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ItsKandar ItsKandar
I like everything computer related


Sam Morozov sammorozov
Data Scientist / Web3 dev / ex-Analyst in fintech 🇷🇺


Max Babych mabab
Full stack javascript Developer Ukrainian

Gabriel Vidal GabrielVidal1
Information System and Computer Science Engineer, generative AI enthusiast, game developper hobbyist


Nicolas Savois savoisn
Dev |> Crafter |> Elixir Enthousiast

France - Chantilly

Fefe_du_973 Fefedu973
High school student, passionate about tech, IT and a lot of other things. I code stuff for fun.

Lyon, France

Luis Valera luisgvalera
I graduated as a Systems Engineer and Industrial Engineer with MBA - emphasis in Human Resources. Panama

Le Stagiaire LeVraiStagiaire

@Absolument-Oui Nancy, France

Marius therealmarius
out and about.


Thomas Erhel ThomasErhel
['🤓', '🌱', '👨‍💻', '⚙️', '🚂🌈', '🤖', '⚛️', '🎯', '🌕', '🚀', '✨', ':octocat:', '🌟', '🎉', '💜', '⛓️', '🦄']

@monproweb Paris, France

Mariette Soninhekpon mariettesoninhekpon
I am a Data Analyst Junior with R and Python.
Slimane Amiar amiarSlimane
Fullstack software engineer (Node.js, Ember.js)

Sonected Algeria

LarsenWood LarsenWood

TrusT Community Tours, France

ajubin ajubin
Senior Software Engineer @muzzo-tech


Rébecca Kaci reibecca
Full Stack Web Developer


Quentin Lebouc Libouk
Junior fullstack web engineer.

Pix Paris, France

Patrick Prémartin DeveloppeurPascal
MVP Embarcadero - Formateur et développeur freelance. Langages : Delphi, PHP, JS, HTML, CSS.

Orléans, France

Test, code, repeat

Ornikar Biarritz

João Luís Cardoso de Moraes moraes65
PhD in Computer Science - Federal University of Sao Carlos and University of Twente. "Talk is cheap. Show me the code." - Linus Torvalds


Tristan Vanrullen TristanV
Ingénieur IA - Data Scientist Manager SI | Data R&D | NLP
Exploit Shadow 3xpl0it-sh4d0w
🕵️ • Investigator | 🧑‍💻 • DevSecOps

@Shadow-Hoods Brittany - FRANCE

Jérémy Buget jbuget
CTO of GIP Plateforme de l'inclusion. Former co-founder & CTO of Coder. Streamer. Speaker. Writer. Papa pupuce. @gip-inclusion @paastis

GIP Plateforme de l'inclusion Cergy