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Kay Yan yankay
不积跬步无以至千里,不积小流无以成江河 (Rome was not built in one day.)

DaoCloud Shanghai.China

Kevin Huang KevinSpringfield
Backend Engineer / Full-stack Engineer

Taichung, Taiwan

Yap Yapcheekian
🇲🇾 ✈️✈️ 🇹🇼

@Dcard Taiwan

HungWei Chiu hwchiu
DevOps/SRE/Cloud Native


Zane Chen u2633
Pursue excellence, and success will follow.

FintechLife Technology Ltd. Taiwan

MD SAMI mdsami
Think. Code. Love.

@Chondo-Engineering Dhaka,Bangladesh

CYJiang googs1025
Cloud Native Beginner | @kubernetes-sigs Contributor


Shihyu shihyuho

@softleader Taipei, Taiwan

Cuda Chen Cuda-Chen
Image Processing, Machine learning, Parallel Computing

Seeking for opportunities Taipei, Taiwan

Wei-Hsiang (Matt) Wang mattwang44
software engineer, PyDoc zh_TW translator, @pycontw web dev

GoFreight Taipei, Taiwan

Howard Howard86
A Lifelong Learner


PaoMian PaoMian0806
Former-NIHS / NTUT EE Student / Programmer


RayChang Rayselfs

ELITE Digital Education Co. Ltd Taiwan

Kent Lin kentlin520
I'm a happy learner dedicated in cloud native domain and software development. Here shows some my practicing resource .

Taipei , TWN

ppodds ppodds
A CS Student in Taiwan. Want to learn more and develop more.

National Central University Taiwan

Phil Huang pichuang
CNCF Ambassador | Cloud Native Taiwan User Group

@microsoft Taipei, Taiwan

Gianni Hong kkpan11
Coder. Book lover. Enthusiastic cyclist. T1D.

Taipei, Taiwan

Andrew Lee DW225

@Trendmicro Taipei

Terry Chan terrychan999

National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University Hsinchu

Hank silver2dream

Taoyuan, Taiwan

XC xchehub
Landing on the chain. Flying to the moon. Targeting the mars. Dreaming my future. Coder, data miner, and data cleaner.
yc97463 yc97463

@deer-shark Taiwan

Ian Chen ianchen0119
Interested in System programming/5G/SRE/Web development/Security/Testing

Saviah Taiwan

x213212 x213212

Andes Technology Taiwan

Cody Chen cdxvy30
Rookie. Mainly learning Backend, DevOps, Cloud Native related topics, but open mind to any CS related subjects.
