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Async gzip compress

The gzip compression example demonstrates building a "through" stream with Neon. The stream is both readable and writeable and CPU intensive processing occurs on the Node worker thread pool.


A small amount of JavaScript glue code can often simplify Neon modules. In this case, Node.js already provides a Transform stream class. The Transform stream provides important features that could be complex to implement:

  • Writeable
  • Readable
  • Backpressure
  • Asynchronous

Two methods must be implemented.

transform(chunk, encoding, callback)

The transform method accepts a chunk of data and its encoding, as well a callback. The callback should be called when processing the chunk has completed.


The flush method allows any internally buffered data to be processed before completion. The callback is identical to the callback in transform.


function compress() {
    const compressor = compressNew();

    return new Transform({
        transform(chunk, encoding, callback) {
            compressChunk(compressor, encoding, chunk)
                .then(data => callback(null, data))

        flush(callback) {
                .then(data => callback(null, data))

The glue code exports a single function compress that creates a Transform stream delegating the implementation to Neon functions. Since these functions return promises, they are adapted to the callback style continuation that Transform expects.


The Neon module exports three functions:


fn compress_new(mut cx: FunctionContext) -> JsResult<JsBox<CompressStream>> {
    let stream = CompressStream::new(Compression::best());


compressNew creates an instance of the stateful Rust struct, CompressStream, and returns it wrapped in a JsBox. Each of the other two methods expects CompressStream as the first argument. This pattern is similar to using on a class method to manually bind this.

compressChunk(compressStream, chunk, encoding, callback)

fn compress_chunk(mut cx: FunctionContext) -> JsResult<JsPromise> {
    let stream = (&**cx.argument::<JsBox<CompressStream>>(0)?).clone();
    let chunk = cx.argument::<JsTypedArray<u8>>(2)?

    let promise = cx
        .task(move || stream.write(chunk))


compressChunk accepts the instance of the CompressStream struct and the other arguments to the transform function. The chunk is cloned to a Vec<u8> and passed to a task to execute on the Node worker pool. The asynchronous task compresses the data and passes the compressed data to the .promise(|cx, result| { ... }) callback. The callback to promise is executed on the JavaScript main thread and converts the compressed Vec<u8> to a JsBuffer and resolves the promise.

CompressChunk::and_buffer is used to create a Buffer. ArrayBuffer cannot be used because stream chunks are required to be an instance of Uint8Array. Buffer is a subclass of Uint8Array.

compressFinish(compressStream, callback)

fn compress_finish(mut cx: FunctionContext) -> JsResult { let stream = (&**cx.argument::<JsBox>(0)?).clone();

fn compress_finish(mut cx: FunctionContext) -> JsResult<JsPromise> {
    let stream = (&**cx.argument::<JsBox<CompressStream>>(0)?).clone();

    let promise = cx
        .task(move || stream.finish())


compressFinish works very similar to compressChunkl, except it is provided the arguments to flush which does not include any data. Instead, the remaining buffered data is compressed, a CRC is calculated, and the compressed gzip data is completed.