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Stefan VanBuren stefanvanburen

@bufbuild Boston, MA

Gunnar sigurdarson
Digital Product Designer

Copenhagen, Denmark

Tim rtntdeck
Business is my passion. Development facilitates that passion. Self-taught in almost everything dev related. Always open to thoughtful feedback.

@s3inc USA

Matt Obee mattobee
Design technologist specialising in accessibility. Staff Accessibility Designer at @github. Ex-Principal Designer at @nearform.

@GitHub UK

Matthew Conway mattreduce
Security Engineer

@hashicorp and @srcmtd United States

Christophe Garant ccgarant
Rotorcraft Flight Controls Engineer. @ergoplatform & @cardano-foundation Network Contributor. @Balance-Analytics-io dev. Egalcoin soon.

Connecticut, USA

Biologist | R | Python | continuously learning

São Vicente, Brasil

Mika Reich mikareich
18 y/o student | germany

Germany, Trier

Jonathan Piron jnp3

@yelostudio Liège, Belgium

Kilian Hauber kilianhauber
Gründer & Inhaber: Kilian Hauber Webdesign

Kilian Hauber Webdesign Germany

Aaron Wolfson awolfson
Web applications, mostly. Ruby, Rails, Javascript, HTML, CSS, SQL. The bread and butter.

@unabridged Chicago, IL

Sven Sackers gridhawk
IBM client success engineer, passionate windsurfer, love spending time with my family and hacking InternetOfThings. he/him Ireland

Takumi Abe ta93abe

Somewhere in Japan

Sammy Harper samharp
Designing technology for a greener world.

@terrabyte-tech Omaha, Nebraska

Roopesh Saravanan roopeshsn
I am open to software engineering roles, GSoC'23 @InternetHealthReport

Bengaluru, KA, IN

Andy Piper andypiper
community, code, and respect.

@mastodon Kingston upon Thames, UK

Ann Kilzer キルザー杏 ann-kilzer
Software Architect at tech company & Senior Director at @WWCodeTokyo

Tech Company Tokyo, JP

Michael Stenta mstenta
I maintain @farmOS ( and @farmier (


Antoine Augusti AntoineAugusti

@betagouv @mtes-mct @etalab Dijon, France

Paul F dotgrid
Designer. Previously co-founder @litmus.

London, UK

Alexandre Nicastro AlexxNica
Platforms • Ecosystems • Communities


Phoebe Factorial phoebefactorial
Enlightened elder trans autism infrastructure witch for the benefit of all beings.

Recursive Garden LLC Monastery of Independent Mystics

Adam Kostarelas AdamXweb
I like to create things that help people.


Zack Lovatt zlovatt
2d Technical Director


Fred Turkington z3ugma
Digital health, Flask web development, binary file format reverse engineering, HL7

Madison, WI

David Quiring creativelittle
Full-Stack Developer / Multimediographer — formal education in computer science and photography, but both have bloomed into a more interdisciplinary creativity

CreativeLittleDotCom Winnipeg, Canada

Brice Boulesteix bboulesteix
Freelance copywriter and web editor. @lewagon alumni. Previously @memobank, @etalab and @trainline-eu.
