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FermiQ FermiQ
Im an intergalactic dust particle; hanging on a limited lifespan; anticipating a lightYr. old ray of luv 2 consummate with QFT; QT; Statistical Probabilistic QC


Sara Tasche sa-tasche

mitgedanken Germany

Sam Morozov sammorozov
Data Scientist / Web3 dev / ex-Analyst in fintech 🇷🇺


Tate Gunning TateGunning
Devoted to development objectives.

Gunning Global Industries Arizona, USA

Kositantyn Synyshyn ConstantineSynyshyn
Software engineer. Building web 🚀

Affinidi Kyiv

Felipe González kaosb
Padre, Esposo, Hijo e Ingeniero a toda hora. Scout, Confidente y Ninja 🥷 por las noches.

Trust, Jumpittlabs, Coddea. Viña del Mar, Chile

Ankur Banerjee ankurdotb
Chief Technology Officer at cheqd, we’re building a checked ✅ and trusted 🤝 data ecosystem for decentralised identity

@cheqd London, United Kingdom

Mukul Lohar ironfisto

@servicenow India

Chloe Zhu Chloezhu010
EIP Fun Project Lead & Researcher | Building ETHPanda & LXDAO
Mikel Pintor millenc Pamplona, Spain

Ajay Jadhav ajile-in
Co-founder & CTO @ayanworks, @blocksterlabs

@ayanworks @blocksterlabs Pune, MS, India

Abraham Yusuf abraham-yusuf
Web3 Dev and Blockchain Enthusiast at @Web3ID

@Web3ID Pasirandu, Curug Tangerang

Vishnu Ganesan vishnu-gs-11
Full Stack Web Development Trainee | Fellow at CCBP Academy (NxtWave) | Looking for Internships
Jan Langrehr strgalt-t

Schweinfurt, Germany

Archimedes medbs
Give me a computer fast enough to run GCC and VIM on which to code, and I shall code the world.


Decentralization, FOSS, growth, strategy & more
Chikita Isaac chikitai
New developer

Cash app United States

MG emg110
Technology Architect | @GoPlausible Co-Founder

@GoPlausible Antalya

Ashiqur Rahman Fahim AshFahim
I put codes in the machine 🧑‍💻🫨

Dhaka, Bangladesh

Libre GinMu

HeFei, China

Kevin Nguyen KevinAtLeap
Voip Engineer | Senior Java Developer

LeapXpert HCMC

Trey Botard Tr3yb0
Full-stack dev & dev advocate

Atomic Raleigh, NC

Joaquín Salvachúa jsalvachua

Universidad Politecnica de Madrid Madrid, Spain

Guilhem Fauré gfauredev
Currently studying in France at Université Paul Sabatier, I’m mostly self-taught and willing to work in real projects.

Guilhem FAURE France

Luis Flores LuisPFlores
Sr Program Manager | IDNA - CxP

Microsoft Mexico City

Jim Scardelis jimscard

Schellman Redmond, Washington USA

Gbolahan Sheys11
Blockchain Research Engineer. trying to be worldclass...

@mainstreetlab Akure, Nigeria

Rémi Sulpice 0xRTekk
Fullstack & Web3 developer from France 🥖


Raj Patil Raj6939
Identity Kid | Developer Advocate at hypersignchain 🆔 ⚛️ | Building ZK-powered ID Infra | Self-sovereign identity | passionate about #DID #SSI #ZKP

Hypermine Bengaluru, India

Aseem PM aseempm
Senior Blockchain Developer

Kerala, India

Bombbom Bombbom
Newbie Blockchain Developer

HCM City

Dimitris Gkoulis gkoulis
PhD Candidate, Harokopio University of Athens

Athens, Greece

Denis delneg
Python/Django, Golang, F#/C#, Objective-C/Swift, Scala, Solidity, Rust, Kotlin. Previously Ruby, Elixir, R. Production Usefulness > Beauty
