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Block Profiling in Go

⚠️This document describes a sampling bias issue I discovered while researching the block profiler for Go. I have since landed a fix for it that should appear in Go 1.17.

Block Profiler Sampling Bias

tl;dr: Setting your sampling rate too high will bias your results towards infrequent long events over frequent short events.

As described in the Usage section, the block profiler will sample as follows:

  • Events with duration >= rate will be sampled 100%
  • Events with duration < rate have a duration / rate chance of getting sampled.

The implementation for this looks like that:

func blocksampled(cycles int64) bool {
	rate := int64(atomic.Load64(&blockprofilerate))
	if rate <= 0 || (rate > cycles && int64(fastrand())%rate > cycles) {
		return false
	return true

This means that if you set your profiling rate low enough, you'll get very accurate results. However, if your rate is higher than the duration of some of the events you are sampling, the sampling process will exhibit a bias favoring infrequent events of higher duration over frequent events with lower duration even so they may contribute to the same amount of overall block duration in your program.

Simple Example

Let's say your blockprofilerate is 100ns and your application produces the following events:

  • A: 1 event with a duration of 100ns.
  • B: 10 events with a duration of 10ns each.

Given this scenario, the blockprofiler is guaranteed to catch and accurately report event A as 100ns in the profile. For event B the most likely outcome is that the profiler will capture only a single event (10% of 10 events) and report B as 10ns in the profile. So you might find yourself in a situation where you think event A is causing 10x more blocking than event B, which is not true.

Simulation & Proposal for Improvement

For an even better intuition about this, consider the simulated example below. Here we have a histogram of all durations collected from 3 types of blocking events. As you can see, they all have different mean durations (1000ns, 2000ns, 3000ns) and they are occurring at different frequencies, with count(a) > count(b) > count(c). What's more difficult to see, is that the cumulative durations of these events are the same, i.e. sum(a) = sum(b) = sum(c), but you can trust me on that : ).

So given that your application might produce events like this, how will they show up in your block profile as you try out different blockprofilerate values? As you can see below, all is well and fine until a blockprofilerate of 1000ns. Each event shows up with the same total duration in the profile (the red and green dots are hidden below the blue ones). However starting at 1000ns you see that event a starts to fade from our profile and at 2000ns you'd already think that events b and c are causing twice as much blocking time as event a.

So what can we do? Do we always need to live in fear of bias when working with block profiles? No! If the Overhead for your workload allows it, the simplest solution is to use a low enough blockprofilerate in order to capture most blocking events.

But perhaps there is an even better way. I'm thinking we could correct for the current bias by keeping the same logic of sampling duration / rate fraction of events when duration < rate. However, when this happens we could simply multiply the sampled duration by rate/duration like this:

duration = duration * (rate/duration)
# note: the expression above can be simplified to just `duration = rate`

Doing so could be done with a trivial patch to the go runtime and the picture below shows the results from simulating it.


I'm felixge and work at Datadog on Continuous Profiling for Go. You should check it out. We're also hiring : ).

The information on this page is believed to be correct, but no warranty is provided. Feedback is welcome!