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CI CD Integration with build stopping

Marcin Kozlowski edited this page Oct 28, 2022 · 6 revisions

Since everything in the platform is REST call able you can make a script in your CI/CD to call check commits endpoint (project hook - see "CI CD Integration") and then to call endpoint showing count of issues for a project (this endpoint is without authentication) with for example "curl" (should be easy), if certain count of high, medium, low or info issues is returned, you can stop the build.

You can also review known issues and false positives as described in Reviewing issues. They will not be counted in issue count anymore.

To check for each branch, you have to make request to issues endpoint and parse it on your own now:

http://localhost:5000/api/v1/project/<project uuid>/snapshot/origin:<branch>:HEAD/issues_summary



Response is JSON with issues.


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