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Jeremiah Watts jfwatts

Nashville, TN

Mahe<> mahe8696
"I am passionate about open source software, cyber security, and privacy. I enjoy exploring Android custom ROMs"
Pronay Sarker itsPronay
Just an ordinary 1st year CS undergrad student.
peerless2012 peerless2012
Android、C/C++、Open GL


⚡ŞŦΔŘŁØŘĐ xlightningxstar
Your One Stop for All Things Quick 🔥
Felipe Nascimento FelipeH92

Virtus CEEI - UFCG Campina Grande - Brazil

Daniel DaniHBV
An Eternal Apprentice.

Danand Recife (PE), Brazil

Janek Zangenberg w2sv
On the relentless pursuit of the ultimate, programmatically induced gobsmacking.

Berlin, Germany

Curtis crtyx
Hopeless music and sneaker enthusiast.

@peachy-pings Grantham


Biłgoraj, Poland

Kevin Vera kevin-btw
Never give up *You can also find me as: @KevinFrax
Iftekhar iiiiftekhar
Exploring the realm of codes💡


Omid Shabab omidshababdev
Fullstack Developer 🚀 NextJS, Flutter, TypeScript, tRPC, MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB Earth