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Tutorials and Explainers

These tutorials are contributed by the community. Unless otherwise indicated, tutorials are hosted on this site. External and video based tutorials are denoted with the appropriate icons.

New submissions and edits are welcome!


Introduction to NextAuth.js <svg role="img" viewBox="0 0 24 24" height="24" width="24" style={{ marginLeft: '5px', marginBottom:'-6px'}} xmlns=""><title>YouTube</title>

  • This is an introductory video to NextAuth.js for beginners. In this video, it is explained how to set up authentication in a few easy steps and add different configurations to make it more robust and secure.

Authentication patterns for Next.js <svg xmlns="" style={{ marginLeft: '5px', marginBottom:'-6px'}} height="20" width="20" fill="none" viewBox="0 0 24 24" stroke="currentColor"><title>External</title>

  • Next.js supports multiple patterns for authentication, each designed for different use cases. This guide will allow you to choose your adventure based on your constraints. By Lee Robinson.

Adding Authentication to an existing Next.js Application in no time! <svg style={{ marginLeft: '5px', marginBottom:'-6px'}} width="30" height="25" viewBox="0 0 50 40" fill="none" xmlns=""><rect width="50" height="40" rx="3" style={{ fill: '#000' }}><path d="M19.099 23.508c0 1.31-.423 2.388-1.27 3.234-.838.839-1.942 1.258-3.312 1.258h-4.403V12.277h4.492c1.31 0 2.385.423 3.224 1.27.846.838 1.269 1.912 1.269 3.223v6.738zm-2.808 0V16.77c0-.562-.187-.981-.562-1.258-.374-.285-.748-.427-1.122-.427h-1.685v10.107h1.684c.375 0 .75-.138 1.123-.415.375-.285.562-.708.562-1.27zM28.185 28h-5.896c-.562 0-1.03-.187-1.404-.561-.375-.375-.562-.843-.562-1.404V14.243c0-.562.187-1.03.562-1.404.374-.375.842-.562 1.404-.562h5.896v2.808H23.13v3.65h3.088v2.808h-3.088v3.65h5.054V28zm7.12 0c-.936 0-1.684-.655-2.246-1.965l-3.65-13.758h3.089l2.807 10.804 2.808-10.804H41.2l-3.65 13.758C36.99 27.345 36.241 28 35.305 28z" style={{ fill: '#fff' }}>

  • This tutorial walks one through adding NextAuth.js to an existing project. Including setting up the OAuth client id and secret, adding the API routes for authentication, protecting pages and API routes behind that authentication, etc.

Adding social authentication support to a Next.js app <svg xmlns="" style={{ marginLeft: '5px', marginBottom:'-6px'}} height="20" width="20" fill="none" viewBox="0 0 24 24" stroke="currentColor"><title>External</title>

  • A tutorial by Arunoda Susirpiala. Checkout GetStarted for more examples.

How to Authenticate Next.js Apps with Twitter & NextAuth.js <svg xmlns="" style={{ marginLeft: '5px', marginBottom:'-6px'}} height="20" width="20" fill="none" viewBox="0 0 24 24" stroke="currentColor"><title>External</title>

  • Learn how to add Twitter authentication and login to a Next.js app both clientside and serverside with NextAuth.js.

NextJS Authentication Crash Course with NextAuth.js <svg role="img" viewBox="0 0 24 24" height="24" width="24" style={{ marginLeft: '5px', marginBottom:'-6px'}} xmlns=""><title>YouTube</title>

  • This tutorial dives into the ins and outs of NextAuth, including using the Email, Github, Twitter and Auth0 providers in under an hour.

Create your own NextAuth.js Login Pages <svg role="img" viewBox="0 0 24 24" height="24" width="24" style={{ marginLeft: '5px', marginBottom:'-6px'}} xmlns=""><title>YouTube</title>

  • This tutorial shows you how to jump in and create your own custom login pages versus using the ones provided by NextAuth.js

Passwordless Authentication with next-auth <svg role="img" viewBox="0 0 24 24" height="24" width="24" style={{ marginLeft: '5px', marginBottom:'-6px'}} xmlns=""><title>YouTube</title>

  • A video tutorial by Xiaoru Li from Prisma.

How to authenticate Next.js Apps with Sign-In With Ethereum (SIWE) & NextAuth.js <svg xmlns="" style={{ marginLeft: '5px', marginBottom:'-6px'}} height="20" width="20" fill="none" viewBox="0 0 24 24" stroke="currentColor"><title>External</title>

  • Learn how to use Sign-In With Ethereum to authenticate your users with their existing Ethereum wallets - identifiers they personally control.


Build a FullStack App with Next.js, NextAuth.js, Supabase & Prisma <svg xmlns="" style={{ marginLeft: '5px', marginBottom:'-6px'}} height="20" width="20" fill="none" viewBox="0 0 24 24" stroke="currentColor"><title>External</title>

In this free course, you'll learn how to build a full-stack app using the following technologies:

  • Next.js - The React framework for building the UI of the app and the REST API
  • NextAuth.js - For implementing passwordless and OAuth authentication
  • Supabase - For persisting the app data into a PostgreSQL database and storing media files
  • Prisma - For making it easy to read and write data from our app from and to the database

The app that we'll work on in this course is called SupaVacation. It is an online marketplace for vacation rentals where users can browse through all the properties for rent, bookmark their favorite ones, and even rent their own properties.

Here's a live demo of the app's final version. It is what your app should look likes after completing this course. Feel free to play with it to get an overview of all the features you'll be working on.

Magic Link Authentication in Next.js with NextAuth and Fauna <svg xmlns="" style={{ marginLeft: '5px', marginBottom:'-6px'}} height="20" width="20" fill="none" viewBox="0 0 24 24" stroke="currentColor"><title>External</title>

Learn how to implement passwordless/magic link authentication with database storage in your Next.js projects using NextAuth and Fauna DB.

The final version of the project's code can be found on Github. You can use it as a starting point for any Next.js app that requires passwordless authentication.

You can also preview the example live here.

This tutorial covers:

  • Configuring Next.js, NextAuth.js, and Fauna to work together seamlessly
  • Using Next.js dynamic API routes to handle authentication requests
  • Using Fauna and the Fauna Adapter for next-auth to persist users, email sign in tokens, and sessions
  • Creating custom login and confirmation pages with React + Tailwind CSS
  • Customizing the sign-in email and sending a welcome email to new users

Passwordless Authentication with Next.js, Prisma, and next-auth <svg style={{ marginLeft: '5px', marginBottom:'-6px'}} width="30" height="25" viewBox="0 0 50 40" fill="none" xmlns=""><rect width="50" height="40" rx="3" style={{ fill: '#000' }}><path d="M19.099 23.508c0 1.31-.423 2.388-1.27 3.234-.838.839-1.942 1.258-3.312 1.258h-4.403V12.277h4.492c1.31 0 2.385.423 3.224 1.27.846.838 1.269 1.912 1.269 3.223v6.738zm-2.808 0V16.77c0-.562-.187-.981-.562-1.258-.374-.285-.748-.427-1.122-.427h-1.685v10.107h1.684c.375 0 .75-.138 1.123-.415.375-.285.562-.708.562-1.27zM28.185 28h-5.896c-.562 0-1.03-.187-1.404-.561-.375-.375-.562-.843-.562-1.404V14.243c0-.562.187-1.03.562-1.404.374-.375.842-.562 1.404-.562h5.896v2.808H23.13v3.65h3.088v2.808h-3.088v3.65h5.054V28zm7.12 0c-.936 0-1.684-.655-2.246-1.965l-3.65-13.758h3.089l2.807 10.804 2.808-10.804H41.2l-3.65 13.758C36.99 27.345 36.241 28 35.305 28z" style={{ fill: '#fff' }}>

  • In this post, you'll learn how to add passwordless authentication to your Next.js app using Prisma and next-auth. By the end of this tutorial, your users will be able to log in to your app with either their GitHub account or a Slack-styled magic link sent right to their Email inbox. By Xiaoru Li.

Fullstack Authentication Example with Next.js and NextAuth.js <svg xmlns="" style={{ marginLeft: '5px', marginBottom:'-6px'}} height="20" width="20" fill="none" viewBox="0 0 24 24" stroke="currentColor"><title>External</title>

  • This example shows how to implement a full-stack app in TypeScript with Next.js using Prisma Client as a backend. It also demonstrates how to implement authentication using NextAuth.js. By Nikolas Burk at Prisma.


Add auth support to a Next.js app with a custom backend <svg xmlns="" style={{ marginLeft: '5px', marginBottom:'-6px'}} height="20" width="20" fill="none" viewBox="0 0 24 24" stroke="currentColor"><title>External</title>

  • A tutorial by Arunoda Susirpiala.

How to Configure Azure AD B2C Authentication with Next.js <svg xmlns="" style={{ marginLeft: '5px', marginBottom:'-6px'}} height="20" width="20" fill="none" viewBox="0 0 24 24" stroke="currentColor"><title>External</title>

  • Configuring authentication with Azure B2C in Next.js is not a particularly straight forward process. We'll look at how to facilitate this using the NextAuth.js library. By Ben Fox.

Sign in with Apple in NextJS <svg xmlns="" style={{ marginLeft: '5px', marginBottom:'-6px'}} height="20" width="20" fill="none" viewBox="0 0 24 24" stroke="currentColor"><title>External</title>

  • This tutorial walks step by step on how to get sign in with Apple working (both locally and on a deployed website) using NextAuth.js.

Using NextAuth.js with Magic links <svg style={{ marginLeft: '5px', marginBottom:'-6px'}} width="30" height="25" viewBox="0 0 50 40" fill="none" xmlns=""><rect width="50" height="40" rx="3" style={{ fill: '#000' }}><path d="M19.099 23.508c0 1.31-.423 2.388-1.27 3.234-.838.839-1.942 1.258-3.312 1.258h-4.403V12.277h4.492c1.31 0 2.385.423 3.224 1.27.846.838 1.269 1.912 1.269 3.223v6.738zm-2.808 0V16.77c0-.562-.187-.981-.562-1.258-.374-.285-.748-.427-1.122-.427h-1.685v10.107h1.684c.375 0 .75-.138 1.123-.415.375-.285.562-.708.562-1.27zM28.185 28h-5.896c-.562 0-1.03-.187-1.404-.561-.375-.375-.562-.843-.562-1.404V14.243c0-.562.187-1.03.562-1.404.374-.375.842-.562 1.404-.562h5.896v2.808H23.13v3.65h3.088v2.808h-3.088v3.65h5.054V28zm7.12 0c-.936 0-1.684-.655-2.246-1.965l-3.65-13.758h3.089l2.807 10.804 2.808-10.804H41.2l-3.65 13.758C36.99 27.345 36.241 28 35.305 28z" style={{ fill: '#fff' }}>

  • Learn how to use Magic.Link authentication with NextAuth.js to enable passwordless authentication without a database.


Using NextAuth.js with Prisma and PlanetScale serverless databases <svg xmlns="" style={{ marginLeft: '5px', marginBottom:'-6px'}} height="20" width="20" fill="none" viewBox="0 0 24 24" stroke="currentColor"><title>External</title>

  • How to set up a PlanetScale database to fetch and store user / account data with the Prisma adapter.