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1740 lines (1676 loc) · 89.3 KB


File metadata and controls

1740 lines (1676 loc) · 89.3 KB

Version 0.6.6 - 2016-07-15


Changes in IPython-notebooks 3.0

With IPython 3.0 the names of the Widget classes lost the Widget in the name (for instance DropdownWidget becomes Dropdown). PyFoam has been changed to conform with this but as a consequence won’t work with old version of the IPython notebooks

Enhancements to Utilities executes setFields if appropriate

If no setup-script is specified and if there is a setFieldsDict present then setFields is automatically executed

Plotting utilities now automatically add custom plots depending on the solver name

The configuration system now has a section Autoplots. The entries there are all dictionaries with two entries:

a list of regular expressions. If the name of the currently used solver matches any of these expressions then this entry is used
a dictionary with the plot information known from regular customRegexp: expr, titles etc

If the solver matches solvers then a custom plot based on plotinfo is automatically added.

If the solver does not fit the plot is not added (this helps avoid processing of unused expr. This is important because processing the expr is one of the things PyFoam uses the most computation time for)

Some common plots (phase fractions for instance or most of the output of chtMultiRegionFoam) are hardcoded into PyFoam

Also there is a new section [SolverBase] in the configuration. It is checked whether the current solver name begins with any of the keys there. If it does then the list of solvers is assumed to be the solvers this solver was based on and Autoplots for those solvers are added as well. For instance

myReactingCht: ["chtMultiRegionFoam","reactingFoam"]

assumes that a solver myReactingChtFoam is based on these two solvers and automatically adds their Autoplots

In addition if a setting like

autoplots: cloudNumberMass

is set (for instance through LocalConfigPyFoam in the case) then the autoplot cloudnumbermass is used regardless of the solver name

alternateAxis-entries now can be regular expressions

This allows specifying plots generated with type dynamic on the alternate axis

Plotting utilities now allow choice of Gnuplot terminal

These utilities now allow with the option --gnuplot-terminal to choose the terminal. Otherwise the terminal specified in the configuration (usually x11) is used

Plotting utilities now sort legend by name

Names in the legend are now sorted. This improves readability for large numbers of lines in the plot allows calling with debugger

The option --run-with-debugger runs the command in the debugger. The arguments are appropriately handled fails if execution of a script fails

If the execution of a script fails (the status code returned by the script is not $0$) then execution of the utility fails (before the utility just continued). This behavior can be overridden with the option --continue-on-script-failure.

It is up to the script to ensure that the failure of a utility called in the script is forwarded to For instance with

set -e

in a bash-script

--hardcopy in plotting library now allows modification of gnuplot-terminals

This option allows setting the options for the terminal selected with --format-of-hardcopy. This overrides any default set in configuration section [Plotting] under the name hardcopyOptions_<term> with <term> being the name of the terminal (for instance for png the option is hardcopyOptions_png. writes state information about what it is currently doing

It writes to the usual state file. This way will list this information. If the scripts call then this information will be overwritten can handle new location of binaries in OpenFOAM 3.0

Since that foam version all binaries (and object files are located in the directory platforms. The utility now finds them there

Runner-utilites now can signal on blink(1)-devices

With the option --use-blink1 these utilities now flash on a plugged in blink(1) USB-device for every time-step can flash a blink(1)

To indicate that the utility is still running it is able to play a pattern on a blink(1)-device. This is switched on with -use-blink allows using a template file

With the option --template-dict it is possible to initialize the output with an existing file. With this file it is possible to add ‘complicated’ settings. now handles new format of probe files

Probe files now have one comment line per probe to specify the position. This format is now correctly detected and plotted. Old probe files are also handled

ReST-report of now reports derived parameters

The .rst-file written by the utility now adds a section on derived parameters if such parameters were specified in a script

pyFoamPrepareCase can now ignore directories

It is now possible to specify directories that should be ignored when looking for templates. Some sensible defaults like postProcessing, processor* and VTK are already set allows adding formulas to XLSX-files

The option --add-formula-to-sheet allows adding formulas to the Excel-sheet. Something like


adds a column massflow that subtracts the columns inlet and outlet now displays mercurial info

For those who use mercurial to keep track of their cases the utility now has the option -hg-info that displays the mercurial hash-ID, the local id and the branch name

Progress bar added to utilities with long run-time

Using the library lqdm progress bars have been added to utilities that have a long run-time and where the progress bars are not disturbing the regular output. These utilities are


Bars can be switched off with --no-progress-bar

Utilities that clear data can now report what is cleared and all utilities that have a --clear option now also have a --verbose-clear option that reports what is being cleared now allows manipulating the input

The utility now has two new options:

This allows removing characters before the file is actually read
Replaces the first line (for instance if the header does not match the data

Enhancements to the Library

Detection of OpenFOAM-dev

A development installation is now also detected and it is assumed that this uses the new calling convention. Also: PyFoam reports this as version 9.9.9 (as this is larger than any version in the foreseeable future

Add OpenFOAM+ as a fork

An additional fork type openfoamplus has been added (in addition to openfoam and extend). Installations of the form OpenFOAM-vX.X+ (with X.X being the version number) are added to this fork. Also OpenFOAM-plus is added as the development version of this fork

Accept new convention for location of blockMeshDict

In newer OpenFOAM-versions blockMeshDict may be located in system. PyFoam detects it either there or in the old constant/polyMesh-location

Handling of complex data by Configuration

Lists and dictionaries now can also be specified. Have to be correctly formatted if they are longer than one line (indented by at least one space - convention for configuration files)

Configuration has method getArch for architecture dependent settings

If an option opt is requested with this option then it is checked whether an architecture-dependent setting exists. Architecture arch is the output of the uname-command. The architecture-dependent name is opt_arch.

execute-method from PyFoam.Basics.Utilities returns status-code

This function now has an option that makes it return the status of the execution as well as the output of the execution.

BasicRunner now supports more ways of stopping runs

In the past this class (and the utilities based on it) looked for a file stop and stopped the run (with writing) if it was found. Now two additional files are looked for

this waits for the next scheduled write and then stops the run
gracefully stops the run without any writing

Added Blink1 class to support blink(1) devices

This class assumes that a blink(1) USB-device is present and the API-server (from the Blink1Control-program for this is running. It wraps these calls so that utilities can use them conveniently

ParsedParameterFiles now supports includeEtc

#includeEtc is now supported

Parses uniform fields correctly

Uniform fields of the form 1002{42.5} (Field with 1002 values $42.5$) are now correctly parsed

toNumpy-method added to Unparsed and Field

These two classes have a method toNumpy added that transformed the data into a structured NumPy-array. There are no applications for this in PyFoam yet but an application will be the parsing of lagrangian data

Added module PyFoam.RunDictionary.LagrangianPatchData to read data from patch function object

This module reads data written by the cloud function-object that writes particle data as particles hit the patches and transforms it into numpy-array. Which can also be returned as pandas DataFrames

It adds some properties to the data

  • the patch name
  • the time at which this data was written
  • a globalId constructed from origId and origProcId

Added module PyFoam.RunDictionary.LagrangianCloudData to read cloud data

This gets

  • a case
  • a cloud name
  • a time name and reads the lagrangian data from the specified time and converts it to a pandas DataFrame

A globalId that is consistent with the one in LagrangianPatchData is set

Method code added to =RestructuredTextHelper

This method formats a string assuming that it is a program code. Default value is python

ParsedParameterFile now parses new dimension format correctly

Newer OpenFOAM-versions allow dimensions in symbolic format (for example [ m s^-1 ]). These are now correctly parsed

ParsedParameterFiel now parses uniform fields correctly

Fields of the form 23 { 4.2 } (meaning “23 times 4.2”) are now correctly parsed


Change of documentation from epydoc to sphinx

As expydoc is discontinued the API-documentation is now generated with sphinx. Just run

make docu

to do so.

Advantage is that now with

make docset

a document set for offline searching with Dash (for Mac OS X) or clones (on other OSes) can be generated

Adaptions to the unittests

Untitests only used to run correctly if the OpenFOAM-version was 1.7. Are changed to run with OF 3.0. No effort has been made to support intermediate versions as the changes are mainly about changed tutorials

Bug fixes

Wrong format of ExecutionTime breaks plotting utilities

If the ExecutionTime is not as expected and finish with an error. This is now more robust

phases not working with dynamic plots

For dynamic plots the addition of the phase name did not work. Fixed

Phase name added to function object output

If phase was set the output of the function objects got it added to the names even though the function objects do not belong to the phase. This is fixed

One region mesh too many in utilities that change the boundary

When working with regions one region too many was added in and Fixed fails on write-protected case

If a case is write protected then the utility failed. Now it only issues a warning and continues cleaning

Copying of directories in confused by zipped files

When copying one file to another and one of them is zipped then copying doesn’t replace the destination correctly but adds the zipped/unzipped variant

Wrong times for multi-view layouts in

If snapshots were taken from state files with multiple layouts then some of the views had the wrong time (either that from the state-file or from the timestep before). Fixed

First timestep not plotted (and not stored)

The data from the first timestep was not plotted under certain circumstances. This has been fixed

DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH not passed on Mac OS X 10.11

Starting with this OS-version as a security feature the system does not pass LD_LIBRARY_PATH and DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH to a shell. PyFoam detects this and creates these variables and makes sure they are passed to the processes

Newer versions of pandas broke the writing of excel files with

The reason is that the old way of making axis data unique did not work anymore. This has been fixed

Capital E in exponential notation for floats breaks parser

This problem has been reported at (the number 1E-2 is not correctly parsed to 0.01) and has been fixed

Runner-utilities clear processor directories if first time in parallel data differs

In cases where the parallel data has a different start directory than $0$ the and similar utilities cleared that data and made a restart impossible. This has been fixed

Utilities pvpython not working when installed through distutils

As the distutils (and all mechanisms built on these like pip) replace the used python in scripts the necessary pvpython was removed. This has been fixed by generating a temporary script file that is actually executed with =pvpython)


Added tqdm for progress bars

Add the library tqdm ( for adding progress bars to utilities.

Library is under MIT License

Version 0.6.5 - 2015-06-01

Major changes

PyFoam now on Python Package Index

PyFoam is now found at

Recommended way of installing is using :

pip install PyFoam

This will also make sure that the required numpy-package is installed


ArchiveDir in SolutionDirectory discouraged

As this was never really used it is discouraged (the option is still there).

If you don’t understand what this means it probably doesn’t concern you

Pickled data files now written as binary

All pickled files are now written and read in binary mode (as this was the only way that works consistently in Python 3). This may cause problems with old cases (but no effort has been made to check whether this problem actually exists)

The PlotRunner and PlotWatcher now don’t strip spaces

These two utilities now don’t strip leading spaces from the read lines. This preserves formatting in the output but might break scripts that rely on these spaces.

The old behaviour may be reset by overriding stripSpaces in section SolverOutput with a value True

Different column names in

The enhanced naming of the columns might break scripts that rely on the old naming and automatically modify processorX

In previous versions these boundary files were not modified. Now they are. Scripts that rely on unchanged boundary-files in the processorX-directories might fail. Old behavior can be set with the --no-processor-option


Arbitrary commands in TemplateFile passed to file

Lines with $$ are passed to the file and make it syntactically incorrect. Fixed

Pickled files not opened in binary mode

This caused problems in Python 3 were binary strings were not correctly written (actually: attempts to write them to a pickle-file made the application fail)

Additional fixes for Python 3

In a number of classes/applications semantic differences between Python 2 and 3 makes these fail on Python 3. Changes are

  • Replace map with list comprehension where possible
  • Modify wrappings in CTestRun to work with Python3
  • Replace print with print_
  • Semantic difference in division of two integers: Python3 gives a floating point number as a result

ParsedParameterFile fails if “complete” dictionary is #include ed

If an included dictionary has a header parsing failed. This is fixed by retrying the parsing with the header

ParsedParameterFile fails if there is more info after #include

If there is for instance a ; after an #include statement the regular OpenFOAM-parser ignores it. The PyFoam-parser failed. This has been fixed and the parser behaves like regular OpenFOAM not working with VTK 6

Due to changes in the API the program did not work. This is now fixed and the program works with VTK 6 as well as VTK 5 failed with environment variables containing =

In that case an overeager split created lists.

Fix provided by Martin Beaudoin

Fix import in GeneralVCSInterface

Change in the syntax of imports in Python 3 broke this one. Fixed. But doesn’t matter as Mercurial doesn’t support Python3

Support of old format in ParsedBlockMeshDict broken

Wrong usage of indexes. Fixed

TemplateFile not correctly working in Python 3

Reason was a different calling convention to the exec-function of Python. Fixed

Certain things not done by pyFoamPrepareCase in --quiet was set

This was due to actions being on the same level as the debug-output. Fixed

Annoying warning at the start of the run

For certain solvers the plot utilities issued a warning during a phase when no information about the current time is available. This is now fixed

Redirected values

not used when iterating over dictionaries When iterating over dictionaries with redirects the values in the redirected dictionaries were not used. This is now fixed

Behavior of Template-engine not consistent in Python3 and Python2

Due to a difference in the behavior of the eval-function in Python 3 certain expressions (especially with list comprehension) failed. Fixed

Braces, brackets, parentheses in column name broke RunDatabase

These characters were stripped out by SQLite. They are thus normalized to special character combinations (which will be denormalized after reading)

Finding of installations in alternate locations broken

The algorithm to find (Open)FOAM-installations in alternate locations was broken. Now working again

Failing on 3.x if socket for server thread already occupied

Due to a a change in the socket API if the socket for the network thread (usually port 18000) was already notified the program failed. Fixed. Tested on 2.7 as well

Enhancements to Utilities

pyFoamPrepareCase recognizes multi-region cases

If there are multiple regions and no then it will try to execute blockMesh for the regions

pyFoamPrepareCase adds specialized templates

With the option --extension-addition additional templates that override the regular templates can be specified.

Application may be for instance special templates for potentialFoam

pyFoamPrepareCase keeps data generated by meshing script

If the meshing stage generates a 0-directory then data in that directory will be kept. This can be switched off if this is not the desired behaviour

pyFoamPrepareCase adds possibility for a file with default values

If a file default.parameters is found in this directory then this file is automatically read. This file is read like a regular parameter-file but it can also have added information about the values:

  • if an entry is a dictionary and has the entries description and values then it is assumed that this is a group of values. These groups are only used for grouping in reports. The values are set in the global scope.

    Groups can be nested

  • if an entry is a dictionary and has the entries description and default then it is assumed that the dictionary holds meta-information about the value. The entry default is the value that is actually used.
  • an additional enty options in that dictionary specifies a list of valid values for that parameter. The utility fails if the set value is not in that list. This is useful for setting boundary condition types or similar entries where only a limited number of words is valid

It is recommended that all used values are specified in this file as this will be used for reporting

pyFoamPrepareCase writes report about the variables

The utility now writes a Restructured Text file with a report about the variables. Information from default.parameters like groupings and description are used in this report. Also the default value and the actual value are reported.

The file can be converted with a utility like rst2pdf

Gnuplot can be styled with default commands

For all utilities that use Gnuplot as the backend for plotting there is now a configuration option gnuplotCommands in the Plotting-section with the usual set commands of Gnuplot. This is preset to display a grid and the y-axis.

The settings can be reset with the gnuplotCommands-list in the customRegexp-entries now supports Paraview 4.2 and later

The API for screenshots changed with Paraview 4.2 and later. This API now supports layouts if multiple views were specified. The default behaviour is now to make only one screenshot per layout. The old behaviour (one screenshot per view) can now be switched on with the -no-layouts-option.

This allows screenshots exactly the way they look on screen allows switching between decomposed and reconstructed data

The utility now rewrites the state file so that either decomposed or reconstructed data is read. The default is that the data set for which more timesteps exist is selected allows changing the field for sources

It is now possible to specify a dictionary with source names and the fields that should be set for them. This allows quickly coloring the same layout with different fields.

This works for

  • 3D (rendered) filters
  • bar charts allows rescaling the color-legend

There are now two ways to rescale the color-transfer functions

  • by specifying a dictionary with the ranges
  • by specifying a source. The range of the data on that source will be used to scale the data
    • when specifying a source percentiles can be specified for the highest and lowest percent of the cells to be ignored

The first method will override the second

pyFoamPVsnapshot reads parameters written by

An option allows specifying that these parameters should be read. They are then available for substitution in the Text source allows filtering

The utility now has options to select the cases that should be considered by name of the case. Either substrings or globs can be used. Ignore patterns can be specified as well now allows dictionaries

The format of the parameter-file has been extended so that instead of values variations can be dictionaries. The contents of the dictionary are then used instead of a single value. An example would look like this

defaults {
         a 1;
         b 2;
         c 3;

values {
       solver (
       inVel ( 1 2 );
       outP ( 0 1 );
       sets (
            { name foo; a 3; }
            { name bar; b 4; c 5; }

where sets has two variations. Values unset in sets will be used from defaults now has all functionality of

Now all functionality of the Join-utility is present in the Convert utility (including interpolating times) will be removed in future versions of PyFoam

dynamic in customRegexp now allows composition from multiple match-groups

If idNr is a list then now the actual id is composed from all the match groups specified in that list. If idNr is an integer then it behaves like it used to.

Application for the new behavior would be for instance to have the flow of different species on different patches in one plot

New type dynamicslave in customRegexp

This combines the properties of the types dynamic and slave: dynamically generated data sets that are added to another plot

Additional profiling option --profile-line-profiler

Uses the library line_profiler for profiling. Only of interest for developers. Experimental

Utilities that use templates can be customized with the configuration

The section Template in the configuration now allows modifying the behavior of the templating engine (how templates are processed and syntax details)

LocalConfigPyFoam now can be read before argument parsing

This allows overruling options before they are set be command line options. This has to be enabled by the application (it doesn’t make sense for all).

An example is the where the local configuration file can overrule the default behavior of the template engine automatically selects the output format with --automatic-format

Now if that option is selected and the extension of the output is xls the option -write-excel-file doesn’t have to be set anymore allows adding original data as separate sheets

The input data files now can be added to an excel-file as separate sheets with the --add-sheets-option has improved naming of columns

Now if there is more than one source file then the columns from the first source also get a unique prefix.

It is also possible to clean the column names before writing them to file. The time name can be changed with -write-time-name. Substrings can be replaced with --column-name-replace and simple functions can be applied with --column-name-transformation now supports sets-files

The utility now can read these files and determine the field names from the filename. --automatic assumes that files with the extension .xy are of this format can calculate derived values with a script

If a script is present then it is executed and values set in that script can be used in the templates as well adds a variable numberOfProcessors

If unspecified by the user this variable is automatically $1$. It can be used by the templates to distinguish between different cases

The PrepareCaseJob-class in ClusterJob automatically sets the values according to the number of processors in the cluster job and now support decomposed cases

Both utilities now also modify the boundary files in the processorX-direcories. This behaviour can be switched off from the command line has possibility for templates after the final stage

Templates with the extension .finalTemplate are executed after the

pyFoamRunParameterVariation allows adding postfix to cloned cases

The option --cloned-case-postfix adds a postfix to the cloned directory names. This can be used if the results from multiple variations with the same parameter file should be kept (for instance when comparing OpenFOAM-versions)

pyFoamConvertToCSV now allows setting of default input file format

The option --default-read-format now allows setting a different format than csv as the default format for input files adds the hostname to the printed information

The utility tries to determine from the pickled data the host the simulation was run on and prints it (can be switched off with an option) allows cloning

The utility now has an option --clone-case to clone a new case before starting instead of working in the specified directory (in this case the case will be cloned to this directory). The name of the created directory can be constructed from the specified parameters with the --automatic-casename-option

Enhancements to the Library

SolutionDirectory detects multiple regions

Valid regions are sub-directories of constant that have a polyMesh-directory

BoolProxy now compares like builtin bool

Comparison used to fail for types where it was not explicitly implemented like None

PyFoamApplication-class now supports pvpython for debugging

Now --interactive-after-exception also works in the utilities that use pvpython

TemplateFile now allows more flexible assignments

In the mode where executions are allowed now more flexible assignments to variables are possible. To be specific:

  • array assignments like
$$ a["t"] = 2
  • multiple assignments like
$$ a,b = 2,3

ThirdParty-library six upgraded to 1.9.0

This library has been upgraded to the latest released version

Additional markup in RestructuredTextHelper

There are additional methods emphasis, strong and literal that wrap their arguments in the appropriate markup

The methods bulletList, enumerateList and definitionList take lists or dictionaries and mark them as lists

SpreadsheetData can now read files produced by the sets-functionObject

If the option isSampleFile is set then it is assumed that the field names are in the filename and there is no header with field names in the file


Adaption of Debian packaging to new conventions

By Oliver Borm. The building of Debian packages for Python libraries has changes. Necessary adaptions were done by Oliver Borm

Development changes

Now uses pytest for unittesting

The nose-library had problems and all the unit-tests run out-of-the-box with pytest

Version 0.6.4 - 2014-11-24


The only requirement is a python-installation. The main testing and development has been done with 2.7 and 2.6. Python 2.5 should work but not for all utilities. Currently 2.6, 2.7 and 3.4 are used during development.

Certain functionalities need special Python-libraries. The main one is numpy for plotting. Other libraries that might be of interest are matplotlib, pandas and IPython. For the libraries PyQt4 and vtk are needed. Other libraries are tested for and reported by but not required (only install if you’re sure that you need it)

Future changes

Redundant utilities and unified

These two utilities are almost indistinguishable and will be unified into one

Major changes

Multi-line regular expressions in customRegexp

If in customRegexp an expr is found with \n then this expression is matched over multiple consecutive lines. Types like dynamic work as usual.

This makes it possible to match for instance the output of the forces-function objects

Enhancement of

The utility which was introduced in the last version is becomong more usable and will be central to all things that set up the case (for instance a special ClusterJob)

Enhancements of the CSV-utilities

These utilities are now more flexible and allow writing and reading of Excel-files too

Environment variable PYFOAM_SITE_DIR and PYFOAM_DIR

Both variables are not necessary but PYFOAM_SITE_DIR allows consistent insertion of site-specific libraries and utilities.

PYFOAM_DIR is set by some Foam-distributions and tested for by It is supposed to point to the currents PyFoam-installation.

PYFOAM_SITE_DIR points to a directory with site-specific scripts and configurations. The sub-directories supported (and thested py are

directory with scripts. It has to be added to the PATH outside of PyFoam (for instance in the .bashrc)
Optional directory which is searched for configuration files. Priority is below the user settings and above the global settings
Optional directory to allow mixing in site-specific library files. Imported as PyFoam.Site: For instance if a file is present in lib it can be imported as PyFoam.Site.Foo. This directory does not have to be (in fact: it shouldn’t) added to PYTHONPATH

Purpose of PYFOAM_SITE_DIR is to allow administrators to provide site-wide scripts and settings for all users on a site


Option --silent removed from

Option has been renamed to --no-complain

Keys in RunDatabase with column-names that contain upper-case letters change

SQLite does not support case-sensitive column-names (s_max and S_max are the same). To change this the upper case letters in the column names are replaced by an underscore and the letter (S_max becomes _s__max)

This means that old databases might not be read correctly

Change in unique variable names in

The algorithm to make variable names unique has changed (basically it uses the part of the filenames that differ) and scripts relying on these names might fail

PyFoam.IPython-module renamed to PyFoam.IPythonHelpers

The name of the module crashed in certain instances (especially unit-testing) with the regular IPython-library. To avoid these crashes it has been renamed to IPythonHelpers. This raises two potential problems:

  • scripts that import the module have to be adapted to the new name
  • IPython-notebooks created with have two imports pointing to this module. These notebooks have to be adapted to be usable again


Templates in did not keep permissions

This was a problem for script-templates which were not executable any more. Fixed failed due to circular dependency

This has been fixed by adding an import in fails if Pandas-data is requested

This is now fixed

sort for list broke code on Python 3

Some calls for sort still used the cmp-parameter which does not exist for Python3 anymore. These calls have been replaced with key and reverse

Changing the OF-version does not work in Python 3

Because the output of subprocess is now binary instead of a regular string. Fixed

addData in PyFoamDataFrame extrapolates for invalid values

This was due to incorrect use of the interpolate-method

--keep-last did not work for and parallel cases

This was because there was a problem in the library code and the utility did not consider the parallel time-steps. Fixed does not add basic run information

Basic run information was not added to the file. Now it is with the prefix runInfo//

Restore of FileBasisBackup did not work

The logic for checking whether a file was “backupable” was wrong. This affected the proper restore of files with utilities for instance for --write-all

Remove circular dependency in DataStructures

According to the bug it was not possible to import DataStructures because of a circular dependency with FoamFileGenerator. Fixed by moving an import to the back of the file

New features/Utilities

This utility takes a template case and a file specifying the parameter variation and creates cases with the, runs a solver on these cases and collects the data into a database. The database can then be extracted with

Calculates the size of the binaries in an OpenFOAM-installation separated by compile-option

Assists the user in rewriting the blockMeshDict by doing simple, but error-prone transformations. Assumes “sensible” formatting: one block/vertex etc per line.

Sub-commands are:

refines mesh by multiplying cell numbers in the blocks
Adds comments with the vertex numbers. Should help the user when editing/modifying the mesh
Remove the comments added by number
Adds vertices from other blockMeshes that are not present in the current blockMesh
Take another blockMeshDict, copy over the vertices-section of that mesh and rewrite blocks and patches so that they conform to these vertices. The original vertices have to be a sub-set of the vertices in the other mesh
Rotates patches so that the lowest number is in front

Enhancements to Utilities allows setting additional values

The option --additional-values allows specifying a dictionary with additional values for the boundary (stuff that is needed by mappedWall etc) now has OF-version and fork as defined variables

This allows to write case-templates that can distinguish between different OF-versions now allows “overloading” another directory

Before doing anything else the contents of different directories are copied into the current case. This allows for instance to use tutorial cases as the basis for a case adds improvements to the notebook

Additional code added to the generated notebook:

  • Code to change the default size of the plots
  • Distribution-directories in subdirectories distributions (generated by some swak-function objects) added more tolerant to faulty controlDict

If the controlDict is acceptable to OpenFOAM but syntactically incorrect for PyFoam (for instance because of a missing semicolon) the utility does not fail anymore (but no data is collected for that case). prints sections and keys alphabetically

This should make it easier to find items and read and write Excel-files

Both utilities now allow writing Excel-files

In addition to regular text files the first sheet from xls-files can be read

Flexible variable filtering in and

Now it is possible to filter for regular expressions

The functionality of the two utilities now is very similar and it is possible that one of them will be discontinued

Columns in and can be recalculated

The two utilities now can add columns or recalculate columns based on the existing column values

Testing for Numeric removed from

Testing for the library Numeric library removed as it is no longer supported as a fallback for numpy. Test also removed from

Enhancements to the Library

Subclass of ClusterJob that support PrepareCase

The class PrepareCaseJob supports cases that are set up with Additional parameters to the constructor are

  • the name of the parameter-file
  • a list with the parameters. The list is composed of name/value-pairs

Subclass of ClusterJob that support RunParameterVariation

The class VariationCaseJob supports cases that are set up with Additional parameters to the constructor are

  • the name of the parameter-file
  • the name of the variations-file

execute in PyFoam/Utilities fails if script is not executable

The function checks if the file exists and is not executable. The program fails in that case

foamVersion uses a separate wrapper class for tuple

This ensures that it is printed in a form that is valid in OF-dictionaries

Move calculation of disk usage to Utilities

This has until now only been used in ListCases but moved to a separate method/function diskUsage in the Utilities-module

Enhancement of --help

Added the possibility to have an epilog and usage examples with the epilog and examples-keyword arguments for applications.

These and descriptions now have the possibility for line-breaks: if two line-breaks are encountered in the text a new paragraph is created

which-routine in Utitlities uses native Python-routine

For Python-version where shutil has a which-function this is used instead of calling an external program

FileBasis now allows file handles instead of the filename

This currently only works for reading, Backups, zipping etc won’t work but it makes algorithms more flexible

BlockMesh doesn’t force writing to file anymore

Instead content is stored in memory. Old behaviour is the default to preserve compatibility with old scripts

Additional methods for BlockMesh-class

Adds comments with the vertex numbers to the vertices

LineReader allows keeping spaces on left

Previous behaviour was stripping all spaces from the lines. Now the left hand spaces can be ket. Old behaviour is still default for compatibility

TemplateFile now allows writing of assignment-results in file

This allows faster debugging of template-files. This can be enabled with a switch in the utilities using templates

SolverJob now allows passing of parameters to the solver

And additional parameter solverArgs will now be passed to the solver (if the solver accepts arguments)

SpreadsheetData now allows reading from an Excel file

During construction if an Excel-file is specified and the xlrd-library and pandas are installed then the first sheet in the file is read

SpreadsheetData allows recalculating columns

Columns can be recalculated using expressions. This includes other data items. Currently present column names are available as variables. There is also a variable data that can be subscripted for items that are not valid variable names. A variable this points to the item to be recalculated

Known bugs

Timelines not forgotten for multiple runner calls

This manifests with The custom timelines are still kept in memory. Not a problem. Just annoying

Version 0.6.3 - 2014-06-23


The only requirement is a python-installation. The main testing and development has been done with 2.7 and 2.6. Python 2.5 should work but not for all utilities. Unit tests run on Python 3.4 but it is currently not used in a production environment (reports of success or failure most welcome)

Certain functionalities need special Python-libraries. The main one is numpy for plotting. Other libraries that might be of interest are matplotlib, pandas and IPython. For the libraries PyQt4 and vtk are needed. Other libraries are tested for and reported by but not required (only install if you’re sure that you need it)

Major changes

Version changing supports forks of OpenFOAM

Now pyFoam supports different versions of OpenFOAM for switching. Out of the box openfoam and extend are supported. If only the version number is specified (for instance by --foamVersion=1.7.x) and such a version exists only for one fork it is correctly expanded with the correct fork( in the example with openfoam-1.7.x). If more than one fork has the same version then the fork name has to be specified as well

Note: additional forks can be easily specified with the configurations. In section OpenFOAM the parameter forks has to be extended. For each new fork a dirpatterns and installation-parameter has to be specified


Change of command interface of

The selection of what is to be done is now selected by subcommands instead of options. This will break scripts using this

If is present and ignore 0

The reason is that the utilities assume that this directory is produced from


PlotWatcher has long times between updates if pickling takes long

The reason was that it used the same throttling that made sense for the PlotRunner. Fixed fails for newer paraview-versions

Reason is that the class vtkPythonStdStreamCaptureHelper does not support isatty

SamplePlot failed when valueNames are unspecified

Reported in and fixed failed Numpy/Pandas output of vector fields

Vector fields only were added to the data fields if they were the first in the list. Fixed

alternateAxis ignored for slave

This is now fixed. The alternate values have to be specified in the master (specifying in the slave gives an error) more stable for binary boundary-files

Usually these files are ascii (even if the header says binary). In some cases the parsing failed for these. Fixed by enforcing reading as ascii. Can be switched off

SpreadsheetData returns data which breaks certain Pandas-operations

The reason was that if there were duplicate times in the table the index was non-unique which certain Pandas-operations don’t appreciate. Solved by dropping duplicate times. Can be switched off added duplicates to the archive

If things are specified twice they were added twice. Now it is checked whether the item already exists in the tar-file before adding them

nonuniform of length 3 not correctly printed

The reason was that this was interpreted as a vector and the numeric prefix was removed. Reported at

Fixed by introducing an extra parameter to FoamFileGenerator

New features/Utilities for case preparation

This utility aims to reduce the need for boilerplate scripts to set up cases. The steps it executes are

  1. Clear old data from the case (including processor directories)
  2. if a folder is present remove the 0 folder too
  3. go through all folders and for every found file with the extension .template do template expansion using the pyratemp-engine
  4. create a mesh (either by using a script or if a blockMeshDict is present by running blockMesh. If none of these is present assume that there is a valid mesh present)
  5. copy every that is found to to foo (recursively if directory)
  6. do template replacement for every .postTemplate
  7. execute another preparation script for generating and manipulating IPython-notebooks

This utility creates and manipulates IPython-notebooks for analyzing OpenFOAM cases. It has a number of subcommands:

this is the main command. All other commands assume that the notebooks they work with were created with this.

The utility looks at the case specified and creates a notebook that has the capabilities to quickly build a report about the case:

  • reporting general properties of the case. This

basically is the capability of the

  • It searches for data that can be visualized by or and generates selectors that allow the user to select which data to import. The selectors import the data as Pandas-=DataFrames= and create the commands necessary to do this. It is recommended to erase the selector afterwards
  • Selectors for pickled case data and pickled plot generated by PyFoam
  • Capability to store read data in the notebook file. This feature is experimental and has performance issues for medium to large datasets

The created notebook can be executed but needs to be edited to be useful

removes selected cells (but only cells created with create) or output from the notebook.
prints information about the notebook
copies notebook to a different case and rewrites it so that data is read from that case

Recommended way of working with this utility is

  1. Create notebook with utility
  2. Edit it to contain standardized evaluations
  3. Copy it over to another, similar case

Additional sub-module PyFoam.IPython

The purpose of this submodule is to support It has the classes

read a file and interpret it as an IPython-notebook. Do manipulations on this notebook
Implements permanent storage in an IPython-notebook. Only works inside a notebook and allows only one instance at once. Passing the data from the notebook (through JavaScript) to Python currently is a performance bottleneck
Convenience object that exposes the functionality of some of the PyFoam-utilities through a simple interface

Additional sub-module PyFoam.Wrappers

Wraps popular Python-libraries to add functions that make it easier to work with OpenFOAM-data.

Currently only one Wrapper is implemented:


This provides PyFoamDataFrame as a wrapper for DataFrame. The functionality added is

Conveniently add new data from different Series, DataFrames. It is assumed that the index is the same property (time or for samples the distance) but with a different resolution. The indexes are joined and missing data is interpolated
integrate, validLength, weightedAverage
uses the index as the $x$-axis and calculates these properties for a Series. validLength is the extent on which data is defined (weightedAverage is basically integrate divided by validLength). For integrate the trapezoid-rule is used
adds the three above quantities to the regular describe-command

Enhancements to Utilities

pyFoamSampleplot has option to use index instead of time in filenames

The option -index-instead-of-filename switches this on. This makes it easier to generate movies from the files Allows addition of custom data

The option --custom-data now allows the specification of custom data items. These are read from the pickledData-files and displayed in the table like regular data items

Switch compiler versions

Now all utilities allow switching the compiler version (for instance from Gcc47 to Gcc48). The relevant options are --force-system-compiler, --force-openfoam-compiler and --force-compiler reports the installed versions better

Now the location of the installations is reported as well

Offscreen rendering can be switched off in

This is a workaround where the writer produces a segmentation fault

Write 3D-data in

In addition to writing out bitmaps allows writing out 3D-data (for importing into other applications). Sources can be selected by name

Added capabilities to pyFoamSTLUtility

The utility can now also:

  • erase selected patches
  • merge selected patches into one switches off function objects

This now automatically happens for OF-versions that support it (2.0 and greater). They can be switched on again clones more stuff

Files that are assumed to be used by are automatically added to the clone. This includes all files (and directories) with the extensions .sh, .template and .org. Also IPython notebooks (extension .ipynb are added)

Enhancements to the Library

BasicRunner now can print the command line that is actually used

This should help with diagnosing problems with MPI etc.

Can be switched on in some utilities with --echo-command-prefix

ClusterJob now can live without a machinefile

Using the machine-file now can be switched off for job-schedulers with a tight integration

Enhanced treatment of symlinks during cloning

If a item in the case itself is a symlink then it used to be a copy of the file the symlink is pointing to. Now it is created as a symlink to the target the original symlink. If the --follow-symlink-option is used the old behaviour is used (copying). In this case the option noForceSymlink in the Cloning-section of the configuration can be used to change this behaviour for selected files

AnalyzedCommon clears the analyzed-directory

The directory is cleared if it exits from a previous run.

TimelineDirectory is more tolerant

Used to fail if incompatible data types were used. Now ignores them

Possibility of a subcommand-interface for utilities

The subclass SubclassFoamOptionParser now allows the parsing of subclasses. The base class for utilities PyFoamApplication now supports this as an option. As an example this is implemented in

STLUtility accepts file-handles

The class checks whether arguments are filehandles and in this case doesn’t try to open a file for reading or writing but uses the handle

addClone in SolutionDirectory accepts glob patterns

If no file matching the name is found it is assumed that this is a glob-pattern and all matching files are added. This affects all utilities that use that method (especially

execute in Utilities allows specification of working directory and echoing of output

This method now allows the specification of a working directory. Before executing the command the method changes to the working directory. Afterwards it changes back to the regular working directory.

There is also an option echo that immediately prints the output to the screen

rmtree and copytree more tolerant

rmtree now also works if the “tree” is a file.

copytree now has a parameter force that allows removing the destination directory if it exists

Enhanced support for booleans in the parser

Strings that are usually interpreted as boolean in OF-dictionaries (for instance on, yes, …) are now stored as a special type that allows treating them like ‘real’ booleans.

For instance an expression test no; in a dictionary now allows things like if d['test']: in the script

Application classes now allow specifying options as keyword parameters

Until now the options to be used had to be specified as a list of string modeled on the way the command line looked like. This is still possible. In addition it is now possible to specify these things as keyword parameters on the command line. Rudimentary type checking is done. The names of the parameters are generated from the command line options: the - are removed and the words are converted to CamelCase. So for instance --list-custom-Regexp = becomes =listCustomRegexp. Also for switches like these a boolean value has to be passed. So the correct usage in a call would be listCustomRegexp=True.

SolutionDirector now can classify directories in the postProcessing-directory

A number of properties has been added that list data generated by function objects:

timeline data (like propes) that can be visualized by
data from set (assuming it is in raw-format) that can be processed by
data from surface (assumes VTK-format) that can be used by
special cases of sample with distribution data

These properties only list the subdirectories of the case with that data

Additional properties are

a list of pickled data files that are found
list of found pickled plots

These lists are sorted in descending temporal order (newest first) now more flexible for distributions

Tries to determine the names of the values from the first line in the files

DictProxy now has a dict-like update-method

This also allows enforcing string values

FoamFileGenerator automatically quotes strings

If strings are unquoted but contain characters that make it illegal as a word then the string is quoted before output

Children of FileBasis now can be used with the with-statement

This mainly concerns ParsedParameterFile

Version 0.6.2 - 2013-11-03

Major changes

Use of pandas-library

Starting with this version the pandas-library is used for data-analysis. When possible and appropriate classes return pandas-objects. Currently these are:

  • CSVCollection. With a call-operator this class returns the collected data as a DataFrame of the collected data
  • SpreadsheetData now has methods to return Series and DataFrame objects

It is not necessary to install pandas if these classes are not used (and even then most of their functionality works)


Different separator for databases in CSV-files

The class RunDatabase (and therefor also the utility now write as a separator for data from sub-tables a // instead of the space. This especially means that scripts that rely on a data-item foo in analyzed might break because this is now called analyzed//foo instead of analyzed foo. On the other hand this makes the names more consistent and easier to parse as // is the saperator for other levels of dictionaries

Change of independent variable name in sample data

Instead of col0 this is now coord. This could cause problems with scripts that use that column name in the resulting SpreadsheetData-object

Bugfixes does not handle symbolic links correctly

Symbolic links were copied as is and did not work correctly afterwards. This is fixed. If the symbolic link is an absolute path or points outside the case directory it is replaced with the file it points to. Otherwise it is preserved as a symbolic link not working with OpenFOAM 2.0 or newer

These versions require an entry potentialFlow in the fvSolution-file instead of the old SIMPLE fails with controlDict that use preprocessing

Fixed by first trying to read that with preprocessing. Without if that fails

Cloning fails in symlink-mode if files are specified twice

Now using a set instead of a list makes sure that no file is cloned twice

Utilities now allows removing of functions and libs

The utility now allows removing these entries in case that they don’t work with potentialFoam

The Runner-utilities now have more options for clearing

Some of the options of for clearing cases (for instance specifying additional files) have been ported to the Runner-utilities. Also is the postProcessing-directory removed by default


SolutionDirectory and TimeDirectory are more tolerant

If there are field files and their zipped counterpart than instead of an error a warning can be given

ClusterJob now handles template files

A new method templateFile gets the name of a file which is constructed from a template of the same name plus the extension .template

Additional parameters in ClusterJob

The method additionalParameters can return a dictionary with additional parameters

Custom data in directory easier accessible

In the written data in the sub-dictionary analyzed there is now a subdictionary Custom with the values of the custom expressions with the prefix CustomXX_ removed. This means that values that were available as


are now available as


The advantage is that the number part which was dependent on the order the expressions were specified is now no longer necessary (this should make scripts more stable)

The old notation is still available but deprecated

SolverJob now allows compression of output

The parameter solverLogCompress compresses the log-file while writing it to disc. Attention: This may lead to corrupted log-files if the run crashes

PyFoamApplication-class now allows quick access to data

The dictionary returned by getData() now allows access to all the elements as attributes.

New features/Utilities

Post-run hook that sends mail at the end of run

The hook-module MailToAddress sends a mail at the end of a run. Prerequisite is an SMTP-Server that doesn’t need authentication

New utility

This utility goes through cases and compresses single files. The cases can be searched recursively to.

Purpose of this utility is to shrink cases where writeCompression was not turned on during the run

Paraview-module to read additional data

A new module PyFoam.Paraview.Data reads additional data usually written by OpenFOAM. These are converted to vtkArray using the following functions and can be used in Programmable filters:

reads the data from sampled sets
reads data from a timeline directory
reads pickled plot data using RedoPlot

Enhancements can plot in XKCD-mode

When used with the option --implementation=xkcd and version of matplotlib that supports it is installed then plots are done in the style of the webcomics now displays disk usage in human readable form

If the disk usage of the cases is calculated then it is displayed in human readable form (as KB, MB, GB or TB) for sizes larger than one Kilobyte more flexible in selection of data to be removed

Options to be more flexible in removing data are added:

keep timesteps at a specified interval. For instance --keep-interval=0.1 will keep times like $1$, $1.1$ etc but remove $1.05$
this will not remove any times in the processor-directories. Also are things like keep-last now honored for processor directories
Remove the directories with the analyzed data too. Old behavior was to remove them. Now they are kept by default automatically chooses template and default values

If an output file foo is specified and no template then the utility looks for a file foo.template as a template.

If a file foo.defaults is present then this file is read and used as default parameter values. Other specifications override these defaults can disable standard-fields

Additional option --disable-run-data prints pandas-object

With the -pandas-print-option a DataFrame is generated and printed

Better debugging with ipdb

If the ipdb-package (basically pdb with IPython-additions) is installed then it is used. This gives additions like tab-completion

Interactive shell after execution for utilities

The option --interactive-after-execution drops the user to an interactive shell where the namespace can be inspected. If present IPython will be used, otherwise the regular shell is used

Utilities that read quantitative data convert to pandas-data and/or numpy

This is mainly to be used on the interactive shell to do further analysis or write this data out. The utilities are:
add an item dump with the whole data as a DataFrame
add element series with all the data as Series and dataFrame with the same data as a DataFrame
Now can get series and the whole plot data as pandas-objects

Utilities that read quantitative data write Excel files

The utilities,, and now have options to write Excel-files

Specify additional settings for GnuPlot in customRegexp

If an item in customRegexp has an item gnuplotCommands then it is assumed that this is a list of strings which are executed before the first plotting. For instance

          gnuplotCommands (
             "set format y '%.2e'"

changes the number format on the y-axis

More flexible data specification for

Instead of determining the names of the fields and lines form the filenames it is now also possible to specify them through options.

The option --is-distribution is a shorthand that sets these options for distribution files now allows specification of x-range

The range of the x-axis of the plots can either be set by automatically scaling to the domains of all the data sets with --scale-domain or by specifying them with --domain-minimum or --domain-maximum.

These domains are set for all plots

Version 0.6.1 - 2013-05-24

Major changes


Restoring of controlDict after write

When activating an on-demand write the constrolDict was not restored because the output-line about the file being read was not recognized (due to a change in the output in recent OF-versions). Now a number of different formats is recognized

Custom-plot type slave not working if no master defined

That plot-type needs a master. Fixed to fail if none is defined

-list-only did not correctly parse lists with a numeric prefix

This did affect all utilities that use that option and also calls with listOnly to the library class

Utilities now allow more than one action

If multiple actions like --update and --build are specified they are executed in a sensible order (update before build etc)

Utilities warn if OpenFOAM-version is unset

If the environment variable that determines the OpenFOAM-version is unset a warning is issued by the utilities allows single files

If single file is specified then the action to transform it has can be specified transforms reaction-schemes

Now knows how to transform “old” reaction files (where the reactions-entry was a list) to the new format (where it is a dictionary). Only a limited number of reaction types is supported. transforms thermophysical data

Now the old form of thermophysical data (lists) is transformed into the new dictionary-form

pyFoamCloneCase now allows creating directory that symlinks to the original

Now with the option --symlink-mode instead of copying the directories from the original new directories art created and populated with symlinks to the files in the original. The depth until which no symlinks to directories are created can be specified. This allows the clone to share the configuration files with the original now removes postProcessing and allows removal of additional files

The directory postProcessing is now automatically removed (can be switched off with --keep-postprocessing). Also with the --additional-option patterns with additional files to remove can be specified.

Improvements to

  • Now reports the location of the python-executable
  • Reports locations of used libraries

Additional files automatically cloned

The files Allrun, Allclean and are automatically added during cloning as these are often used by the standard-utilities uses the same options for template format as

This makes sure that templates are handled consistently and also allows different delimiters in the blockMeshDict.template


Improvements in syntax of ParsedParameterFile

  • Now the new relative scoping that was introduced in OF 2.2 is supported

Utilities-class now function to find files matching a pattern

Added a function find that approxiamtes the find-command

VCS ignores more files

Some more patterns have been added that will be ignored in a VSC-controlled case. All of them concerning files that PyFoam creates during operation

New features/Utilities

New Utility

This utility replaces a symlink with a copy of the file/directories it points to. To be used after a in --symlink-mode

Version 0.6.0 - 2013-03-14

Major changes

Adaption to work with Python3

Sources are adapted so that PyFoam works with Python3 too. This breaks support for Python 2.4 and earlier (possibly also Python 2.5)

Some of the Libraries in PyFoam.ThirdParty had to be adapted to work with Python3:
The original version 1.8 is quite old. It was adapted with the help of the six-library (see below) to work with Python2 and Python3 (inspired by [] which is a pure port to Python3 without backwards compatibility)

New ThirdParty-Libraries

Library that helps supporting Python 2 and Python 3 in the same source code. Currently version 1.2 from [] is used
Templating library to support the new templating format. Version 0.2.0 from [] is used

Porting to Windows

Port to allow running PyFoam on Windows was done by Bruno Santos of blueCAPE (

Patch was originally posted at

Note: many of PyFoam’s features are not yet fully functional on Windows.

Experimental port to pypy

Sources are executed in pypy but it seems there are problems with numpy and also with code like for l in open(f).readlines()


Upgraded ply to 3.4

This brings virtually no changes. README with copyright information has been added


Parameters can’t be modified in CTestRun after initialization

This should help to avoid side-effects

Treat timeouts in the MetaServer right

Due to a previous workaround timeouts when collecting information about new machines was not treated correctly

Add execute-method to ClusterJob

This allows the execution of a shell-script in the directory of the case

Add possibility to run specific modules before or after the solver

These modules are found in PyFoam.Infrastructure.RunHooks. Two concrete implementations:

to print a text to the terminal
encode an URL and send it to a webservice (example for added)

Hooks are automatically instantiated from the configuration data (examples are hardcoded))

Parameters added to the info about the run

The Runner-classes now have a parameter parameters. This data (usually it would be a dictionary) is added verbatim to the run info.

Most runner applications now have the possibility to add this info.

Purpose of this facility is to identify different runs in the database better.

Parameter handling in ClusterJob extended

Parameter values are now handed to the actual job. Also a dictionary with parameters can be handed to the constructor and will be used in the relevant callbacks

Run data written alongside PickledPlots

During the run whenever the PickledPlots-file is written a file pickledUnfinishedData gets written. This has the current solver data and is similar to pickledData.

Also a file pickledStartData gets written that has the data that is available at the start of the run.

BasicRunner collects error and warning texts

The runner collects

  • at every warning the next 20 lines of the output until a total of 500 lines is reached (this avoids filling disk and memory if the solver produces too many warnings)
  • All output from an error message until the end

And stores them in the application data


TemplateFile now uses pyratemp

The class TempalteFile now uses an enhanced templating engine. The old implementation is in the class TemplateFileOldFormat

Clearer error message in Application-classes

If used as classes (not as utilities) these classes print the class name instead of the calling utilities name

Output is only colored if it goes to the terminal

Error and warning messages don’t decorate the output if it goes to files or other non-terminal streams

error-method of application classes now raises an exception

An exception is now raised by self.error(). This makes it easier to handle such errors if the application class is used. The exception is passed up until there is a “real” application

ParsedParameterFile now knows how to handle binary files

When the format of a file is binary lists with a length prefix are being read as binary blobs.

For reading the blobs a simple heuristics is used: a multiple of the length in bytes is read. If the next character is a ) and the characters after that are a certain combination of characters (newlines and ;) then it is assumed that the blob has ended. This may fail on certain occasions:

  • if the combination of characters appears at these places
  • if the objects inside the binary data are of different sizes

It would be hard to work around these restrictions without reprogramming the full functionality of OpenFOAM

LabledReSTTable for more flexible table generation

New class in the RestructuredTextHelper allows more flexible generation of tables. Items are added with column and row and if these don’t exist in the first row/column the table is extended appropriately

Plotting classes now allow setting of xlabel

This is implemented for Gnuplot and Matplotlib. Default for the label on the x-Axis is now “Time [s]”

Utilities with new templating engine

The utility can now use the pyratemp-templating engine which allows templates with loops, conditions and other fancy stuff allows using the reference data as basis for comparison

Instead of using the x-values from the original data the y-values of the reference data can be used for comparing (with the --use-reference-option)

Same for

Scaling and offsets are now used in plots of

If scales not equal to $1$ and offsets not equal to $0$ are specified they are used in the gnuplot-output prints relative average error

With the --relative-average-error-option

Enhancements to

  • More tolerant if no library was found
  • Reports the location of the PyFoam-Library
  • Checks whether utility version is consistent the library found allows hooks

Hooks can be added at the start and the end of a run supports range for plots

Added -end and -start-option to select a range that should be plotted.

Currently not working with the Matplotlib-implementation (only gnuplot) no supports templates

If a file with values is specified then the utility assumes you’re editing a template file and will evaluate it before displaying it is tolerant towards binary files

New switch that makes the parser treat files that are declared binary in the header as if they were ascii and raise error if no plots are generated

This makes it easier to catch faulty specifications (or empty timeline-files) can wait for a key

An option --wait has been added that makes the utility wait before displaying the next picture is more flexible with binary files

Switch allows forcing it to read a binary File as an ASCII

All utilities now have a switch that starts the debugger even with syntax-errors

Previously the option --interactive-debug only started the debugger if the error was no syntax error. This is still the default behavior, but can be overruled

Utilities now can be killed with USR1 and will give a traceback

The option --catch-USR1-signal now installs a signal-handler that prints a traceback and finishes the run. If the interactive debugger is enabled then it goes to the debugger-shell.

Option --keyboard-interrupt-trace triggers the same behaviour for keyboard interrupts with <Ctrl>-C

Switch to switch on all debug options

For the purpose of developing a switch --i-am-a-developer has been added.

Plotting utilities now allow specification of x-Axis label

With the option xlabel in the customRegexp-file the label on the x-axis of the plot can be changed. Setting ylabel and y2label (for the secondary axis) was already possible

Metrics and compare for and support time ranges

Now the options --min-time and --max-time are supported by --metrics and --compare allows graphical selection of blocks and patches

New addition by Marc Immer allows the graphical selection of blocks and patches and adds them to the blockMeshDict and accept additional parameters

The file LocalConfigPyFoam is read by these utilities and if there is a parameter addItem in the section Cloning defined then these files are cloned/packed automatically (no user specification required) now calculates estimated end-times

Additional option to print the estimated end times. These can be wrong if the case did not start from the startTime in the controlDict.

Also now allows printing the end and the start-time according to the controlDict

New features

Different “phases” for multi-region solvers

Plots of type phase in customRegexp don’t actually plot anything. The set a phase-name that is used for subsequent values (for instance to distinguish the different residuals) allows selection of region and time

Options --region and --time-directory added that allow selecting different boundary-files

New class for storing case data in a sqlite-database and associated utilities

The class RunDatabase stores the data from runs. Utility is one way to populate the database. allows dumping that data to a file for further processing (in a spreadsheet for instance)

Database can also be populated using a special post-run hook


Only binary packages of 1.x were found

Pattern had to start with 1 (now every digit is possible))

Option group Regular expressions was listed twice

No harm done. But fixed

--clear-option for not working

Reason was that rmtree does not allow wildcards. Fixed not working with variable substitution

The DictRedirect would not convert to float. Fixed. Although it might happen again for other data types

Option --function-object-data of not working with directories

The option was only implemented for the list-form of the functions entry in controlDict

Now fixed to also work with the dictionary-form

nonuniform of length 0 not correctly printed

Seems like the length was interpreted as the name of the list. Fixed

Building of pseudocases with broken

Only worked if no region was specified (= not at all). Fixed did not correctly honor --end and --start

Plots were over the whole data range. This is now fix (also the issue that --end alone did not work)

WriteParameterFile does not preserve the order of additions

Contents was “only” set as a dictionary which does not preserve the order in which entries are added. Replaced with a DictProxy

Wrong number of arguments when using TimelinePlot in positions-mode

Problem that was introduced by changes in the fields-mode

ClusterJob uses only metis for decomposition

For OpenFOAM-versions 1.6 and higher the automatic decomposition used is now scotch and produced no pictures for regions

As regions have their own subdirectories the / from the directory name was inserted into the filename and if the subdirectory did not exist gnuplot did not create the picture

Barplots in not working if value is a vector

The base class didn’t correctly handle the ( and ). Fixed

Mysterious deadlocks while plotting long logfiles

The problem was that during splitting the timeline data an exception was raised. This exception was caught by another part of PyFoam. This left a lock on the data structure locked and the next access to the structure was held indefinitely. Fixed

Scanning linear expressions form the block coupled solver failed

As there is a tuple of residuals the scanner did not analyze the output of the output of the block-coupled solver from 1.6-ext correctly. This is now treated as a special case and each residual is plotted separately (distinguished by a [x] with x being the number of the component)

#include not correctly working with macros in the included file

Macros $var were not correctly expanded. Fixed

Macros not correctly expanded to strings

When being expanded to string form macros were not correctly expanded in the working directory produces ‘invisible’ tar

If the utility was used in the form .

then an ‘invisible’ tar ..tgz was produced. Fixed

String at the end of a linear solver output makes parsing fail

Reported in [] the string is assumed to be part of the iteration number. Fixed

Paraview utilities not working with higher Paraview versions

At least for PV 3.14 and 3.98 the way the version number is determined has changed and the PV-utilities failed. This has been fixed but is untested with old versions

Camera settings not honored with

For the first rendered view Paraview automatically resets the camera. This has now been switched off (so the snapshot is rendered correctly)

Version 0.5.7 - 2012-04-13

Parser improvements

  • Problem with nested comments
  • Parse code streams
  • Preserving of comments can be switched off
  • Ignore extra semicolons
  • Allows parsing lists of length 3 and 9 as lists and not as vectors and tensors
  • “lookup redirection” in OF-dictionaries now works

Utility improvements

  • stops if the same directory is compared
  • shows the location of the biggest difference
  • allows only same ranges for comparisons
  • Generation of pickled-files can be switched of for runner-utilities
  • Frequency with which the pickled file is written is adapted (so that it doesn’t use ALL the CPU-time)
  • improved (Version of Python is checked etc)
  • fixed parameter checking
  • temporarily disable libs and functions
  • Only write last N loglines from Runner-utility
  • allow local specification of additional files that should be cleared
  • Runner utilities can report data about the run
  • now allows selection of columns
  • Utilities for quantative analysis now can return data
  • Utilities for quantative now correctly return data for multiple places
  • now allows specification of valid variable pre and postfixes to allow correct parsing of variable names with a _
  • endTime can be specified by the runner-utilities
  • Utilities now allow piping (using pickled data)
  • now allows the specification of a reference time
  • Nomenclature of and now similar (both call it fields)
  • now can use the -region-option ifthe OF-version is right
  • Forcing debug-mode fixed for older OF-versions
  • now accepts globalFaceZones in Python or OpenFOAM-syntax
  • Plot-utilities now don’t interpret _ in names not as LaTeX

New Utilities

  • pyFoamEchoPickledApplicationData to output pickled data
  • to output data from comparisons
  • to build project and its prerequisites (work in progress)
  • to create files for (by Martin Beaudoin)
  • to join STL-files

Library improvements

  • stabler comparisons
  • Paraview-Utilities work with 1.x and 2.x
  • Runner classes return a dictionary with data
  • TimelineDirectory ignores dot-files
  • Application-objects can now be used like dictionaries to access data
  • New class TableData for simple data tables
  • New class Data2DStatistics for statistics about tables
  • new class CTestRun as basis for automated testing
  • FoamOptionParser now resets environment variables so that application-classes can call other application classes
  • Improvements to HgInterface
  • Additional VCS-subclasses for git, svn and svk (implementation only as needed)
  • SolutionDir now uses as initial directory if no valid initial directory is present (this affects clearing and cloning)
  • FoamFileGenerator now more flexible for long lists
  • ParsedBlockMeshDict now doesn’t introduce prefixes for ‘long’ lists

Removed utilities



  • Got rid of Numeric-support in Gnuplot-library


  • script to generate man-pages for the utilities
  • Paraview3-example now renamed to and reads sampledSets from controlDict and sampleDict

Older Versions

The changes for older versions can be found on the Wiki-page