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Yashwanth Lakkaraju yashwanth-l
📌 🇩🇪 • 🇮🇳 ➡️ 🇺🇲 ➡️ 🇩🇪 | Learner | Engineer | Techie | Nethead

Nortal AG München, Deutschland

Donald Sebastian Leung DonaldKellett
Cloud Technical Specialist at Enfinity Solutions Limited

Enfinity Solutions Limited Hong Kong

Nabil Belakbir nabilblk

OCTO Technology Morocco

Yuvraj yindia

Dharamshala / Gurgaon/ Bengaluru

Caleb Woodbine BobyMCbobs
Cloud and Kubernetes stuff, mostly.

Wellington, New Zealand

Simeon Sierra1011
Eat. Automate. Sleep.

@tailsdotcom London, UK

Marco De Benedictis mrcdb
Senior Security Engineer. Focus on Kubernetes | Cloud Native | DevSecOps. PhD in Computer Engineering.

@controlplaneio Turin, Italy

j-k 06kellyjac

@controlplaneio UK