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General Layout

Tests live in the tests directory split into the three types of layers of test they cover.

Test functions are named test_nameofthing_part_that_you_are_testing, so the function frob_the_wizzle being tested without the correct permissions should have the test test_frobthewizzle_with_no_permission. This might not be the best naming scheme but we want to be consistent above all else to aid in test discoverability for developers.

We aim to use the Arrange/Assert/Act Pattern for organising code within a test.

Docstrings and comments explaining why a test works the way it does are highly recommended, eg why did you set it up this way? Why are you testing this exit condition? etc.

Tests should be fast where possible.

Testing Pyramid

Job Server uses a three layer testing pyramid, with the following layers from top to bottom:

  • End-to-End
  • Integration
  • Unit

Below we describe how we draw the lines between each of those layers.

Much like the developer tooling at Bennett Institute for Applied Data Science we define these layers as an ideal guide that should be adhered by default, but in the knowledge that things can deviate if there is a good reason.

Unit Tests

Directory: tests/unit

These are the current majority of the tests, something we expect to continue for some time.

Test modules mirror their non-testing counterparts, so tests covering functions in jobserver/some_path/ live in tests/jobserver/some_path/

Each function/class should have at least one test, ideally one for each exit condition.

For views we use RequestFactory instances as the default testing method, reserving Client instances for Integration tests (more below), testing the Python responses of views under test.

Author's Note: in an ideal world testing views would be bumped up to Integration tests since they typically test across at least one boundary, the database. However, since testing without the database in a Django codebase is not a trivial job we've decided to stick with the flow and treat them like unit tests.


Directory: tests/integration

Integration tests live at a level above unit tests, testing the combination of various pieces.

Each view should have at least one integration test for the happy path. These tests should use Client instances. Ideally these tests would avoid mocking.

This lets us test views with all the surrounding parts turned: URL routing, middleware, etc.


Directory: tests/e2e

We don't currently have any end-to-end tests but with the upcoming addition of onboarding it's clear we need a way to test across multiple views.

The expectation is that these tests will check user flows work as expected, eg "As a user who has not signed up before who has received an invite email I can…". These tests would likely like Client instances.


We use to check test coverage on the code base and require 100% coverage for CI to pass.

FactoryBoy provides our model factories for easy creation of model instances inside tests.

PyTest fixtures provide useful helpers for the tests. They are also the ideal place to build up combinations of factorys, eg the user fixture which provides a User with associated Org. We also provide DRF's testing tools as fixtures to mirror pytest-django.

pytest-django is the bridge between pytest and Django, exposing various Django testing tools (Client, RequestFactory, etc) as fixtures.

Verified Fakes

We use a fake object, FakeGitHubAPI, to test our uses of GitHub's API. However, we want to verify that fake, so we have a set of verification tests in tests/verification/.

just test will run those tests, but just test-dev will not, this way CI verifies our faster tests are correct. We have a separate GitHub org, opensafely-testing, and bot user, opensafely-testing-bot, for performing these tests. We use a different env var, GITHUB_TOKEN_TESTING, to pass the required PAT in.

Useful Flows

just test will run the tests as CI does, however as the suite grows this gets slower over time. Below is [very!] non-exhaustive list of useful methods we have found to make running tests easier.

  • pytest -k <partial test name>: working on a new view? pytest -k yourviewname is a quick way to only run those tests.
  • pytest --lf: run the tests which failed in the last run, good for iteratively fixing tests.
  • pytest -x: stop at the first test failure, good for iteratively working through known broken tests.

Testing Releases

Releases, and their associated ReleaseFiles, are an area of the codebase where a little extra care needs to be taken. ReleaseFiles can have on-disk files associated with them, and setting up the paths to do this requires knowledge of the parent Release as well.

To aid in testing these we have some fixtures which orchestrate pieces of the different layers for you.

Fixtures prefixed with build_ return functions so you have some control over the output. If you need full control then drop down to the relevant factories.

The 4 you're most likely to use are:

build_release Returns a builder function which takes a list of name strings and kwargs. A ReleaseFile will be created for each name you specify. kwargs will be passed down to the ReleaseFactory constructor. It returns a Release instance.

build_release_with_files Just like build_release this returns a builder function with takes a list of name strings and any kwargs for ReleaseFactory, but also creates the files on disk for you.

file_content Returns a bytes literal of random content. This is useful when you're testing the upload of files and need content for the upload. The other fixtures use this to generate their content.

release Returns a Release instance with one attached ReleaseFile and an on-disk file with random content in it. The ReleaseFiles name is file1.txt. This is built on top of all the other fixtures.

There are some lower level functions which might be useful in some instances:

build_release_path Generates the path for a given Release instance and makes sure it exists on disk.

build_release_file Builds a ReleaseFile instance with the given name, for the given Release and write a file to disk.