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longlong lilong7676

ShenZhen China

泡泡 wsqyouth
keep thinking, keep working~

@tencent shenzhen

Michael William eclectic-michaeld
for the love of tech

Dar-es-salaam Tanzania

Muhammad Shihab Uddin shihabmi7
Mobile application developer @android @java @Kotlin @Dart

Dhaka, Bangladesh

ChunFuWu wuchunfu
Open Source Enthusiast; Committer of @apache SeaTunnel; Contributor of @apache DolphinScheduler, and etc. BigData, CloudNative, DevOps


Mahesh Savant Mahesh7741
The software developer had extensive experience and was skilled in multiple programming languages and technologies, including C++ and Java for back-end developm


OwynWang OwynWang
good good study, day day up~


nathfavour nathfavour
Freelance, open source dev🤓...Lifelong learner💯



AfterShip ShenZhen GuangDong

JianLin Ke kejianlin
👨🏻‍💻 Front-End Developer 🌈 Dream:Digital Nomad,World Travel

Looking For A Remote Job Shenzhen, China

Yash Diniz yashdiniz
Software architecture, data analytics, computer security & IoT. Open to new ideas, and always learning!

@spykesocial Goa, India

lumix lumixraku
A fat guy interested in visualization
Joker Lee Joker-hh

AfterShip Shenzhen, China

Nawaf Alsharqi NawafSwe
Software Engineer Who Strives to Build Resilient and Scalable Software 🛠️

@Hungerstation Saudi Arabia

Weykon weykon
Do small things, and do better.// be patient.// go into the unknown.// code is nothing but my work.// do it well not fast.//

Shenzhen , China

AT kb-at-zero
world peace


BOB OMBEDE ombedebob
I love programing,so I tought myself python and how to write backend code in Go.
YongGit NelsonYong
React & Vue

@AfterShip China,GuangZhou

hexh hexh250786313
I'm looking for something fun. Are you going with me?
tmax DevinXian
Front end developer

crland.mixc Shenzhen.China

Just doing stuff for fun! ps. I don't like AI
Li Xiang lix90
Data analyst

Shenzhen, China

maxiaoyan maxiaoyancn


Ramananda Kairi rama-kairi
A self-taught Software Engineer with 5++ years of experience in full-stack web development with Python & JavaScript.

Ramananda kairi Delhi, India

He Jialin Plusero
A lifelong learner.

Wageningen University & Research Netherlands

Michael Paepcke paepckehh
Infosec / OSS Security Supply Chain / Cloud-Hybrid (local-first) / FreeBSD / OpenBSD / Linux / Go ... and having fun with local LLM's.

Hamburg, Germany

Liang Xinlei SaberMyKing
me = ruby + golang + react.js

AfterShip Shenzhen, China


@AfterShip Shenzhen