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M3 Coding Styleguide

M3's umbrella coding style guide is Uber's Go Style Guide. This document is maintained as a superset of that guide, capturing any substantive, intended departures from Uber's coding style. Where possible, code should follow these guidelines to ensure consistent style and coding practices across the codebase.

Above all else, this guide is intended to be a point of reference rather than a sacred text. We maintain a style guide as a pragmatic tool that can be used to avoid common issues and normalize code across many authors and the Go community.

New code should follow the style guide by default, preferring guidelines established here or in Uber's guide over any conflicting, pre-existing precedents in the M3 codebase. Ultimately, the hope is that the codebase incrementally moves closer to the style guide with each change.

Since the M3 monorepo predated this style guide, reviewers should not expect contributors to make unrelated or unreasonable style-based changes as part of pull requests. However, when changing code that could reasonably be updated to follow the guide, we prefer that those changes adopt the guidelines to avoid sustaining or increasing technical debt. See for more detail on changes involving style.


Many guidelines are flagged by go vet or the other configured linters (see .golangci.yml). Wherever possible, we prefer to use tooling to enforce style to remove subjectivity or ambiguity. Linting is also a blocking build for merging pull requests.


When adding to this guide, use the following template:

### Short sentence about the guideline.

Clearly (and succinctly) articulate the guideline and its rationale, including
any problematic counter-examples. Be intentional when using language like
"always", "never", etc, instead using words like "prefer" and "avoid" if the
guideline isn't a hard rule. If it makes sense, also include example code:


goodExample := false


goodExample := true

Description of bad code.
Description of good code.


Export types carefully.

Types should only be exported if they must be used by multiple packages. This applies also to adding new packages: a new package should only be added if it will be imported by multiple packages. If a given type or package will only initially be imported in one package, define those type(s) in that importing package instead.

In general, it's harder to reduce surface area than it is to incrementally increase surface area, and the former is a breaking change while the latter is often not.

Treat flaky tests like consistent failures.

Flaky tests add noise to code health signals, reduce trust in tests to be representative of code behavior. Worse, flaky tests can be either false positive or false negative, making it especially unclear as to whether or not a given test passing or failing is good or bad. All of these reduce overall velocity and/or reliability.

All tests discovered to be flaky should be immediately result in either (a) the test being skipped because it is unreliable, or (b) master being frozen until the test is fixed and proven to no longer be flaky.

Do not expose experimental package types in non-experimental packages.

A package is only able to guarantee a level of maturity/stability that is the lowest common denominator of all of its composing or transitively exported types. Given a hypothetical scenario:

package foo

type Bar {
  Baz xfoo.Baz

In this case, the stability of foo.Bar is purportedly guaranteed by package foo being non-experimental, but since it transitively exposes xfoo.Baz as part of foo.Bar, either (a) xfoo.Baz must implicitly adhere to versioning compatibility guarantees or (b) foo can no longer be considered stable, as any breaking change to xfoo.Baz will break foo.

This is spiritually similar to the Avoid Embedding Types In Public Structs guidance, in that it bleeds implementation and compatibility details in an inappropriate way.

This guidance also applies to any cases in which internal packages are used: any internal type is essentially the same as an unexported type, meaning that that type is only implicitly available to users.

type NewConnectionFn func(
    channelName string, addr string, opts Options,
) (xclose.SimpleCloser, rpc.TChanNode, error)
type NewConnectionFn func(
    channelName string, addr string, opts Options,
) (io.Closer, rpc.TChanNode, error)

// or

type SimpleCloser = func()

type NewConnectionFn func(
    channelName string, addr string, opts Options,
) (SimpleCloser, rpc.TChanNode, error)

xclose.SimpleCloser is part of x/close, an experimental package, but is directly exposed as part of src/dbnode/client.NewConnectionFn.

The canonical io.Closer is used instead, or a type alias representing xclose.SimpleCloser is used instead. Both options prevent leaking experimental packages as part of non-experimental library APIs.