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Dr. Hunter Thompson Lockwood HunterLockwood
Nonnative linguist working for Native people (Myaamia Center, Miami University)

Myaamia Center at Miami University Cincinnati, OH

Eann eann1984
Toda mi ambición es ser libre toda mi vida.

Tongji University Shanghai, China

Diana Diana-BZ
ghost in the shell script
CH Sun gitforziio
Computational linguistics, Language knowledge engineering, Language intelligent system. Chinese Language and Literature PhD student.

Peking University Beijing

Charles Zhang chaojian-zhang
🏰 Code Architect

Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan Toronto

Nathaniel Imel nathimel

University of California, Irvine Los Angeles/Irvine

Valeria de Paiva vcvpaiva
I am a mathematician and AI Research Scientist. My research interests include category theory, type theories, semantics of NL and lexical semantics.

@ToposInstitute Cupertino, CA

Momo karenkwww
Apparently, I'm a calico cat.
mdheller mdheller
Academic background in Quant. Finance with technical competency in Analytics, Big Data, Knowledge Management, Risk Management, and Systems Architecture & Design

@IBM @SocioProphet Planet Earth

Dave Morrissey mcyph
Network security major at Monash University. Interested in data mining, nlp and geodata visualization.


Jalon Begay enDinetah
Catch me on a ferry to Salerno via Amalfi.

Austin, TX


Seattle, WA, USA

Lexie Wang lexiewangdl

Seattle, WA

Pierce Brooks PierceLBrooks
I make video games.



Zombiekanapa Poland

Stephan Oepen oepen

University of Oslo Norway

Eugene Koontz ekoontz
Interested in functional programming languages and natural languages. he.

Amsterdam, NL

Chow Siew Yeng siewyeng
A computational linguist with a passion for syntax, currently doing an apprenticeship with AI Singapore
Petya Osenova osenova

Sofia University and IICT-BAS Sofia