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Debayan Pradhan Phoenix-031
GSSOC'22 || Competitive Programmer || working on full stack MERN projects ||Web3 || Blockchain||Learning new technologies to over engineer on-going projects😂..


Franco 0xpantera
Currently down rabbit holes of crypto arcana. AI & Stats lecturer. Prev: Sr. Data Scientist @healthcarecom
Joseph Livesey suchapalaver

@semiotic-ai Brooklyn, NY

Eduardo Gomes Eduardogbg

Amsterdam, The Netherlands

ringsaturn ringsaturn

@caiyunapp Beijing

Subash Chandra Sapkota subashcs
Tech Enthusiast, longing to prosper by technological applications on real-world problems.

Baglung, Nepal

hzx hzxGoForward
I am a Ph.D. Candidate student in Peking University. I focus on optimizing the performance of network and consensus layers in blockchain.

Peking University Beijing,China

Makis Christou MakisChristou
BE7E A8AD 876A E1C1 F452 917C 479F E47C 2672 2214

Electi Consulting Cyprus



Tianyu ZHENG FranklinZty

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Hong Kong

Dhruv Malik dhruvmalik007
buildL / consultant for web3 , generative AI and security auditor

Frontier-tech Europe

Guoqiang Zhang jeanP-zhang
Eng. Doctor in progress

CSE school in Huazhong Science and Technology University wuhan

Davide Galassi davxy
Rust Core Engineer @paritytech

@paritytech Earth

Lane Rettig lrettig
Core R&D @spacemeshos. Also governance research, thinker, rain dancer, writer, marathoner, novice economist, mold breaker. I hack so I don't have to wear a suit

Spacemesh Anytown, Metaverse

ngn999 ngn999

Hangzhou,ZheJiang, China

jiayong jiayongovo
I am Li Jiayong, a student in Harbin Institute of Technology. I want to study in Github and try to make some contributions to the community.

Harbin Institute of Technology Harbin Institute of Technology

Jason JasonHopeSpace
The future from the dream. Sub ID: Singapore

Harold HaroldGin931

ShangHai, China

M.Emin Taş eminmtas
Computer Engineer. XX Network Content Creator | SithSwap Ambassador | Ex-President of @cukurovablock

@cukurovablock Diyarbakır, Turkey

Saksham Thapa Saksham010
Acquiring knowledge to disrupt human civilization


陈书熠 ssuchichen

凯申物流 马来西亚,吉隆坡

陈伯卿 pochingchen

凯申物流 泰国,曼谷

陈斯昂 ssuangchen

凯申物流 马来西亚,槟城

Zorrot Chen UIZorrot

now there none alwyas changing

Davirain DaviRain-Su
a Rust developer.
