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Releases: microsoft/BotFramework-WebChat


24 Feb 20:44
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In this week's release:

  • Updated DirectLineJS with new optional pollingInterval parameter
  • Full tap support for Hero, Thumbnail, and Receipt cards
  • Vastly improved README
  • TypeScript declarations now generated automatically, no longer abridged


03 Feb 13:56
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Last Friday's release was delayed until this Wednesday, so this week's release is a small one:

  • The latest version of DirectLineJS in which WebSocket is now on by default. You can revert to GET polling by specifying webSocket: false in the options you pass to the DirectLine constructor. Please note that WebSocket is still disabled in the official WebChat channel of the Bot Framework.
  • Uploading a file in Edge now works.
  • Unit tests, starting with shell tests


01 Feb 19:02
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In this week's release:

  • DirectLine has been extracted into its own repo/package
  • botchat.js (with all dependencies bundled) is now much smaller - down from 480k to 340k minified, 104k gzipped
  • all button actions now supported
  • YouTube and Vimeo videos now use their embedded players
  • The previous sample is now the /standalone sample
  • There is now a /backchannel sample
  • There is a new optional Chat property called sendTyping. If true (defaults to false), sends a 'typing' activity to the bot whenever the user is typing and it's been > 3 seconds since one was last sent


20 Jan 21:36
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We are aiming for weekly releases of WebChat. Here's what's notably new this week:

First Release: 0.4.3

12 Jan 23:10
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In this, the first actual release of WebChat, you get:

  • an npm package: botframework-webchat
  • ... and the associated ability to use unpkg as a CDN, e.g. <script src="">
  • compiling the production botchat.js file now includes the production versions of React and Redux
  • compiled files are no longer included in the repo. Please clone the repo and build, or else get the compiled files from the npm package directly or via the CDN as described above.
  • beta WebSocket support. This is disabled by default, but you can set webSocket: true to your DirectLineOptions when creating a Chat, or if you're using the supplied samples/index.html just add &webSocket=true to the URL
  • significantly improved performance. Scales nicely to hundreds of messages. Haven't tried thousands but we're cautiously optimistic.
  • simpler invocation: previously when creating a BotChat you needed to create and pass in a DirectLine object. Now you can alternately just pass directLine: DirectLineOptions and Chat will create and manage its own DirectLine object.
  • automatic connection to bot: if you did create your own DirectLine object outside of Chat, you needed to wait until Chat was connected to the bot before accessing postActivity or activity$. Now the first use of either of those will connect to the bot.
  • links in Markdown now open a new browser tab
  • autoscroll should be reliable with the exception of videos that autoplay. They ruin everything.
  • locale support for German, Russian, and Polish

... and many other bug fixes!