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File metadata and controls

2248 lines (1761 loc) · 92 KB


The MLflow R API allows you to use MLflow Tracking <tracking/>, Projects <projects/> and Models <models/>.

You can use the R API to install MLflow, start the user interface, create and list experiments, save models, run projects and serve models among many other functions available in the R API.

Table of Contents


Install MLflow

Installs auxiliary dependencies of MLflow (e.g. the MLflow CLI). As a one-time setup step, you must run install_mlflow() to install these dependencies before calling other MLflow APIs.

install_mlflow(python_version = "3.7")


Argument Description
python_version Optional Python version to use within conda environment created for installing the MLflow CLI. If unspecified, defaults to using Python 3.6


install_mlflow() requires Python and Conda to be installed. See and .

Alternatively, you can set MLFLOW_PYTHON_BIN and MLFLOW_BIN environment variables instead. MLFLOW_PYTHON_BIN should point to python executable and MLFLOW_BIN to mlflow cli executable. These variables allow you to use custom mlflow installation. Note that there may be some compatibility issues if the custom mlflow version does not match the version of the R package.




Initialize an MLflow Client

Initializes and returns an MLflow client that communicates with the tracking server or store at the specified URI.

mlflow_client(tracking_uri = NULL)


Argument Description
tracking_uri The tracking URI. If not provided, defaults to the service set by mlflow_set_tracking_uri().


Create Experiment

Creates an MLflow experiment and returns its id.

  artifact_location = NULL,
  client = NULL,
  tags = NULL


Argument Description
name The name of the experiment to create.
artifact_location Location where all artifacts for this experiment are stored. If not provided, the remote server will select an appropriate default.
client (Optional) An MLflow client object returned from mlflow_client . If specified, MLflow will use the tracking server associated with the passed-in client. If unspecified (the common case), MLflow will use the tracking server associated with the current tracking URI.
tags Experiment tags to set on the experiment upon experiment creation.


Create a model version

Create a model version

  run_id = NULL,
  tags = NULL,
  run_link = NULL,
  description = NULL,
  client = NULL


Argument Description
name Register model under this name.
source URI indicating the location of the model artifacts.
run_id MLflow run ID for correlation, if source was generated by an experiment run in MLflow Tracking.
tags Additional metadata.
run_link MLflow run link - This is the exact link of the run that generated this model version.
description Description for model version.
client (Optional) An MLflow client object returned from mlflow_client . If specified, MLflow will use the tracking server associated with the passed-in client. If unspecified (the common case), MLflow will use the tracking server associated with the current tracking URI.


Create registered model

Creates a new registered model in the model registry

  tags = NULL,
  description = NULL,
  client = NULL


Argument Description
name The name of the model to create.
tags Additional metadata for the registered model (Optional).
description Description for the registered model (Optional).
client (Optional) An MLflow client object returned from mlflow_client . If specified, MLflow will use the tracking server associated with the passed-in client. If unspecified (the common case), MLflow will use the tracking server associated with the current tracking URI.


Delete Experiment

Marks an experiment and associated runs, params, metrics, etc. for deletion. If the experiment uses FileStore, artifacts associated with experiment are also deleted.

mlflow_delete_experiment(experiment_id, client = NULL)


Argument Description
experiment_id ID of the associated experiment. This field is required.
client (Optional) An MLflow client object returned from mlflow_client . If specified, MLflow will use the tracking server associated with the passed-in client. If unspecified (the common case), MLflow will use the tracking server associated with the current tracking URI.


Delete a model version

Delete a model version

mlflow_delete_model_version(name, version, client = NULL)


Argument Description
name Name of the registered model.
version Model version number.
client (Optional) An MLflow client object returned from mlflow_client . If specified, MLflow will use the tracking server associated with the passed-in client. If unspecified (the common case), MLflow will use the tracking server associated with the current tracking URI.


Delete registered model

Deletes an existing registered model by name

mlflow_delete_registered_model(name, client = NULL)


Argument Description
name The name of the model to delete
client (Optional) An MLflow client object returned from mlflow_client . If specified, MLflow will use the tracking server associated with the passed-in client. If unspecified (the common case), MLflow will use the tracking server associated with the current tracking URI.


Delete a Run

Deletes the run with the specified ID.

mlflow_delete_run(run_id, client = NULL)


Argument Description
run_id Run ID.
client (Optional) An MLflow client object returned from mlflow_client . If specified, MLflow will use the tracking server associated with the passed-in client. If unspecified (the common case), MLflow will use the tracking server associated with the current tracking URI.


Delete Tag

Deletes a tag on a run. This is irreversible. Tags are run metadata that can be updated during a run and after a run completes.

mlflow_delete_tag(key, run_id = NULL, client = NULL)


Argument Description
key Name of the tag. Maximum size is 255 bytes. This field is required.
run_id Run ID.
client (Optional) An MLflow client object returned from mlflow_client . If specified, MLflow will use the tracking server associated with the passed-in client. If unspecified (the common case), MLflow will use the tracking server associated with the current tracking URI.


Download Artifacts

Download an artifact file or directory from a run to a local directory if applicable, and return a local path for it.

mlflow_download_artifacts(path, run_id = NULL, client = NULL)


Argument Description
path Relative source path to the desired artifact.
run_id Run ID.
client (Optional) An MLflow client object returned from mlflow_client . If specified, MLflow will use the tracking server associated with the passed-in client. If unspecified (the common case), MLflow will use the tracking server associated with the current tracking URI.


End a Run

Terminates a run. Attempts to end the current active run if run_id is not specified.

  status = c("FINISHED", "FAILED", "KILLED"),
  end_time = NULL,
  run_id = NULL,
  client = NULL


Argument Description
status Updated status of the run. Defaults to FINISHED. Can also be set to “FAILED” or “KILLED”.
end_time Unix timestamp of when the run ended in milliseconds.
run_id Run ID.
client (Optional) An MLflow client object returned from mlflow_client . If specified, MLflow will use the tracking server associated with the passed-in client. If unspecified (the common case), MLflow will use the tracking server associated with the current tracking URI.


Get Experiment

Gets metadata for an experiment and a list of runs for the experiment. Attempts to obtain the active experiment if both experiment_id and name are unspecified.

mlflow_get_experiment(experiment_id = NULL, name = NULL, client = NULL)


Argument Description
experiment_id ID of the experiment.
name The experiment name. Only one of name or experiment_id should be specified.
client (Optional) An MLflow client object returned from mlflow_client . If specified, MLflow will use the tracking server associated with the passed-in client. If unspecified (the common case), MLflow will use the tracking server associated with the current tracking URI.


Get latest model versions

Retrieves a list of the latest model versions for a given model.

mlflow_get_latest_versions(name, stages = list(), client = NULL)


Argument Description
name Name of the model.
stages A list of desired stages. If the input list is NULL, return latest versions for ALL_STAGES.
client (Optional) An MLflow client object returned from mlflow_client . If specified, MLflow will use the tracking server associated with the passed-in client. If unspecified (the common case), MLflow will use the tracking server associated with the current tracking URI.


Get Metric History

Get a list of all values for the specified metric for a given run.

mlflow_get_metric_history(metric_key, run_id = NULL, client = NULL)


Argument Description
metric_key Name of the metric.
run_id Run ID.
client (Optional) An MLflow client object returned from mlflow_client . If specified, MLflow will use the tracking server associated with the passed-in client. If unspecified (the common case), MLflow will use the tracking server associated with the current tracking URI.


Get a model version

Get a model version

mlflow_get_model_version(name, version, client = NULL)


Argument Description
name Name of the registered model.
version Model version number.
client (Optional) An MLflow client object returned from mlflow_client . If specified, MLflow will use the tracking server associated with the passed-in client. If unspecified (the common case), MLflow will use the tracking server associated with the current tracking URI.


Get a registered model

Retrieves a registered model from the Model Registry.

mlflow_get_registered_model(name, client = NULL)


Argument Description
name The name of the model to retrieve.
client (Optional) An MLflow client object returned from mlflow_client . If specified, MLflow will use the tracking server associated with the passed-in client. If unspecified (the common case), MLflow will use the tracking server associated with the current tracking URI.


Get Run

Gets metadata, params, tags, and metrics for a run. Returns a single value for each metric key: the most recently logged metric value at the largest step.

mlflow_get_run(run_id = NULL, client = NULL)


Argument Description
run_id Run ID.
client (Optional) An MLflow client object returned from mlflow_client . If specified, MLflow will use the tracking server associated with the passed-in client. If unspecified (the common case), MLflow will use the tracking server associated with the current tracking URI.


Get Remote Tracking URI

Gets the remote tracking URI.



Get Run or Experiment ID

Extracts the ID of the run or experiment.

list(list("mlflow_id"), list("mlflow_run"))(object)
list(list("mlflow_id"), list("mlflow_experiment"))(object)


Argument Description
object An mlflow_run or mlflow_experiment object.


List Artifacts

Gets a list of artifacts.

mlflow_list_artifacts(path = NULL, run_id = NULL, client = NULL)


Argument Description
path The run’s relative artifact path to list from. If not specified, it is set to the root artifact path
run_id Run ID.
client (Optional) An MLflow client object returned from mlflow_client . If specified, MLflow will use the tracking server associated with the passed-in client. If unspecified (the common case), MLflow will use the tracking server associated with the current tracking URI.


List Experiments

Gets a list of all experiments.

  view_type = c("ACTIVE_ONLY", "DELETED_ONLY", "ALL"),
  client = NULL


Argument Description
view_type Qualifier for type of experiments to be returned. Defaults to ACTIVE_ONLY.
client (Optional) An MLflow client object returned from mlflow_client . If specified, MLflow will use the tracking server associated with the passed-in client. If unspecified (the common case), MLflow will use the tracking server associated with the current tracking URI.


List registered models

Retrieves a list of registered models.

  max_results = 100,
  page_token = NULL,
  client = NULL


Argument Description
max_results Maximum number of registered models to retrieve.
page_token Pagination token to go to the next page based on a previous query.
client (Optional) An MLflow client object returned from mlflow_client . If specified, MLflow will use the tracking server associated with the passed-in client. If unspecified (the common case), MLflow will use the tracking server associated with the current tracking URI.


List Run Infos

Returns a tibble whose columns contain run metadata (run ID, etc) for all runs under the specified experiment.

  run_view_type = c("ACTIVE_ONLY", "DELETED_ONLY", "ALL"),
  experiment_id = NULL,
  client = NULL


Argument Description
run_view_type Run view type.
experiment_id Experiment ID. Attempts to use the active experiment if not specified.
client (Optional) An MLflow client object returned from mlflow_client . If specified, MLflow will use the tracking server associated with the passed-in client. If unspecified (the common case), MLflow will use the tracking server associated with the current tracking URI.


Load MLflow Model Flavor

Loads an MLflow model using a specific flavor. This method is called internally by mlflow_load_model , but is exposed for package authors to extend the supported MLflow models. See for more info on MLflow model flavors.

mlflow_load_flavor(flavor, model_path)


Argument Description
flavor An MLflow flavor object loaded by mlflow_load_model <#mlflow-load-mod el>__ , with class loaded from the flavor field in an MLmodel file.
model_path The path to the MLflow model wrapped in the correct class.


Load MLflow Model

Loads an MLflow model. MLflow models can have multiple model flavors. Not all flavors / models can be loaded in R. This method by default searches for a flavor supported by R/MLflow.

mlflow_load_model(model_uri, flavor = NULL, client = mlflow_client())


Argument Description
model_uri The location, in URI format, of the MLflow model.
flavor Optional flavor specification (string). Can be used to load a particular flavor in case there are multiple flavors available.
client (Optional) An MLflow client object returned from mlflow_client . If specified, MLflow will use the tracking server associated with the passed-in client. If unspecified (the common case), MLflow will use the tracking server associated with the current tracking URI.


The URI scheme must be supported by MLflow - i.e. there has to be an MLflow artifact repository corresponding to the scheme of the URI. The content is expected to point to a directory containing MLmodel. The following are examples of valid model uris:

  • file:///absolute/path/to/local/model
  • file:relative/path/to/local/model
  • s3://my_bucket/path/to/model
  • runs:/<mlflow_run_id>/run-relative/path/to/model
  • models:/<model_name>/<model_version>
  • models:/<model_name>/<stage>

For more information about supported URI schemes, see the Artifacts Documentation at


Log Artifact

Logs a specific file or directory as an artifact for a run.

mlflow_log_artifact(path, artifact_path = NULL, run_id = NULL, client = NULL)


Argument Description
path The file or directory to log as an artifact.
artifact_path Destination path within the run’s artifact URI.
run_id Run ID.
client (Optional) An MLflow client object returned from mlflow_client . If specified, MLflow will use the tracking server associated with the passed-in client. If unspecified (the common case), MLflow will use the tracking server associated with the current tracking URI.


When logging to Amazon S3, ensure that you have the s3:PutObject, s3:GetObject, s3:ListBucket, and s3:GetBucketLocation permissions on your bucket.

Additionally, at least the AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY environment variables must be set to the corresponding key and secrets provided by Amazon IAM.


Log Batch

Log a batch of metrics, params, and/or tags for a run. The server will respond with an error (non-200 status code) if any data failed to be persisted. In case of error (due to internal server error or an invalid request), partial data may be written.

  metrics = NULL,
  params = NULL,
  tags = NULL,
  run_id = NULL,
  client = NULL


Argument Description
metrics A dataframe of metrics to log, containing the following columns: “key”, “value”, “step”, “timestamp”. This dataframe cannot contain any missing (‘NA’) entries.
params A dataframe of params to log, containing the following columns: “key”, “value”. This dataframe cannot contain any missing (‘NA’) entries.
tags A dataframe of tags to log, containing the following columns: “key”, “value”. This dataframe cannot contain any missing (‘NA’) entries.
run_id Run ID.
client (Optional) An MLflow client object returned from mlflow_client . If specified, MLflow will use the tracking server associated with the passed-in client. If unspecified (the common case), MLflow will use the tracking server associated with the current tracking URI.


Log Metric

Logs a metric for a run. Metrics key-value pair that records a single float measure. During a single execution of a run, a particular metric can be logged several times. The MLflow Backend keeps track of historical metric values along two axes: timestamp and step.

  timestamp = NULL,
  step = NULL,
  run_id = NULL,
  client = NULL


Argument Description
key Name of the metric.
value Float value for the metric being logged.
timestamp Timestamp at which to log the metric. Timestamp is rounded to the nearest integer. If unspecified, the number of milliseconds since the Unix epoch is used.
step Step at which to log the metric. Step is rounded to the nearest integer. If unspecified, the default value of zero is used.
run_id Run ID.
client (Optional) An MLflow client object returned from mlflow_client . If specified, MLflow will use the tracking server associated with the passed-in client. If unspecified (the common case), MLflow will use the tracking server associated with the current tracking URI.


Log Model

Logs a model for this run. Similar to mlflow_save_model() but stores model as an artifact within the active run.

mlflow_log_model(model, artifact_path, ...)


Argument Description
model The model that will perform a prediction.
artifact_path Destination path where this MLflow compatible model will be saved.
... Optional additional arguments passed to mlflow_save_model() when persisting the model. For example, conda_env = /path/to/conda.yaml may be passed to specify a conda dependencies file for flavors (e.g. keras) that support conda environments.


Log Parameter

Logs a parameter for a run. Examples are params and hyperparams used for ML training, or constant dates and values used in an ETL pipeline. A param is a STRING key-value pair. For a run, a single parameter is allowed to be logged only once.

mlflow_log_param(key, value, run_id = NULL, client = NULL)


Argument Description
key Name of the parameter.
value String value of the parameter.
run_id Run ID.
client (Optional) An MLflow client object returned from mlflow_client . If specified, MLflow will use the tracking server associated with the passed-in client. If unspecified (the common case), MLflow will use the tracking server associated with the current tracking URI.


Create conda env used by MLflow if it doesn’t already exist

Create conda env used by MLflow if it doesn’t already exist



Argument Description
python_version Python version to use within conda environment created for installing the MLflow CLI.


Read Command-Line Parameter

Reads a command-line parameter passed to an MLflow project MLflow allows you to define named, typed input parameters to your R scripts via the mlflow_param API. This is useful for experimentation, e.g. tracking multiple invocations of the same script with different parameters.

mlflow_param(name, default = NULL, type = NULL, description = NULL)


Argument Description
name The name of the parameter.
default The default value of the parameter.
type Type of this parameter. Required if default is not set. If specified, must be one of “numeric”, “integer”, or “string”.
description Optional description for the parameter.


# This parametrized script trains a GBM model on the Iris dataset and can be run as an MLflow
# project. You can run this script (assuming it's saved at /some/directory/params_example.R)
# with custom parameters via:
# mlflow_run(entry_point = "params_example.R", uri = "/some/directory",
#   parameters = list(num_trees = 200, learning_rate = 0.1))
# define and read input parameters
num_trees <- mlflow_param(name = "num_trees", default = 200, type = "integer")
lr <- mlflow_param(name = "learning_rate", default = 0.1, type = "numeric")
# use params to fit a model
ir.adaboost <- gbm(Species ~., data=iris, n.trees=num_trees, shrinkage=lr)


Generate Prediction with MLflow Model

Performs prediction over a model loaded using mlflow_load_model() , to be used by package authors to extend the supported MLflow models.

mlflow_predict(model, data, ...)


Argument Description
model The loaded MLflow model flavor.
data A data frame to perform scoring.
... Optional additional arguments passed to underlying predict methods.


Register an external MLflow observer

Registers an external MLflow observer that will receive a register_tracking_event(event_name, data) callback on any model tracking event such as “create_run”, “delete_run”, or “log_metric”. Each observer should have a register_tracking_event(event_name, data) callback accepting a character vector event_name specifying the name of the tracking event, and data containing a list of attributes of the event. The callback should be non-blocking, and ideally should complete instantaneously. Any exception thrown from the callback will be ignored.



Argument Description
observer The observer object (see example)



observer <- structure(list())
observer$register_tracking_event <- function(event_name, data) {


Rename Experiment

Renames an experiment.

mlflow_rename_experiment(new_name, experiment_id = NULL, client = NULL)


Argument Description
new_name The experiment’s name will be changed to this. The new name must be unique.
experiment_id ID of the associated experiment. This field is required.
client (Optional) An MLflow client object returned from mlflow_client . If specified, MLflow will use the tracking server associated with the passed-in client. If unspecified (the common case), MLflow will use the tracking server associated with the current tracking URI.


Rename a registered model

Renames a model in the Model Registry.

mlflow_rename_registered_model(name, new_name, client = NULL)


Argument Description
name The current name of the model.
new_name The new name for the model.
client (Optional) An MLflow client object returned from mlflow_client . If specified, MLflow will use the tracking server associated with the passed-in client. If unspecified (the common case), MLflow will use the tracking server associated with the current tracking URI.


Restore Experiment

Restores an experiment marked for deletion. This also restores associated metadata, runs, metrics, and params. If experiment uses FileStore, underlying artifacts associated with experiment are also restored.

mlflow_restore_experiment(experiment_id, client = NULL)


Argument Description
experiment_id ID of the associated experiment. This field is required.
client (Optional) An MLflow client object returned from mlflow_client . If specified, MLflow will use the tracking server associated with the passed-in client. If unspecified (the common case), MLflow will use the tracking server associated with the current tracking URI.


Throws RESOURCE_DOES_NOT_EXIST if the experiment was never created or was permanently deleted.


Restore a Run

Restores the run with the specified ID.

mlflow_restore_run(run_id, client = NULL)


Argument Description
run_id Run ID.
client (Optional) An MLflow client object returned from mlflow_client . If specified, MLflow will use the tracking server associated with the passed-in client. If unspecified (the common case), MLflow will use the tracking server associated with the current tracking URI.


Serve an RFunc MLflow Model

Serves an RFunc MLflow model as a local REST API server. This interface provides similar functionality to mlflow models serve cli command, however, it can only be used to deploy models that include RFunc flavor. The deployed server supports standard mlflow models interface with /ping and /invocation endpoints. In addition, R function models also support deprecated /predict endpoint for generating predictions. The /predict endpoint will be removed in a future version of mlflow.

  host = "",
  port = 8090,
  daemonized = FALSE,
  browse = !daemonized,


Argument Description
model_uri The location, in URI format, of the MLflow model.
host Address to use to serve model, as a string.
port Port to use to serve model, as numeric.
daemonized Makes httpuv server daemonized so R interactive sessions are not blocked to handle requests. To terminate a daemonized server, call httpuv::stopDaemonizedServer() with the handle returned from this call.
browse Launch browser with serving landing page?
... Optional arguments passed to mlflow_predict().


The URI scheme must be supported by MLflow - i.e. there has to be an MLflow artifact repository corresponding to the scheme of the URI. The content is expected to point to a directory containing MLmodel. The following are examples of valid model uris:

  • file:///absolute/path/to/local/model
  • file:relative/path/to/local/model
  • s3://my_bucket/path/to/model
  • runs:/<mlflow_run_id>/run-relative/path/to/model
  • models:/<model_name>/<model_version>
  • models:/<model_name>/<stage>

For more information about supported URI schemes, see the Artifacts Documentation at



# save simple model with constant prediction
mlflow_save_model(function(df) 1, "mlflow_constant")

# serve an existing model over a web interface

# request prediction from server


Run an MLflow Project

Wrapper for the mlflow run CLI command. See for more info.

  uri = ".",
  entry_point = NULL,
  version = NULL,
  parameters = NULL,
  experiment_id = NULL,
  experiment_name = NULL,
  backend = NULL,
  backend_config = NULL,
  no_conda = FALSE,
  storage_dir = NULL


Argument Description
uri A directory containing modeling scripts, defaults to the current directory.
entry_point Entry point within project, defaults to main if not specified.
version Version of the project to run, as a Git commit reference for Git projects.
parameters A list of parameters.
experiment_id ID of the experiment under which to launch the run.
experiment_name Name of the experiment under which to launch the run.
backend Execution backend to use for run.
backend_config Path to JSON file which will be passed to the backend. For the Databricks backend, it should describe the cluster to use when launching a run on Databricks.
no_conda If specified, assume that MLflow is running within a Conda environment with the necessary dependencies for the current project instead of attempting to create a new Conda environment. Only valid if running locally.
storage_dir Valid only when backend is local. MLflow downloads artifacts from distributed URIs passed to parameters of type path to subdirectories of storage_dir.


The run associated with this run.


# This parametrized script trains a GBM model on the Iris dataset and can be run as an MLflow
# project. You can run this script (assuming it's saved at /some/directory/params_example.R)
# with custom parameters via:
# mlflow_run(entry_point = "params_example.R", uri = "/some/directory",
#   parameters = list(num_trees = 200, learning_rate = 0.1))
# define and read input parameters
num_trees <- mlflow_param(name = "num_trees", default = 200, type = "integer")
lr <- mlflow_param(name = "learning_rate", default = 0.1, type = "numeric")
# use params to fit a model
ir.adaboost <- gbm(Species ~., data=iris, n.trees=num_trees, shrinkage=lr)


Save Model for MLflow

Saves model in MLflow format that can later be used for prediction and serving. This method is generic to allow package authors to save custom model types.

list(list("mlflow_save_model"), list("crate"))(model, path, model_spec = list(), ...)
mlflow_save_model(model, path, model_spec = list(), ...)
list(list("mlflow_save_model"), list("H2OModel"))(model, path, model_spec = list(), conda_env = NULL, ...)
list(list("mlflow_save_model"), list(""))(model, path, model_spec = list(), conda_env = NULL, ...)
list(list("mlflow_save_model"), list("xgb.Booster"))(model, path, model_spec = list(), conda_env = NULL, ...)


Argument Description
model The model that will perform a prediction.
path Destination path where this MLflow compatible model will be saved.
model_spec MLflow model config this model flavor is being added to.
... Optional additional arguments.
conda_env Path to Conda dependencies file.


Search Runs

Search for runs that satisfy expressions. Search expressions can use Metric and Param keys.

  filter = NULL,
  run_view_type = c("ACTIVE_ONLY", "DELETED_ONLY", "ALL"),
  experiment_ids = NULL,
  order_by = list(),
  client = NULL


Argument Description
filter A filter expression over params, metrics, and tags, allowing returning a subset of runs. The syntax is a subset of SQL which allows only ANDing together binary operations between a param/metric/tag and a constant.
run_view_type Run view type.
experiment_ids List of string experiment IDs (or a single string experiment ID) to search over. Attempts to use active experiment if not specified.
order_by List of properties to order by. Example: “metrics.acc DESC”.
client (Optional) An MLflow client object returned from mlflow_client . If specified, MLflow will use the tracking server associated with the passed-in client. If unspecified (the common case), MLflow will use the tracking server associated with the current tracking URI.


Run MLflow Tracking Server

Wrapper for mlflow server.

  file_store = "mlruns",
  default_artifact_root = NULL,
  host = "",
  port = 5000,
  workers = 4,
  static_prefix = NULL


Argument Description
file_store The root of the backing file store for experiment and run data.
default_artifact_root Local or S3 URI to store artifacts in, for newly created experiments.
host The network address to listen on (default:
port The port to listen on (default: 5000).
workers Number of gunicorn worker processes to handle requests (default: 4).
static_prefix A prefix which will be prepended to the path of all static paths.


Set Experiment

Sets an experiment as the active experiment. Either the name or ID of the experiment can be provided. If the a name is provided but the experiment does not exist, this function creates an experiment with provided name. Returns the ID of the active experiment.

  experiment_name = NULL,
  experiment_id = NULL,
  artifact_location = NULL


Argument Description
experiment_name Name of experiment to be activated.
experiment_id ID of experiment to be activated.
artifact_location Location where all artifacts for this experiment are stored. If not provided, the remote server will select an appropriate default.


Set Experiment Tag

Sets a tag on an experiment with the specified ID. Tags are experiment metadata that can be updated.

mlflow_set_experiment_tag(key, value, experiment_id = NULL, client = NULL)


Argument Description
key Name of the tag. All storage backends are guaranteed to support key values up to 250 bytes in size. This field is required.
value String value of the tag being logged. All storage backends are guaranteed to support key values up to 5000 bytes in size. This field is required.
experiment_id ID of the experiment.
client (Optional) An MLflow client object returned from mlflow_client . If specified, MLflow will use the tracking server associated with the passed-in client. If unspecified (the common case), MLflow will use the tracking server associated with the current tracking URI.


Set Tag

Sets a tag on a run. Tags are run metadata that can be updated during a run and after a run completes.

mlflow_set_tag(key, value, run_id = NULL, client = NULL)


Argument Description
key Name of the tag. Maximum size is 255 bytes. This field is required.
value String value of the tag being logged. Maximum size is 500 bytes. This field is required.
run_id Run ID.
client (Optional) An MLflow client object returned from mlflow_client . If specified, MLflow will use the tracking server associated with the passed-in client. If unspecified (the common case), MLflow will use the tracking server associated with the current tracking URI.


Set Remote Tracking URI

Specifies the URI to the remote MLflow server that will be used to track experiments.



Argument Description
uri The URI to the remote MLflow server.


Source a Script with MLflow Params

This function should not be used interactively. It is designed to be called via Rscript from the terminal or through the MLflow CLI.



Argument Description
uri Path to an R script, can be a quoted or unquoted string.


Start Run

Starts a new run. If client is not provided, this function infers contextual information such as source name and version, and also registers the created run as the active run. If client is provided, no inference is done, and additional arguments such as start_time can be provided.

  run_id = NULL,
  experiment_id = NULL,
  start_time = NULL,
  tags = NULL,
  client = NULL,
  nested = FALSE


Argument Description
run_id If specified, get the run with the specified UUID and log metrics and params under that run. The run’s end time is unset and its status is set to running, but the run’s other attributes remain unchanged.
experiment_id Used only when run_id is unspecified. ID of the experiment under which to create the current run. If unspecified, the run is created under a new experiment with a randomly generated name.
start_time Unix timestamp of when the run started in milliseconds. Only used when client is specified.
tags Additional metadata for run in key-value pairs. Only used when client is specified.
client (Optional) An MLflow client object returned from mlflow_client . If specified, MLflow will use the tracking server associated with the passed-in client. If unspecified (the common case), MLflow will use the tracking server associated with the current tracking URI.
nested Controls whether the run to be started is nested in a parent run. TRUE creates a nest run.


with(mlflow_start_run(), {
mlflow_log_metric("test", 10)


Transition ModelVersion Stage

Transition a model version to a different stage.

  archive_existing_versions = FALSE,
  client = NULL


Argument Description
name Name of the registered model.
version Model version number.
stage Transition model_version to this tage.
archive_existing_versions (Optional)
client (Optional) An MLflow client object returned from mlflow_client . If specified, MLflow will use the tracking server associated with the passed-in client. If unspecified (the common case), MLflow will use the tracking server associated with the current tracking URI.


Run MLflow User Interface

Launches the MLflow user interface.

mlflow_ui(client, ...)


Argument Description
client (Optional) An MLflow client object returned from mlflow_client . If specified, MLflow will use the tracking server associated with the passed-in client. If unspecified (the common case), MLflow will use the tracking server associated with the current tracking URI.
... Optional arguments passed to mlflow_server() when x is a path to a file store.



# launch mlflow ui locally

# launch mlflow ui for existing mlflow server


Update model version

Updates a model version

mlflow_update_model_version(name, version, description, client = NULL)


Argument Description
name Name of the registered model.
version Model version number.
description Description of this model version.
client (Optional) An MLflow client object returned from mlflow_client . If specified, MLflow will use the tracking server associated with the passed-in client. If unspecified (the common case), MLflow will use the tracking server associated with the current tracking URI.


Update a registered model

Updates a model in the Model Registry.

mlflow_update_registered_model(name, description, client = NULL)


Argument Description
name The name of the registered model.
description The updated description for this registered model.
client (Optional) An MLflow client object returned from mlflow_client . If specified, MLflow will use the tracking server associated with the passed-in client. If unspecified (the common case), MLflow will use the tracking server associated with the current tracking URI.