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vugia truong gachiemchiep
Computer vision engineer.

Johnan innovation Lab Japan

Poom Yimyuean lebrancconvas
Area of Interest: Web Dev, Game Dev, Data Science, Computer Graphics, Web Automation, Functional Programming, Multimedia and Language Learning.

Any Workplace :P [Bangkok, Surat Thani] ~ Thailand.

Software Developer

HiQ-Africa Kigali, Rwanda

Lacharite AlexLacharite
Zero to Mastery Student studying Web Development


Eskander Eleskend
Just a 15 year old guy who started programming.

@renuo Zurich, Switzerland

Adrian Just iadyo
Self-taught 18yo developer from Wrocław, Poland. Passionate about data analysis, AI, and new technologies

@Jucom24pl Poland, Wroclaw

B.Grant BenSGrant
Physics student, hobbyist programmer and musician

South East England

Pratyay Banerjee nitrospark
I collect information across the web ❯ A bot crafted by @Neilblaze 🦄

TU Munich / @TUM-Dev Munich, Germany ✧

Vijay Soni vs4vijay
Software Engineer

@microsoft India

Pınar ThecoderPinar
HDG | HSD Member 👩🏻‍💻 @hsdturkiye Data Scientist | Machine Learning 👾 AI Intern 🧠 Code Every Day 👩🏻‍💻

RadicalX Turkey/ Samsun

Jeremy L. Morris MorrisLaw
Istio @ Microsoft

@Microsoft NJ

Priyanshu Mishra Priyanshumishra77
Design Verification Engineer


Nicolás Rincón Sánchez nrincon2302
🤖 Electronics Engineering 💻 Computer & Software Engineering

Universidad de los Andes Bogotá, Colombia

Ali Abdelkader aliabdelkader
Software Engineer

Cairo, Egypt

CS student and Mechatronics Engineer. Passionate about CyberSEC and AI, deeply interested in tech and science. Currently developing AI-powered

Paris Lodron University Salzburg Earth

Saud Zahir saudzahirr
Simulations & Computations

SOCO Engineers Multan

Alejandro Cornejo AlejandroCornejo
PhD Civil Engineer at UPC-CIMNE, Barcelona Non linear solid mechanics, Thermomechanics, FSI, Fracture, Composites

UPC-CIMNE UPC - CIMNE Barcelona Campus Nord

Krzysztof Koziol koziolk
Software Craftsman, #JVM & #OSS enthusiast, #CleanCode and #DDD evangelist, #java, #springframework and others

@Roche Warsaw, Poland

Alex Myczko alexmyczko
@Debian Developer. Contributor to @openstreetmap. @gnustep, @apple and @Homebrew fan.

ETH Zurich (PHYS/BAUG/BIOL) + @Debian To infinity and beyond.

Patricio Yael Reller preller

European Space Agency - ESA Switzerland

you know where to find me
Kauã da Silva de Mattos Kawatos

Ouro Moderno Edtech Monetenegro RS, Brazil

Abdul Basit Abdul-Basit31
Software Engineer C++

Karachi, Pakistan

Saad Hussain Saad-Hussain31
Open source enthusiast interested in distributed systems, parallel architectures & algorithm design.

Afiniti Karachi, Pakistan

Sadeel Muwahed sadeelmu
Software developer with analytical skills and adaptability to new technologies. Eager to apply technical proficiency and innovative thinking in a dynamic role.
Arnold altf4arnold
Network Engineer, More and more dev despite my will... Hacker. Doing things with stuff...


James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@aruba The edge of knowing

GagandeepBajwa GagandeepBajwa
Software Developer and Machine Learning Researcher


Enrico Enrico204
Sysadmin, developer, networking enthusiast. Cybersecurity researcher @ TU Delft - Mirror of:
Samuel Henrique samueloph
Debian Developer, Amazon Linux Developer, Rust, Python, Security. My work is mostly on

@Debian @AmazonLinux Dublin, Ireland