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Total Order Multicast

Nathan VanBenschoten

An implementation of the ISIS Total Order Multicast Algorithm.


Run make to build the binary bin/proj2

Run make clean to clean all build artifacts


To run a process, a command like the following can be used.

./bin/proj2 -p 54321 -h hostfile -c 2

All processes in the total order multicast algorithm are identical; there is no leader process and there is no order in which processes need to be brought up. Each process remains operational once started, even if there are no more messages to multicast.

Delayed Messages

Adding the -d (--delays) flag will turn on delayed message mode. In this mode, messages are occasionally delayed by a random amount of time. The nondeterminism provided by this randomization helps stress the underlying algorithm.

Verbose Mode

Adding the -v (--verbose) flag will turn on verbose mode, which will print logging information to standard error. This information includes details about all messages sent and received, as well as round timeout information.

Command Line Arguments

A full list of command line arguments can be seen by running ./bin/proj2 --help.


The project comes with a automated test suite located under the test directory. Each test configures a set of processes with different numbers of messages to send. There is a test in each configuration with and without "delays" mode on. The following tests are included:

  • TestTotalOrderUniform
  • TestTotalOrderUniformWithDelays
  • TestTotalOrderDifferent
  • TestTotalOrderDifferentWithDelays
  • TestTotalOrderSingleSender
  • TestTotalOrderSingleSenderWithDelays
  • TestTotalOrderDualSenders
  • TestTotalOrderDualSendersWithDelays
  • TestTotalOrderLarge
  • TestTotalOrderLargeWithDelays
  • TestTotalOrderRandom
  • TestTotalOrderRandomWithDelays

To run all tests, run the command make test

Each test creates a subprocess for all processes in the system and then reads in the messages that the subprocesses deliver. The tests then verify that the correct number of messages were delivered, and that all processes delivered the same messages in the same order.

System Architecture

The system is designed around two main classes: the Process and the HoldBackQueue.

When a process starts up, it processes all command line arguments and performs validation on all flags. The validation includes checking that a message count flag was provided and determining the list of hosts participating in the algorithm.

Once command line parsing and validation is complete, the options are used to construct a Process.


Process is a class that exposes a TotalOrder method. This method runs the total order algorithm and calls a provided callback on each message delivery. It is given a parameter for the number of messages that the process should send during the execution of the algorithm.

Multicast Senders

When running, the Process launches a multicast sender thread for each message, as well as running a blocking server that listens for incoming messages. Each multicast sender thread walks through the stages for sending a message in the total order algorithm (see the state diagram). It creates a message with random data and a random ID. It then sends this message to all processes, collecting their acknowledgements in return. Using these acknowledgements, it determines the final sequence number and sequence proposer for the data message, and broadcasts this information through a sequence message.

Note that multicast sender threads send through UDP even to their own process's server thread. While this could be circumvented as an optimization, the approach works fine and maintains a desirable level of symmetry.

Total Order Server

The Process's server listens for incoming messages, distinguishing them using their type header. On a DataMessage, it adds the undeliverable pending message to the HoldBackQueue before returning an acknowledgement with a proposed sequence number. Before doing this though, it makes sure that the HoldBackQueue does not already contain the message, in which case it returns the previously sent acknowledgement. This prevents replayed messages from receiving different sequence numbers.

On a SequenceMessage, the Process updates the now deliverable message in the HoldBackQueue. It lets this queue determine which messages can now be delivered based on the new delivery status and the final sequence number of the sequence message.

Sequence Counter

A Process maintains a sequence counter that provides the causality necessary for correctness of the ISIS Total Order Multicast Algorithm. It increments this sequence counter every time it suggests a sequence for a data message. Additionally, it forwards this sequence number when it receives a SequenceMessage so that it never suggests a sequence number less than or equal to one it has already seen. In this way, the sequence counter is handled in a very similar way to a Lamport clock.


The HoldBackQueue is the data structure that buffers pending DataMessages until they can be delivered. It consists of an unordered map and an ordered set, allowing it to expose O(1) lookup time, O(log(n)) insertion time, and O(log(n)) update time. Undeliverable messages are added to the queue by a Process when their DataMessages are first received using the classes InsertUndeliverable method. Later, when a finalized SequenceMessage is received, the queue's SetDeliverable method is called, and the pending message is updated to the relivable state. Because of the ordering of the ordered set in the queue, it can then be scanned from left to right to deliver all newly deliverable messages.

UDP Client and Server

The abstraction of reliable communication is provided by the udp namespace. This namespace exposes three classes to make dealing with UDP straightforward for the General implementations. These classes also perform the task of hiding away C Socket programming details behind a more idiomatic C++ interface.

First, the namespace exposes a Client class. The class wraps a UDP socket and allows both unreliable and reliable (unacknowledged and acknowledged) transmission of byte buffers. When sending reliable messages, the class allows its caller to determine whether an acknowledgment is valid or not. The Client is constructed with a remote address and an optional acknowledgment timeout. Each individual Client is safe for use by multiple threads at the same time, meaning that external synchronization is not needed.

The namespace also exposes a Server class. This class wraps a UDP socket and synchronously blocks on the socket while trying to receive information. When a new message comes in, the Server calls a provided callback with the messages data as well as with a Client instance for consumers to respond to the remote client who sent the message. The Server also handles serving timeouts, calling a secondary timeout callback in those cases. The Server class is constructed with a port to bind to and an optional timeout.

Logging Module

The logging namespace provides a conditional output logger out that is only enabled when verbose mode is turned on. It exposes itself as an std::ostream, and forwards all information to standard error when it is enabled.

State Diagram

Below is a state diagram of the algorithm for the multicast delivery of a single data message. Note that the parts in blue take place only on the sender, while the parts in red take place on all processes concurrently.

Total Order State Machine

Design Decisions

HoldBackQueue Data Structures

One major design decision was about the data structures to use for the HoldBackQueue. Off the bat it was clear that an ordered data structure would be necessary to perform the delivery scan that happens after any message is set to deliverable. This scan walks over the queue, in-order, and delivers all messages that have just become deliverable. However, because C++'s order set can only be indexed into with a fully populated element and because its ordered map can only define comparators on the map key, either of these data structures alone were not enough to perform the deliverable update without requiring a linear scan of the entire queue. This was because we needed to have the original sequence number and suggester present when indexing into the set/map, which would not be easily available during the second update.

To get around this, we introduced a hashmap mapping the unique parts of a message, its (sender, msg_id) pair, with its local sequence information. This allowed us to look this information up in linear time and then combine this with the other known information to index into the set (implemented as a red-black binary search tree) when updating the message.

Put together, this allowed our queue to expose O(1) lookup time, O(log(n)) insertion time, and O(log(n)) update time.

Sender Threading Model

The design of the state machine was primarily driven by the interface exposed by the udp::Server and udp::Client classes. Both of these classes use a synchronous execution model, which meant that to gain any concurrency, it was necessary to do so outside their abstraction boundary. Because of this, we decided to gain concurrency through the use of threads.

This was accomplished by introducing the threadutil::ThreadGroup class.

Delayed Send Flag

To facilitate proper testing, we needed a way to introduce nondeterminism into the execution of the total order algorithm. We did this by introducing a delayed messages flag. When in use, this flag randomly picks messages to delay, which means that any two runs will produce different results. Our confidence in the algorithm grew tremendously once we verified that even with this delayed behavior activated, our algorithm still worked.

Testing Suite

Testing was a major concern for validating our implementation of the ISIS Total Order Multicast Algorithm. While manual testing showed correct results, it took a while to set up each scenario, and was impractical for larger tests. To overcome this, we introduced a testing suite. This test suite includes a number of deterministic tests at varying sizes. It also includes a number of randomized tests with the hopes of catching corner cases.

Implementation Issues

Multiple Processes on the Same Host

One of the implementation issues faced while developing the algorithm was its difficulty to test, because the suggested template "assumes that each host is running only one instance of the process." This meant that even during development, to test a m process instance of the algorithm, m hosts needed to coordinate and be kept in sync with code changes. To address this, the single-process-per-host restriction was lifted early in the development cycle. This was accomplished by allowing an optional port specification in the hostfile for a given process using a <hostname>:<port> notation. Once individual processes could specify unique ports, an optional -i (--id) flag was used to distinguish the current process in a hostfile where multiple processes were running on the same host. This way, the algorithm could be run on a single host with a hostfile like:


And commands like:

./bin/proj2 -h hostfile -c 2 -i=0


