioso...
Mars Mason dr-marsmm

The Molecular Science Software Institute Blacksburg, VA

Sanzida Akhter anee-cyber

Independent University Bangladesh Dhaka

Isabel Duarte iduarte
I am a researcher using bioinformatics to answer biomedical questions.

The internet :)

Ruan van Mazijk rvanmazijk
Research & Publishing Intern @C4EcoSolutions, ecologist, evolutionary biologist & botanist

University of Cape Town Cape Town, South Africa

Mona Parizadeh memoll
Postdoc fellow

University of Calgary

Omar Malik omarcodex
This is my hobby account for things that interest me such as genomics, linguistics, etc.

San Diego, CA

Yu Zhu JudeYu99
PhD student, University of Cambridge

University of Cambridge Cambridge, UK

Alexander Refsum Jensenius alexarje
Music researcher. Research musician. RITMO, University of Oslo. NIME. Father.

University of Oslo Oslo

Rubén E. Estrada-Salas Dr-Jim

UNAM Tijuana, BC, México

Sejoska sejoska

Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC) Spain

Chinmoy Krishna 97I8TOE47K
For more, please see the `Team-AxC` organization (, jointly maintained by one of my friends @abhisheksaxena11jul and me.
