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happyZYM happyZYM
An undergraduate at ACM Honor Class. You can find more of my repos at

Shanghai JiaoTong University China

武子康 wdkang123
星辰大海 诗和远方
Ethan Sun reacherone
@oracle Cloud Native, Kubernetes, Infrastructure, Backend, Full-Stack, AI, CV, Former Software Engineer @walmartlabs

Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Seattle, WA

marlon mt marmonto
Expert Database Administrator + Architect | SLCD: UML, US | SQL, ETL | Rusty OO Dev: .Net, Java, JS | IT-Ops | Aspiring Dev.Sec.Ops, PM, Scrum Master

Open to Projects Medellín, Colombia

Ruslan Konviser evereq
Building Ever® - Open Platform for Collaborative, On-Demand and Sharing Economies @ever-co

Ever Worldwide

M Owais Random files MohammadOwaisData
Here i upload files to share and some other random stuff. Plz dont follow🙂
John Shelburne thecatfix
Former sales guy that had zero coding experience who accidentally bought the IP for a ml platform that identifies bond trade opportunities.

CatFix Technology Dallas

Andrew beswalod
Project Manager

KeenEye Voronezh

allissa itzzengay

@constellatory America/New_York

Xiaowei Zhang zhangxiaowei
Php engineer with a passion for Php, Rust, mainly working on Php software development and social application app maintenance.

自由职业 Beijing,China

gituser chunyuanY
University of Chinese Academy of Sciences


Sam Morozov sammorozov
Data Scientist / Web3 dev / ex-Analyst in fintech 🇷🇺


Joshua N linuxmunchies
20s | C | Python | Rust | Virtualization Technologist by day, gamer by night. Soon-To-Be CompSci Graduate! Security and Privacy Advocate!

Looking for Remote Work! United States

Mahi hctilg
Open-Source Programmer ‌

@RiraAI /dev/null

EMYR FELIZ Deivi3322D 89118 ave


freelancer Ho Chi Minh

rEaL TaLk TraDiNg TeChNoLoGiEs rEaLTaLkTraDe
Technology Division of rEaL TaLk TraDe. Building New Innovative Crypto & Web 3 dApps w/Novel Analytics Tools + Tokenized DeFi Trading Suite on RT3 Protocol

rEaL TaLk TraDe LLC United States

Sanyaade Adekoya sanyaade-teachings

Pat-Eta Electronics Ltd

Nay Wint naywintx
Freelancer Blogger

NWBLOG Sorrento Valley Road, San Diego, CA, USA

Melih Berat ŞANLI mberatsanli
aka MBS


AmirAli Irvany irvanyamirali
Programming is not my job, it's my life

Life Iran

👋 building open dev network building socially impactful software solutions and spreading STEM + Web3 education to marginalized communities


Mau Luceium
Software Developer @SCE-Development. Automate the boring, streamline the human experience

San Jose