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Testing and Django by Carl Meyer

Presenter: Carl J. Meyer ( (@carljm)

PyCon 2012 presentation page:



Video running time: 47:15

The presenter

Name: Carl J. Meyer


Slides: [ View slides ] (The slides use Scott Chacon's ShowOff)

Code from slides:


(00:30 / 47:15 into the video)

  • The slides are online. The code is online.
  • There are going to be a lot of opinions in this talk about better ways to do testing.
  • Not a certified expert.
  • Opinions do not reflect the opinions of the Django developers.
  • We'll be using some features in the new Django 1.4 release candidate (Django 1.4 release notes).

Let's start a project

(01:18 / 47:15 into the video)

$ startproject testing .
## The period is a new Django 1.4 feature: the ability to start a new
## project in the current directory instead of creating a new subdirectory.
## (see

$ sed -i -e 's/backends\./backends.sqlite3/;' testing/
## Don't normally edit files using sed; it goes on a slide better than
## opening up an editor. Setting database backend to sqlite3.

$ ./ test
Ran 412 tests in 14.235s

FAILED (errors=2, skipped=1)
Destroying test database for alias 'default'...

This is the default Django testing experience. That ran 412 tests and took 14 seconds to do it. And that's using an in-memory sqlite database, which is the fastest way you can run Django's tests.

What's wrong here?

  • We'll never get those 14 seconds back. That's a long time to wait, given we haven't started writing code!
  • 2 failures in Django 1.4 RC - Those are due to a bug in Django that two tests in django.contrib.auth are insufficiently isolated from the project settings. They assume the existence of two databases configured in the settings.

Note from Marc on 2012-03-17: I just downloaded Django-1.4c2 and tried to reproduce the 2 failures, but I couldn't. So it looks like this issue was fixed.

Not all apps are created equal

(03:26 / 47:15 into the video)

There is a difference between apps that you create in your project and apps built into Django or third-party apps that you install.

For third-party apps, the only times I care about their tests is when I decide to use them or upgrade them. In between those times, I don't care and running their tests is a waste of time.

Some might argue that we need integration tests to verify that projects integrate properly with things like django.contrib.auth, but any tests written in django.contrib.auth that are not isolated are likely to fail, because there are so many ways to integrate. And an isolated test is probably just purely testing django.contrib.auth and projects shouldn't have to care about that. In other words...

  • Non-isolated tests break.
  • Isolated tests are pointless to run.
  • Integration tests should be written by the integrator.

This isn't a big problem. You can just do this:

./ test just my apps please

You could even wrap the above up in a shell script and you're done.

There's another problem...


(05:32 / 47:15 into the video)

from .test_forms import QuoteFormTest
from .test_models import (
    QuoteTest, SourceTest)
from .test_views import (
    AddQuoteTest, EditQuoteTest,

Django insists that all of your tests live in a tests module for each app.

If you split your tests into a bunch of separate modules (which you probably should if you're writing as many tests as you should), you have to import your submodules so Django's test runner <topics-testing-test_runner> can find it. This is 2012. That's ridiculous.

Django's test discovery

(06:10 / 47:15 into the video)

  • Wastes my time with tests I don't care about.
  • Requires app tests to be in a single module (resulting in boilerplate imports).
  • Forces intermingling of tests and non-test code.

It's easy to change.

(06:50 / 47:15 into the video)

  • unittest2 test discovery <unittest-test-discovery> (You could also use nose, py.test, etc...)
  • TEST_RUNNER setting

This is how much code it takes to make Django's test discovery good:

class DiscoveryRunner(DjangoTestSuiteRunner):
    """A test suite runner using unittest2 discovery."""

    def build_suite(self, test_labels, extra_tests=None, **kwargs):
        suite = None
        discovery_root = settings.TEST_DISCOVERY_ROOT

        if test_labels:
            suite = defaultTestLoader.loadTestsFromNames(

        if suite is None:
            suite =

        if extra_tests:
            for test in extra_tests:

        return reorder_suite(suite, (TestCase,))

import os.path
BASE_PATH = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__))
TEST_DISCOVERY_ROOT = os.path.join(BASE_PATH, "tests")
TEST_RUNNER = "tests.runner.DiscoveryRunner"

(There's an updated version of this test runner.)


(07:59 / 47:15 into the video)

  • Discovers tests wherever you want them.
  • Doesn't run tests from external apps by default.
  • Flexible specification of specific tests to run: Python dotted path to test module, not Django app label.
  • ./ test tests.quotes.test_views

Maybe in 1.5?

(08:37 / 47:15 into the video)

Types of test

(08:59 / 47:15 into the video)

  • "Much inferior restatement of Gary Bernhardt's excellent 'Fast Test, Slow Test' talk <fast-test-slow-test> from yesterday"
  • unit
  • system/integration/functional

Unit tests

(09:34 / 47:15 into the video)

  • Test one unit of code (a function or method) in something approaching isolation.
  • Fast, focused (useful failures).
  • Help you structure your code better.

TBD: Add some more detail here on what Carl said.

Integration tests

(10:35 / 47:15 into the video)

  • Also very important.
  • Test that the whole system works; catch regressions.
  • Slow.
  • Less useful failures. (Tell you something is broken, but takes longer to debug because it doesn't tell you where the problem is)
  • Write fewer. Most people have too many of these. Django makes these easy with Django test client, but you shouldn't have too many of these.

Testing models

(11:46 / 47:15 into the video)

The database makes your tests slow.

  • Try to write tests that don't hit it at all. (Erik Rose's talk <speedily-practical-large-scale-tests> had an excellent slide about the latency of L1 cache vs. L2 cache vs. memory vs. disk -- disk accesses are super expensive)
  • Separate db-independent model-layer functionality from db-dependent functionality.
    • Django doesn't make it easy to write tests that avoid hitting the database because the model layer encourages you to tie your models to the database.
    • So you need to do a bit of work here.
  • But you'll still have a lot of tests that do.
  • Mocking the database usually isn't worth it.
    • This is bound to fail. It's not a small and well-defined API so it's a lot of work.

A simple example of refactoring a model to separate out the db-independent functionality

(13:57 / 47:15 into the video)


class Thing(models.Model):
  def frobnicate(self):
    """Frobnicate and save the thing."""
    # ... do something complicated

There may be 20 different code paths before If we test all of them, all of those tests will hit the database.


def frobnicate_thing(thing):
  # ... do something complicated
  return thing

class Thing(models.Model):
  def frobnicate(self):
    """Frobnicate and save the thing."""

Pull out all the code that does the state modification and complex logic and make it not talk to the database. And then one test that tests that it saves to the database.


(15:22 / 47:15 into the video)

  • Here come some boring slides. Don't have any problem with how Django does this stuff...
  • Runs each test within a transaction.
  • Rolls back the transaction at the end of the test.
  • Monkeypatches transaction functions in your code to be no-ops.

This is nice because you don't have to have your tests truncate database tables or recreate database state.


(15:58 / 47:15 into the video)

  • Lets you test transactions in your code (doesn't wrap your tests in a transaction).
  • Hash to flush every database table after every test.
  • Makes your tests extra super bonus slow.
  • You want to have as few of these as possible.


(16:25 / 47:15 into the video)

  • Set up database state ahead of time.
  • Currently, the Django documentation points you to do these with fixtures (see "Providing initial data for models").
  • Example JSON fixture:
        "pk": 4,
        "model": "auth.user",
        "fields": {
            "username": "manager",
            "first_name": "",
            "last_name": "",
            "is_active": true,
            "is_superuser": false,
            "is_staff": false,
            "last_login": "2012-02-06 15:06:44",
  • Don't do it. If you've got them in your code, burn them.

Fixtures: Just say no.

(16:47 / 47:15 into the video)

[Applause :-)]

Probably the third talk that said this.

  • Hard to maintain and update.
    • hand editing JSON => terrible
    • changing stuff in the db and then dumping them => terrible
    • if you're clever you can use the django-fixture-generator app but might as well just skip fixtures altogether.
  • Increase test interdependence
    • too tempting to just throw things in the fixture and then the shared fixture couples tests together => unnecessary coupling between tests.
  • Slow to load.
    • People tend to put too much stuff in fixtures and every test loads the fixture and incurs the cost. There are tricks that Erik Rose talked about yesterday which are useful for legacy code (e.g.: "Per-Class Fixtures", but if you're writing new code, just don't use fixtures.

Model factories!

(18:41 / 47:15 into the video)

It's hard to use just vanilla ORM to set up dependencies because models have dependencies so you end up writing a lot of stuff just to get one model to test. This is why people like fixtures. But model factories are a better solution.

An example of something that you could write yourself, with no special tools: a user profile model.

def create_profile(**kwargs):
    defaults = {
        "likes_cheese": True,
        "age": 32,
        "address": "3815 Brookside Dr",
    if "user" not in defaults:
        defaults["user"] = create_user()
    return Profile.objects.create(

Using a factory

(20:02 / 47:15 into the video)

def test_can_vote(self):
    """A user 18 age+ can vote in the US."""
    profile = create_profile(age=18)

Or use factory_boy:

(21:22 / 47:15 into the video)


(a clone of Ruby's factory_girl)

class ProfileFactory(factory.Factory):
    FACTORY_FOR = Profile

    likes_cheese = True
    age = 32
    address = "3815 Brookside Dr"
    user = factory.SubFactory(UserFactory)

profile = ProfileFactory.create(
    age=18, user__username="carljm")
  • .create() saves the model object to the database.
  • .build() builds the model object but doesn't save it to the database.
  • So you can be explicit in your tests about whether or not they require the database.

Why factories?

(22:24 / 47:15 into the video)

  • Test data local to test code (explict).
    • Makes test clearer and easier to maintain. Nothing depending upon some distant fixture.
  • Easy to maintain.
  • Don't create any data you don't need for that test.
  • Works great even for large/complex test data sets (helper functions).

Imposing no-DB discipline.

(23:22 / 47:15 into the video)

  • Django makes it easy to not be clear whether or not you're talking to the database.
  • It can be helpful to specify that a test doesn't hit the database and have my code yell at me if it does.
  • For certain test cases.

(23:49 / 47:15 into the video)

Solution: Use Michael Foord's Mock library...

(Carl uses this library in every project. It is really useful for monkeypatching things for the sake of testing).

from django.utils.unittest import TestCase
import mock

cursor_wrapper = mock.Mock()
cursor_wrapper.side_effect = \
    RuntimeError("No touching the database!")

class NoDBTestCase(TestCase):
    """Will blow up if you database."""

Carl made a minor point here about how we're using django.utils.unittest.TestCase, which is essentially the TestCase class from the Python unittest2` module and we're not usingdjango.test.TestCase, which adds a bunch of Django-specific stuff for dealing with databases and transactions. The former is a little lighter, but it shouldn't make a big difference, because the Django stuff is smart about not doing database stuff if your test doesn't touch the database. There's `a nice diagram in the Django docs showing the class relationships <>`_. Testing views ============= (25:29 / 47:15 into the video) *Unit* testing views is hard. ----------------------------- * Views have many collaborators / dependencies. * Templates, database, middleware, url routing... * Write less view code! A common problem seen in Django projects is **too much view code**. Views know so much about your system, so it's tempting to put stuff in there because it's easy. Carl doesn't like to see view functions longer than 10-12 lines. Views are hard to write unit tests for, because they are where everything else comes together and they are coupled to a lot of stuff. One solution is to put less stuff in views since they're hard to test. You might also consider testing views with functional tests rather than unit tests. If you unit test views ---------------------- (27:05 / 47:15 into the video) * UseRequestFactory(`link in Django docs <>`_). - An under-publicized but very useful class for generating fakeHttpRequestobjects to pass directly to view callables. - If you're using the `Django test client <>`_, it is not a unit test. That goes through HTTP and thus is influenced by routing, middleware, etc. * Call the view callable directly. * Set up dependencies explicitly (e.g.:request.user,request.session)RequestFactoryexample -------------------------- (28:08 / 47:15 into the video) A hypothetical example of posting to a/locale/view to change the locale. .. code-block:: python def test_change_locale(self): """POST sets 'locale' key in session.""" request = RequestFactory().post("/locale/", {"locale": "es-mx"}) request.session = {} change_locale(request) self.assertEqual(request.session["locale"], "es-mx") Or don't. --------- (29:14 / 47:15 into the video) * Carl rarely unit tests views. * Carl writes less view code, and covers it via functional tests. Integration testing views ------------------------- (29:39 / 47:15 into the video) .. code-block:: python url = "/case/edit/{0}".format( step = case.steps.get() response =, { "product":, "name":, "description": case.description, "steps-TOTAL_FORMS": 2, "steps-INITIAL_FORMS": 1, "steps-MAX_NUM_FORMS": 3, "steps-0-step": step.step, "steps-0-expected": step.expected, "steps-1-step": "Click link.", "steps-1-expected": "Account active.", "status": case.status, }) * Django test client is sort of in a sour spot between a system test and a unit test. - It's a bad system test because it's easy to break it with a simple template change. - It's a bad unit test because it's going through way too much code. WebTest! -------- (31:16 / 47:15 into the video) * `WebTest <>`_ is a library from Ian Bicking. * WebTest knows a lot less about Django, which is a good thing. * WebTest interacts with your application through WSGI, which is much closer to how your users will interact with your application. * WebTest knows more about HTML. .. code-block:: python url = "/case/edit/{0}".format( form =["case-form"] form["steps-1-step"] = "Click link." form["steps-1-expected"] = "Account active." response = form.submit() * WebTest parses the form HTML and can submit it like a browser would. * Notice how much simpler the WebTest example is compared to the Django test client example. WebTest eliminates a lot of boilerplate. The markup matters. ------------------- (32:51 / 47:15 into the video) * If it can break, it should be tested. * It can especially break forms. * The output of your view is an HTTP response; the template + context is an implementation detail. WebTest > django.test.Client ---------------------------- (34:12 / 47:15 into the video) * System tests are easier and faster to write. * Tests give you more confidence that the view works. * There is also a project called `django-webtest <>`_ that tries to integrate WebTest with Django. .. code-block:: python self.assertEqual(response.json, ["one", "two", "three"]) self.assertEqual(resp.html.find("a", title="Login").href, "/login/") WebTest has some nice features: * It parses JSON. * It parses HTML (using `BeautifulSoup <>`_ or `lxml <>`_). In-browser testing ================== (34:54 / 47:15 into the video) More and more functionality depends on both JS and server. Needs to be tested too. Is easier than you think. ------------------------- * Especially in Django 1.4. *pip install selenium*LiveServerTestCase(`Django docs on LiveServerTestCase <>`_) -LiveServerTestCaseruns the development server in a separate thread. .. code-block:: python from django.test import LiveServerTestCase from selenium.webdriver.firefox.webdriver import WebDriver class MySeleniumTests(LiveServerTestCase): @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): cls.selenium = WebDriver() super(MySeleniumTests, cls).setUpClass() @classmethod def tearDownClass(cls): super(MySeleniumTests, cls).tearDownClass() cls.selenium.quit() def test_login(self): self.selenium.get("%s%s" % (self.live_server_url, "/login/")) username_input = self.selenium.find_element_by_name("username") username_input.send_keys("myuser") password_input = self.selenium.find_element_by_name("password") password_input.send_keys("secret") What type of test to write? =========================== (36:17 / 47:15 into the video) Carl's rules of thumb: * Write system tests for your views. * Write Selenium tests for Ajax, other JS/server interactions. * Write as few of the above 2 as possible. * Write unit tests for everything else (not strict). - e.g.: when testing aModelForm, might not bother to mock out the model. * Test each case (code branch) where it occurs. * One assert/action per test case method. - One assert is stricter. - danger of multiple asserts is that if one assert fails, you don't know whether the other ones would pass or fail. * Very rough guidelines; what works for Carl. Not strict; e.g. tests for aModelFormdon't mock the model. * You should really avoid multiple step tests -- it's tempting but makes debugging tests harder. Example of testing a view ------------------------- (38:43 / 47:15 into the video) .. code-block:: python def add_quote(request): if request.method == "POST": form = QuoteForm(request.POST) if form.is_valid(): return redirect("quote_list") else: form = QuoteForm() return TemplateResponse( request, "add_quote.html", {"form": form}, ) * This view should have 3 tests. Model/form special cases should be unit tested. And views shouldn't get much more complex. Testing documentation ===================== (40:00 / 47:15 into the video) "We have always been at war with doctests" ------------------------------------------ * doctests let you put executable code examples in your docs and have the examples executed and verified (`Django docs on doctests <>`_). * Not entirely fair. * Doctests are great. * For testing documentation examples. You have Sphinx docs. --------------------- (40:59 / 47:15 into the video) * Right? You have API code examples. In your Sphinx docs. You can add stuff to make sure that examples in Sphinx docs are tested. In any test file: .. code-block:: python def load_tests(loader, tests, ignore): path = os.path.join( settings.BASE_PATH, "docs", "examples.rst", ) tests.addTests( doctest.DocFileSuite(path)) return tests Your examples are tested! * Please don't abuse this. - If you start treating these like tests for your code instead of documentation, then it will get complex and you will have bad documentation. * Keep them documentation first.@override_settings(ALLOW_COMMENTS=True)------------------------------------------- (42:07 / 47:15 into the video) Testing with a specific settings value - the anti-pattern: .. code-block:: python def test_comments_allowed(self): old_allow = settings.ALLOW_COMMENTS settings.ALLOW_COMMENTS = True try: # ... finally: settings.ALLOW_COMMENTS = old_allow A better way to do this would be using `Michael Foord's Mock library`_. In Django 1.4, using the@override_settingsdecorator (`Django docs on override_settings <>`_): .. code-block:: python @override_settings(ALLOW_COMMENTS=True) def test_comments_allowed(self): # ... Questions? ========== (42:51 / 47:15 into the video) Note that the following questions and answers are not verbatim quotes. I have paraphrased and summarized. Question: Any comments on the various Django nose modules that are around? Carl: has used :py:mod:`django-nose` and is pretty happy with :ref:`unittest2 test discovery <unittest-test-discovery>`. Django'sTEST_RUNNER`` setting makes it pretty easy to swap in whatever test runner you like.

Question: Ever felt like you need to test the formset implementation?

Carl: If I were testing something in the formset, I would use a unit test for the formset class.

Question: More something that involves interaction between the formset and the view...or is this a code smell?

(They went back and forth a little bit and I didn't follow it too well).

Question: Thank you for your work on pip and virtualenv. I try not to repeat myself and create reusable apps. Any advice on how to test reusable apps, especially if I intend to put them on PyPI?

Carl: Don't make the mistake of putting the tests for your app in a, because then other people who use your app will be forced to run your tests when they don't really need to. Better to put your tests in another directory and then set up a test runner for your reusable app to run them for you.