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Amit Nandi anandi1989
Masters in Mathematical Modelling and Simulation || Machine Learning Researcher || Python Ninja || Bash Lover <3 <3


liguo wangliguo123321
既然选择就要热爱, 既然热爱就要坚持; 生活就是好好经历,无问西东

TrendMicro趋势科技 南京市

Sharanya Awasthi sharanyaawasthi
Tech Explorer | Dedicated Computer Science Sophomore at University of Cincinnati | Class of 2028 | Actively Seeking Fall 24 Co-op/Internship


Batbold N. bxtbold
robotics engineer.

Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

Adewale Alexworldwid
Backend developer in the making. Coffee lover and night crawler 🤓 HTML/CSS/JAVASCRIPT

Lagos, Nigerian

Numa numamolina
Former book lover turned web developer. Now venturing into web development surrounded by code libraries

Corrientes, Argentina

Aldescodev AleyCabrera
Soy analista desarrollo de software


Shinonome Tera tanuki wold9168

None None

Sakshi Chilkoti SakshiChilkoti
yup, you guessed it right, I code
Quyet Nguyen huuquyet
I'm slow, lazy and useless

Da Nang, Vietnam

Alejandro Camilo alejandrocamilo
Software Developer, Frontend Web Developer and UX Designer
Oren Ozeri orenico
I am researching, breaking then reassembling and again and again and again


learning devops
Fahim Shahriar fahimShahriaar
A passionate frontend web developer | Javascript Developer | React Developer | MERN Stack Developer


Mauricio Gasparotto mauriciogasparotto
Jornalista e designer gráfico apaixonado por Dados; Infografia e Storytelling baseados em ....? Dados!! Palmeirense, Trekker, pai de pets e sempre Rock'n'Roll
jist george0st
The architect with an overlap into development and analysis. "Almost everything is possible, it's just a matter of time⌚, resources💰 and quality⭐"

Europe, Prague

Julia Popova veluat
Frontend Developer (React, Redux, Typescript, JS/ES6+)

Minsk, Belarus

Cătălin George Feștilă catafest
I was born in 1976. I like programming. You can find me on the internet with nicknames: catafest and mythcat.

freelancer Fălticeni , Romania

Michael Moore nerdyhulk
System Admin and Developer in Training

American Fork UT