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Callum Long BrattishRat384
I like to star some scripts, ISO's, or random things, I like to tinker with the programs of others, or use them for a little trolling.
Samuel Mariano Belo SamuelB7
Fullstack Developer

Seteloc SA Curitiba

I'm currently learning and coding in C# but I'll start with Java soon, I recently discovered Arduino and I started learing it.

Behind you

I do stuff.

@couleur-tweak-tips India

Piedesert Piedesert

Kansas City, Missouri

Atlas Atlas-418
I do things, sometimes. I'm not good at it though.
Ayomide Victor Awoyemi Awoo2000
I'm a gameplay programmer, I have experience working with C++ and building games using C++, Unreal Engine and Unreal blueprint.


R That-Git
perfroming my pastafarian duties to fight climate change

your door

Thomas Dowd t-dowd
Hi there! Hope I'm not too late to the GitHub party. I'm a Computer Science student, making his way through the galaxy.

Lancashire, England

Kuro Kuro7s
just a weird kid
begin-theadventure begin-theadventure
I maintain over 100 packages on the AUR (Arch User Repository). Here on GitHub I have mainly various utilities and documentation.

begin-theadventu :)

ko no kogasa da!
Anderson da Silva Costa AndersonCosta28
Fullstack developer C# | JavaScript | TypeScript | Node.js | React

Feira de Santana - BA - Brazil

so im an imposter am i... no 8k rtx vdc for anyone now i put to much effort in to be recieving this kind of treatments.
MrAngelos6 MrAngelos6
French developer ! Javascript fan ! I love React !


Tom Kenny twome
we gotta make computers easier

gitlab: @twome Perth, Australia