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lxndr lxndrnstss

Sarawak, Malaysia

Julian Passebecq julian-passebecq
Energy Engineer with Data Specialization 5 years experience : BI, SQL, Analytics, Big Data, Cloud, ML

Geneva, Switzerland

Naseer Ullah Awan NaseerUllahAwan
Web Developer, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap, PHP, Laravel, MYSQL, Blogger, Flutter. Pakistan

Mukesh Selvaraj mukeshselv
🎉TypeScript + React ⚛️Open Source💡UI/UX + ✨NodeJS + 🐢 MUI + ✨TailwindUI + AntDesign + HighCharts + Framer Motion + 🚀Apple

Bengaluru, India

DOODER(Michael Smith) dooderstem
*Life-long Learner *Entrepreneur *Business Management student

Ohio, USA

Leandro Ebner leandroebner
part-time student | full-time geek

@ifm & University Ravensburg-Weingarten Germany

Aaron aaronlamz

Undefined Hong Kong

Appu Yadav AppuYadav
full stack developer in citycash (mumbai)
Vindula Pahasarani Vindulapahasarani
Success usually comes to those who are busy looking for it.
thePhoenixIsQueen LaBellaFenix
I am venturing out into this new and unfamiliar field. I am not sure what to do with what I am learning as of yet, however I purpose I will create and liberate

Divergence Academy Texas

Tushar Asodariya tushar-asodariya
Software Engineer | Flutter | Dart | Android, IOS & Web | Clean Coder

Niveus Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Surat, Gujarat, India

Vishnu Sujeesh vsujeesh
Engineer, Tinkerer, and Thinker. I love solving problems and learning new things.
Zachary Luettgen zlunchbox
technologist / humanist / chucklehead

General Dynamics Mission Systems Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Rishav Tarway Overhere7
I am here to learn to code and implement to make amazing applications and open source web applications which will always be ready to accept feedbacks
John Shelburne thecatfix
Former sales guy that had zero coding experience who accidentally bought the IP for a ml platform that identifies bond trade opportunities.

CatFix Technology Dallas

Vojtěch Fáber faberv

Vojtěch Fáber Brno

Jhon Roly jhonrolyol
Economy / Research / Econometrics / Math / Statistic / Interested in Data Analysis

UNSCH-UNMSM-UNI Ayacucho, Peru

nicole , mello P1NK-L4DY
main;; @melloux << @IudexOfFontaine now i win!! loser!! rarely anywhere else but the danganronpa area ,, also i go by any names!! @kittyvanya you suck btw ,

trying different styles/tints on my ponies lmk if it looks similar to yours i will change!! // also saioma people pls dniuf hghrj if any okegom characters i wear in pt doesnt mean i support the actions of okegom or anything. i just enjoy there designs+ranfren. ^_^

Matheus Gabriel matheusfnl

GPMP Brazil, Minas Gerais

Anwar Sadat Ayub momokid
Software Engineer | Technical Writer

Garimo eNovations Consult Ghana

João Victor Farias joaovictordevx
Estudante de Desenvolvimento Web como Full-Stack

Londrina - PR

Siful Islam sifulbd
Frontend Developer

Lisbon, Portugal

Shankara Narayanan Sethuraman issn0602
Indian Millennial in America

Dallas–Fort Worth Metroplex

Anjali anjali21i
Passionate to learn | Software Engineer


Vishal vishalsanjeevuni

Kingsdale Advisors Toronto