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Setting up the environment

The easiest way to set up a local development environment for OMC is Laravel's Homestead Vagrant setup.

To run and work with the virtual machine, a separate terminal window is recommended. This way switching between managing the virtual machine and actual work (e.g. your code editor) is easy.


After installation, a folders mount and sites entry for OMC must be added to the generated Homestead.yaml file. For example:


    - map: ~/code/
      to: /home/vagrant/code

    - map: omc.test
      to: /home/vagrant/code/openmultiplechoice/public


Above omc.test is used as the domain. The domain needs to be configured in the hosts file of the host system. On Linux / macOS the file is located at /etc/hosts, on Windows at C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts.

Starting and connecting to the VM

vagrant up starts the VM:

vagrant up

Connect to the VM and cd into the OMC directory (the location might differ in your setup depending on your Homestead.yaml):

vagrant ssh
cd code/openmultiplechoice/

Note: don't forget to update the base image from time to time, e.g. after a Homestead update: vagrant box update.

OMC configuration

First install the requirements:

composer install

OMC is primarily configured through environment variables via dotenv. An example file .env.example is included. A copy of .env.example is a good starting point:

cp .env.example .env

For the development environment, only a single change to .env is needed; use php artisan key:generate to create an app key.

# NOTE: this key is secret, never share it. The key below is an example
# key that should not be used.

Finally, create the storage links:

php artisan storage:link

That's it! All other values can remain set to their defaults.

Laravel's Artisan is used to

  1. initalize the database and
  2. add demo data.
php artisan migrate:fresh
php artisan db:seed --class=DemoSeeder
php artisan db:seed --class=DemoUserSeeder

OMC should now be running and reachable in your browser at http://omc.test

DemoUserSeeder created two demo users:

  • with password demo and
  • with password demoadmin.

Environment without Homestead

If you don't want to or can't use Homestead, php artisan serve is an alternative. For this to work, both APP_URL and ASSET_URL have to be set to the right IP address and port:


Testing scheduled jobs

To test scheduled jobs, you need to run the scheduler. During development, this can be done with running the schedule worker as follows:

php artisan schedule:work

Testing the API

To test the API, create an API token and use it as Bearer token with curl.

For example, to fetch all decks:

curl -H 'Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>' http://omc.test/api/decks

Please note that the API is a work in progress and neither complete nor stable.

Building JavaScript and CSS files

OMC uses Vite as a frontend build tool and asset bundler. The most used commands are described below.


Since the Node.js and npm version coming with Homestead are not the latest versions, use the Node Version Manager to install both on the host.

Then install the Node.js dependencies:

npm install --also=dev

Production build

If you made a change to Svelte, Sass or JavaScript files, run npm run build to rebuild the bundle files and commit the changes.

Development workflow

During development, npm run dev can be used to make webpack watch the sources and trigger a rebuild whenever you made a change. This way you can jump back and forth between your editor and the browser and instantly see the result of your changes.

After installing clockwork from the dev dependencies (which should happen automatically) you can see the data collected for each request by visiting http://[your-omc-domain]/clockwork or by using the clockwork browser extension (for Chrome or Firefox). You can use the collected data to analyze the performance of the application or eventual changes you make including a deeper look into the database queries. Clockwork only works while the application is in debug mode and is using a local domain.

Updating dependencies

PHP / Composer

To update packages to the newest version within the set range in composer.json, run

composer update

If composer install leads to an error like the example below, the issue could be a more recent php version on the machine where the update was done (for example, php8.3 on the developer machine and php8.1 on the target server).

$ composer install
Installing dependencies from lock file (including require-dev)
Verifying lock file contents can be installed on current platform.
Your lock file does not contain a compatible set of packages. Please run composer update.

  Problem 1
    - symfony/css-selector is locked to version v7.0.0 and an update of this package was not requested.
    - symfony/css-selector v7.0.0 requires php >=8.2 -> your php version (8.1.2) does not satisfy that requirement.
  Problem 2

In this case, make sure to use a compatible php version for the update. For example, on a macOS system with a brew php8.1. installation:

/opt/homebrew/opt/php@8.1/bin/php /opt/homebrew/bin/composer update

To upgrade packages to the latest version, find all outdated packages, update the version in composer.json and then update.

composer outdated -D


To update packages to the newest version within the set range in package.json, run

npm update --save

To upgrade packages to the latest version, use npm-check-updates:

npm install --no-save npm-check-updates
npx ncu -u
npm install

In both cases, you have to rebuild the bundle files after:

npm run build

Load testing

There are various tools to load test web applications, oha is one option.

To run a load test, you have to manually disable API throttling in app/Http/Kernel.php first.

For example, to create 1000 sessions from 100 concurrent connections:

oha \
  -n 1000 \
  -c 100 \
  -m POST \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>'
  -T 'application/json' \
  -d '{"deck_id": 1}'