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42 lines (40 loc) · 3.95 KB

File metadata and controls

42 lines (40 loc) · 3.95 KB

This is a list of functionality that was removed at some point.

The main goal of this list, is to enable future developers to find old code that might be useful when implementing new,or re-implementing missing features.

Date PR Short description of removed functionality
2021-11-25 ObjectManager - parameter begin/end editing callbacks
2021-11-25 ObjectManager - InvertSelection()
2021-11-25 ObjectManager - unused named selection group support
2021-11-25 ObjectManager - unused xml export functionality
2021-11-25 ObjectManager - unused object hiding and freezing functionality
2021-11-25 ObjectManager - unused object renaming and duplicate name detection
2021-11-25 ObjectManager - unused selection callbacks and serialization
2021-11-26 ObjectManager - unused selection support, MoveObjects/HitTestObject/EndEditParams
2021-11-26 Unused code - CloneObject,SelectEntities,EnableUniqueObjectNames,NotifyObjectListeners,CloneChildren, PostClone
2021-11-26 Unused code - GetClassCategories/SetCreateGameObject/FindAndRenameProperty2/IsExporting/IsReloading/StartObjectLoading
2021-11-26 ObjectManager - unused code - ForceID/ConvertToType/SetSkipUpdate/LoadRegistry/UpdateRegisterObjectName/HitTestObjectAgainstRect/SelectObjectInRect
2021-11-26 ObjectManager - unused GetObjects/SelectObjects, ObjectLoader - LoadObjects
2021-11-26 CBaseObject - unused material layers mask support
2021-11-26 CBaseObject - GetWarningsText/HideOrder, unused scaling functions,IsChildOf and GetLinkParent
2021-11-26 CBaseObject - SubObj selection, IsParentAttachmentValid, IMouseCreateCallback,GetWorldAngles
2021-11-26 CBaseObject - procedural floor management, EditTags, HelperScale
2021-11-26 CBaseObject - PropertyChanged,SetNameInternal,OnMenuShowInAssetBrowser
2021-11-26 CObjectArchive - unused sequence remapping, loaded object access
2021-11-26 IDisplayViewport - unused interface HitTestLine/GetGridStep/setHitcontext
2021-11-27 CBaseObject and children - unused HitHelperTest/MouseCreateCallback
2021-11-28 CBaseObject - unused OnContextMenu and unused undo description strings.
2021-11-28 Editor KDTree implementation
2021-11-28 CExportManager - unused AddStatObj/AddMeshes/AddMesh
2021-11-28 unused CUndoBaseLibraryManager and CUndoBaseLibrary
2021-11-28 IXmlNode - unused shareChildren/deleteChildAt/clone/insertChild/replaceChild functionality
2021-11-28 CXmlArchive - unused Load/Save methods
2021-12-03 #6086 MemoryDriller, PlatformMemoryInstrumentation - Driller no longer functional (Profiler was deleted months ago)
2021-12-03 #6086 TraceMessageDrillerBus, TraceMessagesDriller - Driller no longer functional (Profiler was deleted months ago)
2021-12-03 #6086 ThreadDrillerEvents - Driller no longer functional (Profiler was deleted months ago)
2021-12-03 #6086 CarrierDrillerBus, CarrierDriller, ReplicaDriller, SessionDriller, SessionDrillerBus (from GridMate) - Driller no longer functional (Profiler was deleted months ago)
2021-12-03 #6086 AssetTracking, Gems/AssetMemoryAnalyzer - Relies on driller that is no longer functional (Profiler was deleted months ago)
2021-12-03 #6086 DrillerBus, DrillerManager, DrillerEvents, EventTraceDrillerBus, Driller, DrillerDefaultStringPool - Driller no longer functional (Profiler was deleted months ago)
2021-12-03 #6086 FileIOEvents - Prone to false-positives (errors from other threads), not really useful
2021-12-03 #6086 FileIOBus - Unused and not the best way to implement a filesystem replacement
2022-04-20 #9026 GridMate - Unused and unmaintained networking solution. Replaced by AzNetworking and MultiplayerGem
2022-04-20 #9026 GridHub - Unused and unmaintained discovery service. Usages in TargetManagement replaced by AzNetworking. Other usages have been long since removed