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Abhishek Raj P abhi41289
Quality Assurance Engineer, Certified Blockchain Architect and Gadget Freak
AI sorcerer

Google China

NguyenS (he/him) sangnguyens
Data Scientist

Vietnam Petroleum Institute Ho Chi Minh city - Vietnam

Dennis Dang dennisvdang
Data Scientist & Research/Product Analyst
Ömer Arpacı arpaci27
Backend Web Developer - Game Developer Gaziantep/ Turkey

Lucas lulunac27a
I'm a computer programmer, I'm good at math, astronomy, space, and numbers.

United States

Mukesh Mithrakumar mukeshmithrakumar
Fac Optimum, Exitus Obliviscere

@astrumai Philadelphia

Qimin Wu QiminWu

Virginia Tech Blacksburg, VA

Alexia Santos milexias
Analista de dados, apaixonada por tecnologia e natureza. 🌱

Rio Grande do Sul

Michael Zhuang ilovejs
Go, Python, Js engineering


God of meme stocks manhhungdt06
Feature Analysts

Financial Data Analyst Hanoi

Oussama EL GHANNAMI iamoeg
Just a nerd doing nerdy things 🤖


Chris chriscohnen

sciencentric AG Germany

Momordicin Momordicin
Working in AI predicting, Studying NLP, Image Recognition, and application development using C++ algorithms.

Shenzhen, China

Taqi Haider taqihaider7
Machine Learning enthusiast
Ieie AnurukN
