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458 lines (318 loc) · 9.99 KB


4、Go是否可以无限go? 如何限定数量?



  • 体积轻量
  • 优质的GMP调度




package main

import (

func main() {
    task_cnt := math.MaxInt64

    for i := 0; i < task_cnt; i++ {
        go func(i int) {
            //... do some busi...

            fmt.Println("go func ", i, " goroutine count = ", runtime.NumGoroutine())




signal: killed

所以,我们迅速的开辟goroutine(不控制并发的 goroutine 数量 )会在短时间内占据操作系统的资源(CPU、内存、文件描述符等)。

  • CPU 使用率浮动上涨
  • Memory 占用不断上涨。
  • 主进程崩溃(被杀掉了)






package main

import (

func busi(ch chan bool, i int) {

    fmt.Println("go func ", i, " goroutine count = ", runtime.NumGoroutine())

func main() {
    task_cnt := math.MaxInt64
    //task_cnt := 10

    ch := make(chan bool, 3)

    for i := 0; i < task_cnt; i++ {

        ch <- true

        go busi(ch, i)



go func  352277  goroutine count =  4
go func  352278  goroutine count =  4
go func  352279  goroutine count =  4
go func  352280  goroutine count =  4
go func  352281  goroutine count =  4
go func  352282  goroutine count =  4
go func  352283  goroutine count =  4
go func  352284  goroutine count =  4
go func  352285  goroutine count =  4
go func  352286  goroutine count =  4
go func  352287  goroutine count =  4
go func  352288  goroutine count =  4
go func  352289  goroutine count =  4
go func  352290  goroutine count =  4
go func  352291  goroutine count =  4
go func  352292  goroutine count =  4
go func  352293  goroutine count =  4
go func  352294  goroutine count =  4
go func  352295  goroutine count =  4
go func  352296  goroutine count =  4
go func  352297  goroutine count =  4
go func  352298  goroutine count =  4
go func  352299  goroutine count =  4
go func  352300  goroutine count =  4
go func  352301  goroutine count =  4
go func  352302  goroutine count =  4

从结果看,程序并没有出现崩溃,而是按部就班的顺序执行,并且go的数量控制在了3,(4的原因是因为还有一个main goroutine)那么从数字上看,是不是在跑的goroutines有几十万个呢?

这里我们用了,buffer为3的channel, 在写的过程中,实际上是限制了速度。限制的是

 for i := 0; i < go_cnt; i++ { //循环速度

        ch <- true

        go busi(ch, i)

for循环的速度,因为这个速度决定了go的创建速度,而go的结束速度取决于 busi()函数的执行速度。 这样实际上,我们就能够保证了,同一时间内运行的goroutine的数量与buffer的数量一致。从而达到了限定效果。


package main

import (

func busi(ch chan bool, i int) {

    fmt.Println("go func ", i, " goroutine count = ", runtime.NumGoroutine())

func main() {
    //task_cnt := math.MaxInt64
    task_cnt := 10

    ch := make(chan bool, 3)

    for i := 0; i < task_cnt; i++ {

        ch <- true

        go busi(ch, i)



go func  2  goroutine count =  4
go func  3  goroutine count =  4
go func  4  goroutine count =  4
go func  5  goroutine count =  4
go func  6  goroutine count =  4
go func  1  goroutine count =  4
go func  8  goroutine count =  4




import (

var wg = sync.WaitGroup{}

func busi(i int) {

    fmt.Println("go func ", i, " goroutine count = ", runtime.NumGoroutine())

func main() {
    task_cnt := math.MaxInt64

    for i := 0; i < task_cnt; i++ {
        go busi(i)




go func  7562  goroutine count =  7582
go func  24819  goroutine count =  17985
go func  7685  goroutine count =  7582
go func  24701  goroutine count =  17984
go func  7563  goroutine count =  7582
go func  24821  goroutine count =  17983
go func  24822  goroutine count =  17983
go func  7686  goroutine count =  7582
go func  24703  goroutine count =  17982
go func  7564  goroutine count =  7582
go func  24824  goroutine count =  17981
go func  7687  goroutine count =  7582
go func  24705  goroutine count =  17980
go func  24706  goroutine count =  17980
go func  24707  goroutine count =  17979
go func  7688  goroutine count =  7582
go func  24826  goroutine count =  17978
go func  7566  goroutine count =  7582
go func  24709  goroutine count =  17977
go func  7689  goroutine count =  7582
go func  24828  goroutine count =  17976
go func  24829  goroutine count =  17976
go func  7567  goroutine count =  7582
go func  24711  goroutine count =  17975



package main

import (

var wg = sync.WaitGroup{}

func busi(ch chan bool, i int) {

    fmt.Println("go func ", i, " goroutine count = ", runtime.NumGoroutine())



func main() {
    task_cnt := math.MaxInt64

    ch := make(chan bool, 3)

    for i := 0; i < task_cnt; i++ {

        ch <- true

        go busi(ch, i)



go func  228851  goroutine count =  4
go func  228852  goroutine count =  4
go func  228853  goroutine count =  4
go func  228854  goroutine count =  4
go func  228855  goroutine count =  4
go func  228856  goroutine count =  4
go func  228857  goroutine count =  4
go func  228858  goroutine count =  4
go func  228859  goroutine count =  4
go func  228860  goroutine count =  4
go func  228861  goroutine count =  4
go func  228862  goroutine count =  4
go func  228863  goroutine count =  4
go func  228864  goroutine count =  4
go func  228865  goroutine count =  4
go func  228866  goroutine count =  4
go func  228867  goroutine count =  4




package main

import (

var wg = sync.WaitGroup{}

func busi(ch chan int) {

    for t := range ch {
        fmt.Println("go task = ", t, ", goroutine count = ", runtime.NumGoroutine())

func sendTask(task int, ch chan int) {
    ch <- task

func main() {

    ch := make(chan int)   //无buffer channel

    goCnt := 3              //启动goroutine的数量
    for i := 0; i < goCnt; i++ {
        go busi(ch)

    taskCnt := math.MaxInt64 //模拟用户需求业务的数量
    for t := 0; t < taskCnt; t++ {
        sendTask(t, ch)



go task =  130069 , goroutine count =  4
go task =  130070 , goroutine count =  4
go task =  130071 , goroutine count =  4
go task =  130072 , goroutine count =  4
go task =  130073 , goroutine count =  4
go task =  130074 , goroutine count =  4
go task =  130075 , goroutine count =  4
go task =  130076 , goroutine count =  4
go task =  130077 , goroutine count =  4
go task =  130078 , goroutine count =  4
go task =  130079 , goroutine count =  4
go task =  130080 , goroutine count =  4
go task =  130081 , goroutine count =  4
go task =  130082 , goroutine count =  4
go task =  130083 , goroutine count =  4
go task =  130084 , goroutine count =  4
go task =  130085 , goroutine count =  4
go task =  130086 , goroutine count =  4
go task =  130087 , goroutine count =  4
go task =  130088 , goroutine count =  4
go task =  130089 , goroutine count =  4
go task =  130090 , goroutine count =  4
go task =  130091 , goroutine count =  4
go task =  130092 , goroutine count =  4
go task =  130093 , goroutine count =  4


