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executable file
54 lines (44 loc) · 2.92 KB

File metadata and controls

executable file
54 lines (44 loc) · 2.92 KB

Retromeet App


Retromeet is an application meant for using during Scrum retrospective meetings, but it can also be used for other purposes whenever a board with columns and cards is needed. Basic functionality includes:

  • setting your username
  • creating a new retro with custom columns
  • adding/editing/deleting cards inside columns
  • cards voting with votes limit
  • going through different stages of the meeting

The app uses OCRA, which derives from Create React App, but there are some custom solutions included as well. They will be described further below.

The project is divided into client and server parts.


Starting Docker

  • Install Docker
  • Install Docker Compose
  • make local copies of template configuration files:
    • .docker/.env.dist -> .docker/.env
    • config/server.json.dist -> config/server.json
    • .env.dist -> .env
  • enter .docker directory and run: docker-compose up --build -d

Alternatively, if you don’t want to use docker you can run both client and server manually:

  • install and run MongoDB
  • yarn install
  • yarn start:client
  • yarn dev:server



Material UI

On the client side we use material-ui components and their solution for CSS in JS.

Redux Form

The forms in the app (e.g. create, join retro) are implemented using redux-form and redux-form-material-ui components.

WebSocket Provider


We are using a custom WebSocket Provider that uses

Locale Provider


We are using custom Locale Provider based on react-intl. It’s basically a wrapper around IntlProvider.



On the server side we use mongoose object modeling.


Application structure is action based (like a client redux implementation). Directory contains actions catalogue with a set of actions based on the application state and model catalogue with a mongoose models. In order to add new “action” it’s necessary to add new directory: src/server/actions/<action_name> with two files: <action_name>.actions.js and <action_name>.handlers.js.

The <action_name>.actions.js file defines which actions are being implemented in the socket and defines their name. The <action_name>.handlers.js implements handlers for those actions which take given parameters and state to interact with mongodb through mongoose models. Results can be emitted or broadcasted (through src/server/action-performer.js).

Created actions are being automatically handled while connecting to socket.