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Rafael rafaelfess
Elixir, Vue.js, Solid.js | Focusing on server-side (but not limited to) building majestic monoliths.

Rio Grande do Sul - Brazil

Tony hmsjy2017
A collage student.

@raspbian-addons China

Shangqian Meng Lemonawa
Probably nothing.

High Ping Network Mars

Andrew Chou achou11
none too happy

@digidem NYC

Matt Spurrier digitalsparky
Perth, WA based developer and systems engineer. PHP, Golang, Ruby, Bash, Linux, Mac, Vagrant, Docker

SenseICT Pty Ltd Perth, Australia

Sandro Rybárik rybarix
Software engineer focusing on understanding stuff works under the hood.

@fisheriohub Slovakia

Andreas Rabetche andreasrsa
IT Jockies is a South African ICT Consulting Company specializing in all the Computing, Telecommunication and Networking, ICT Outsourcing and the Implementation

IT Jockies ICT&M Consulting Gauteng

shane shanezhiu
Talk is cheap,Show me the code.

Globalization Beijing,China

Coding just for the heck of it.
Abdullah Abdullahxz
Software Engineer @AzmDevelopment Interested in Distributed systems, Containers and System architecture
Troy Takac thefennecdeer

Museums Victoria Melbourne

Culture.Support CultureSupport
Works for Sri Lanka

Culture.Support Culture.Support

Jordi Talens talensjr
Fullstack JavaScript developer. ReactJS frontend developer.


Chaturved Degloorkar chaturrved
Software Engineer

Pune, India

holmofy holmofy


Patrick Kabwe patrickkabwe
Software Developer | Open Source Contributor/Maintainer | Self Motivated


Alexander Sanoll sonix07
cyber cassandra

WBI Wissensmanagement Austria

yhw-miracle yhw-miracle
Talk less and do more!
Vishnu Ravendranthan captv89
The noblest pleasure is the joy of understanding. I embrace the beauty of learning, thereby living a life full of humility, gratitude & intellectual curiosity.

Maritime Software Solution Deutschland

Oskar Karpiński M3DZIK
16-year-old software developer and high school student. Founder and lead developer of @LibrePass project.

@LibrePass Radom, Mazovia, Poland

Adam Pielak adampielak
.itsec. Września