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File metadata and controls

469 lines (380 loc) · 10.8 KB
external help file Module Name online version schema



Starts a run.



    [-Assistant] <String>
    -Message <String>
    [-Images <Object[]>]
    [-ImageDetail <String>]
    [-Model <String>]
    [-Instructions <String>]
    [-AdditionalMessages <Object[]>]
    [-Role <String>]
    [-FileIdsForCodeInterpreter <Object[]>]
    [-VectorStoresForFileSearch <Object[]>]
    [-MaxPromptTokens <Int32>]
    [-MaxCompletionTokens <Int32>]
    [-TruncationStrategyType <String>]
    [-TruncationStrategyLastMessages <Int32>]
    [-ToolChoice <String>]
    [-ToolChoiceFunctionName <String>]
    [-Functions <IDictionary>]
    [-MetaData <IDictionary>]
    [-Temperature <Double>]
    [-Format <String>]
    [-TimeoutSec <Int32>]
    [-MaxRetryCount <Int32>]
    [-ApiBase <Uri>]
    [-ApiKey <SecureString>]
    [-Organization <String>]
    [-AdditionalQuery <IDictionary>]
    [-AdditionalHeaders <IDictionary>]
    [-AdditionalBody <Object>]


    [-ThreadId] <String>
    [-Assistant] <Object>
    [-Model <String>]
    [-Instructions <String>]
    [-AdditionalInstructions <String>]
    [-AdditionalMessages <Object[]>]
    [-MaxPromptTokens <Int32>]
    [-MaxCompletionTokens <Int32>]
    [-TruncationStrategyType <String>]
    [-TruncationStrategyLastMessages <Int32>]
    [-ToolChoice <String>]
    [-ToolChoiceFunctionName <String>]
    [-Functions <IDictionary>]
    [-MetaData <IDictionary>]
    [-Temperature <Double>]
    [-Format <String>]
    [-TimeoutSec <Int32>]
    [-MaxRetryCount <Int32>]
    [-ApiBase <Uri>]
    [-ApiKey <SecureString>]
    [-Organization <String>]
    [-AdditionalQuery <IDictionary>]
    [-AdditionalHeaders <IDictionary>]
    [-AdditionalBody <Object>]


Starts a run.


Example 1

PS C:\> Start-ThreadRun -ThreadId 'thread_abc123' -Assistant 'asst_abc123'

Starts a run of the thread with spcified assiatnt.



The ID of the thread to run.

Type: String
Aliases: thread_id
Required: True
Position: 0
Accept pipeline input: True (ByPropertyName, ByValue)


The ID of the assistant to use to execute this run.

Type: Object
Aliases: assistant_id, AssistantId
Required: True
Position: 1
Accept pipeline input: True (ByPropertyName)


The name of the Model to be used to execute this run. If a value is provided here, it will override the model associated with the assistant. If not, the model associated with the assistant will be used.

Type: String
Required: False
Position: Named


Overrides the instructions of the assistant. This is useful for modifying the behavior on a per-run basis.

Type: String
Required: False
Position: Named


Appends additional instructions at the end of the instructions for the run. This is useful for modifying the behavior on a per-run basis without overriding other instructions.

Type: String
Aliases: additional_instructions
Required: False
Position: Named


Adds additional messages to the thread before creating the run.

Type: Object[]
Aliases: additional_messages
Required: False
Position: Named


A list of file IDs made available to the code_interpreter tool. There can be a maximum of 20 files associated with the tool.

Type: Object[]
Required: False
Position: Named


The vector store attached to this thread. There can be a maximum of 1 vector store attached to the thread.

Type: Object[]
Required: False
Position: Named


A list of file IDs to add to the vector store. There can be a maximum of 10000 files in a vector store.

Type: Object[]
Required: False
Position: Named


Set of 16 key-value pairs that can be attached to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format.

Type: IDictionary
Required: False
Position: Named


What sampling temperature to use, between 0 and 2. Higher values like 0.8 will make the output more random, while lower values like 0.2 will make it more focused and deterministic.

Type: Double
Required: False
Position: Named


A list of functions the model may call. Use this to provide a list of functions the model may generate JSON inputs for.

Type: IDictionary[]
Required: False
Position: Named


Whether to enable parallel function calling during tool use. The default is true (enabled)

Type: SwitchParameter
Aliases: parallel_tool_calls
Required: False
Position: Named
Default value: True


Override whether the code interpreter tool enable or not.

Type: SwitchParameter
Required: False
Position: Named


Override whether the file_search tool enable or not.

Type: SwitchParameter
Required: False
Position: Named


If set, partial message deltas will be sent, like in ChatGPT.

Type: SwitchParameter
Required: False
Position: Named
Default value: False


Specifies the output format of this function.

  • default will only outputs text message.
  • json_object enables JSON mode, which guarantees the message the model generates is valid JSON.
  • raw_response returns raw response content from API.
Type: String
Aliases: response_format
Required: False
Position: Named
Default value: default


Specifies how long the request can be pending before it times out. The default value is 0 (infinite).

Type: Int32
Required: False
Position: Named
Default value: 0


Number between 0 and 100. Specifies the maximum number of retries if the request fails. The default value is 0 (No retry).
Note : Retries will only be performed if the request fails with a 429 (Rate limit reached) or 5xx (Server side errors) error. Other errors (e.g., authentication failure) will not be performed.

Type: Int32
Required: False
Position: Named
Default value: 0


Specifies an API endpoint URL such like: https://your-api-endpoint.test/v1 If not specified, it will use

Type: Uri
Required: False
Position: Named
Default value:


Specifies API key for authentication.
The type of data should [string] or [securestring].
If not specified, it will try to use $global:OPENAI_API_KEY or $env:OPENAI_API_KEY

Type: Object
Required: False
Position: Named


Specifies Organization ID which used for an API request.
If not specified, it will try to use $global:OPENAI_ORGANIZATION or $env:OPENAI_ORGANIZATION

Type: string
Aliases: OrgId
Required: False
Position: Named


A list of File IDs that the message should use. There can be a maximum of 10 files attached to a message. Useful for tools like file_search and code_interpreter that can access and use files.

Type: String[]
Aliases: file_ids
Required: False
Position: Named


The maximum number of prompt tokens that may be used over the course of the run.

Type: Int32
Aliases: max_prompt_tokens
Required: False
Position: Named


The maximum number of completion tokens that may be used over the course of the run.

Type: Int32
Aliases: max_completion_tokens
Required: False
Position: Named


The content of the message.

Type: String
Aliases: Content, Text
Required: True
Position: Named


An array of images for reference to vision-compatible models. You can specify uploaded file id or URL of image.

Type: Object[]
Required: False
Position: Named


Specifies the detail level of the image if specified by the user. "low" uses fewer tokens, you can opt in to high resolution using "high".

Type: String
Required: False
Position: Named
Default value: auto


The role of the entity that is creating the message. Allowed value is user or assistant.

Type: String
Required: False
Position: Named


Controls which (if any) tool is called by the model. You can choose from auto, none, code_interpreter, retrieve or function.

Type: String
Aliases: tool_choice
Required: False
Position: Named


The name of the function to call. You must specify this param when the ToolChoice is specified to function.

Type: String
Required: False
Position: Named


The truncation strategy to use for the thread. The default is auto. You can choose from auto or last_messages

Type: String
Aliases: last_messages
Required: False
Position: Named
Default value: auto


The number of most recent messages from the thread when constructing the context for the run.

Type: Int32
Aliases: last_messages
Required: False
Position: Named


If you want to explicitly send an extra query params, you can do so.

Type: IDictionary
Required: False
Position: Named


If you want to explicitly send an extra headers, you can do so.

Type: IDictionary
Required: False
Position: Named


If you want to explicitly send an extra body, you can do so.

Type: Object
Required: False
Position: Named


This cmdlet supports the common parameters: -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -InformationAction, -InformationVariable, -OutVariable, -OutBuffer, -PipelineVariable, -Verbose, -WarningAction, and -WarningVariable. For more information, see about_CommonParameters.


