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File metadata and controls

209 lines (157 loc) · 4.03 KB

Memory Management

  • how to represent variables, values and data structure
  • put variables in frames
  • what about precedures, dynamic data structures?
    • WLPP has only the main procedure
    • C/C++ has user-defined procedures
    • Scheme's got nested procedures


// global
int q;

// some procedure
int foo(int x, int y) {
  int a = 3;
  int* b = NULL;
  a = a + q;
  return *(a+b);

// anohter procedure
int bar(int w) {
  int z;
  z = z + q;
  • how to represent x, y, a, b?
  • what about the global q?
  • how to represent the procedure?


  • our convention: x is passed as $1 and y is passed as $2
  • easiest is to put x, y in RAM

Local variables

  • create a frame for foo allocated on stack whenever foo is called!
  • create new frame, set the frame pointer

Local frame

The local frame pointer will point to local variables in the local frame, in this case:

// foo's local stack frame
---- <- frame pointer (fp)

// bar's local stack frame
---- <- fp

Global frame


Nested Procedures

  • the most inner stack frame must also have access to previously allocated stack frames

Non-stack Memory Management

  • allocated storage that persists beyond procedure invocation
x = new int[10];  // allocate 10 words
// ....
delete[] x;       // free it up

Garbage Collection

What about Scheme (or almost any other modern language)?

  • we only allocate memory
  • the language has built in automatic garbage collection which frees unused memory
  • we will discuss this concept in details next lecture
  • but the idea is we keep track of everything we allocated and find all the reachable data, then get rid of uncreachable data

Another way to get a dangling reference in C:

int* dangle() {
  int x;
  int* y = &x;
  return y;

int* a = dangle();

// global fp

// dangle's fp

// but once dangle executes, the frame will get deleted leaving `a` dangling

Anyways the idea is stack based memory management sucks.

Implementing Non-stack Memory Management

  • build a set of library functions that implement the following on a global arena of storage (aka heap):
  • note this is different that priority queues which is also implemented by a heap (which is a tree data struct)
    • initialization
    • finalization
    • allocation (how we get new memory)
    • reclamation (reuse memory that is no longer in use)
      • identification
      • reuse
  • modify the code generator to invoke the library functions as

simple approach

  • use heap for fixed-sized allocation unsits
    • eg. Scheme: (cons a b)

complex approach

  • varaible-sized allocation units

Fixed-size Allocation

  • done in the initialization (prologue)
  • allocate a "big" area of storage from stack (just like the frame):
---- <- ap


---- <- end

.word 0
  • allocation for fixed size n:
    • find available n bytes, or fail (this is important)
    • use the slice of bread algorithm:
start                       end
  ^                          ^
  | (USED)  x    (UNUSED)    |

if (first_available + n > end) {

avail = avail + n
return avail - n
  • finalization? get rid of ARENA
  • reuse is trivial (vacuous): free() {}
  • wastes space, needlessly fails
    • this is due to fragmentation in the heap ie. XOXOX where X is used and O was used but was freed
  • fail only if there is not enough unused memory to satisfy the request
  • we need to keep track of unused (free) storage using an available space list:
// X = used

// stores pointers to the first byte of each free chunk
// each node points to the next chunk of free space
List = a1 -> a2 -> a3 -> a4;

 a1     a2      a3     a4
|   XXXX     XXX    XXX           |

if asl != null then
  tmp = asl
  asl = *(asl)
else if avail + n > end then fail
else avail = avail + n
  return avail - n