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Onfido Studio


Onfido Studio is a drag and drop interface enabling you to build an optimised route to verify each end user, by defining and configuring different paths, as well as incorporating a combination of signals, in a single identity verification flow.

Getting started

Minimum supported version for Workflows: onfido-sdk-ui@9.0.0 and API v3.4

The SDK communicates directly and dynamically with active workflows to show the relevant screens to ensure the correct capture and upload of user information. As a result, the SDK flow will vary depending on the workflow configuration. You won't need to specify any steps directly in the SDK integration as these will be overridden when the workflow run ID is passed into the SDK initialisation.

SDK tokens are required to authenticate the SDKs for workflows. You can generate SDK tokens using the Onfido API.

1. Workflow run

You must create a workflow run before you initialise the SDK, including the workflow_id and applicant_id in the request body.

$ curl -X POST \
  -H 'Authorization: Token token=<YOUR_API_TOKEN>' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{
    "applicant_id": "<APPLICANT_ID>",
    "workflow_id": "<WORKFLOW_ID>"

The response will contain a workflow_run_id.

2. Import the library

You can either:

  • use our CDN
  • import directly into your HTML page
  • use npm

2.1 CDN

You can use hosted versions of the library files from Onfido's CDN.

From SDK 12.3.1 onwards, the version number you subscribe to can vary, depending on your needs:

  • subscribing to a specific patch release (e.g. v12.3.1) will fix the library files to that SDK release
  • subscribing to a minor level release (e.g. v12.3) means Onfido will update to the latest available patch release
  • subscribing to a major release (e.g. v12) means Onfido will update to the latest available patch and minor release
<!-- Replace "<version>" with the actual SDK version you want to use, example: v12 -->
<script src="<version>"></script>
<link href="<version>/style.css" rel="stylesheet" />

For versions prior to 12.3.1, specifying a precise release only, see our previous documentation.

2.2 HTML Script Tag Include

You can include the library as a regular script tag on your page:

<script src="dist/onfido.min.js"></script>

And the CSS styles:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="dist/style.css" />

You can see a simple example using script tags.

2.3 NPM style import

Alternatively, you can import the library as a module into your own JS build system (tested with Webpack):

$ npm install --save onfido-sdk-ui
// ES6 module import
import { init } from 'onfido-sdk-ui'

// commonjs style require
var Onfido = require('onfido-sdk-ui')

The CSS style will be included inline with the JS code when the library is imported.

⚠️ Note: The library is Browser only, it does not support the Node Context.

You can see an example app using npm style import.

2.4 Split bundle

To decrease the size of your production bundle, you can use the split version of the library:

import { init } from 'onfido-sdk-ui/split'
import 'onfido-sdk-ui/split/css'

⚠️ Note: The main bundle will be in included in your build, but the other bundles will be loaded from Onfido's CDN.

3. Add basic HTML markup

Add an empty HTML element at the bottom of your page for the modal interface to mount itself on.

<div id="onfido-mount"></div>

4. Initialize the SDK for Studio

You can now initialize the SDK, using the SDK token and workflowRunId.

  token: '<YOUR_SDK_TOKEN>',
  containerId: 'onfido-mount',
  containerEl: <div id="root" />, //ALTERNATIVE to `containerId`
  onComplete: function (data) {
    console.log('everything is complete')
  workflowRunId: '<YOUR_WORKFLOW_RUN_ID>',
  • workflowRunId {String} required The ID of the workflow run. An existing workflow id is required to extract the dynamic flow.

Handling callbacks

  token: '<YOUR_SDK_TOKEN>',
  containerId: 'onfido-mount',
  workflowRunId: '<WORKFLOW_RUN_ID>',
  onComplete: function (data) {
    console.log('everything is complete')
  onUserExit: function (userExitCode) {
  onError: function (error) {
Function Description
onComplete {Function} optional
Callback that fires when all interactive tasks in the workflow have been completed. On success, if you have configured webhooks, a notification will be sent to your backend confirming the workflow run has finished. You do not need to create a check using your backend as this is handled directly by the Workflow.
onError {Function} optional
Callback that fires when an error occurs.
onUserExit {Function} optional
Callback that fires when the user abandons the flow without completing it.

Customizing the SDK

UI Customisation

  • customUI {Object} optional There’s no change in how to specify custom UI options. Please refer to the SDK UI customization documentation for details of the supported UI customization options that can be set in this property.

Custom Localisation

There’s no change in how to specify a custom language. Please refer to the Web SDK language localization documentation for details.