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File metadata and controls

322 lines (243 loc) · 16.4 KB
Table of Contents
1 Discover
1.1 PC & PS4
1.2 XBox One
2 Communication
2.1 Data Stream Format
2.2 Message Types
2.2.0 Type 0: Heartbeat
2.2.1 Type 1: New Connection
2.2.2 Type 2: Busy
2.2.3 Type 3: Data Update
2.2.4 Type 4: Local Map Update
2.2.5 Type 5: Command Request
2.2.6 Type 6: Command Response
3 Sources


PC & PS4

The app send following broadcast packet to UDP/28000

{"cmd": "autodiscover"}

It send receives a packet containing Information about the game. The machine type is either PC or PS4.

{"IsBusy": false, "MachineType": "PC"}

XBox One

The app sends a 16 byte broadcast packet to port UDP/5050 using protocol called Smartglass. (Can anyone explain me the protocol? Its XBox standard.)


Once Discovery has completed, the app connects to the server on Port TCP/27000.

Example of connecting to TCP/27000 on a PS4 with IP with netcat:

$ nc 27000

Data Stream Format

Data is streamed via the TCP connection, bi-directionally, between the server and the app. All data is little-endian.

The stream is composed of individual Messages of the form:

struct Message {
  uint32_t size,
  uint8_t type,
  uint8_t content[size]

Basic format example, if the content would be a string (UTF-8):

0A 00 00 00 03 48 45 4C 4C 4F 57 4F 52 4C 44
size(32) type(8) content(size)
0A 00 00 00 03 48454C4C4F574F524C44

All strings are UTF-8.

Message Types

Type 0: Heartbeat

The app will periodically send a "heartbeat" packet of type 0 and no content. In other words, length 0 and type 0. The server replies with the same empty 5 bytes. The app will disconnect after 5 sends with incorrect/missing answer.


00 00 00 00 00
size(32) type(8) content(size)
00 00 00 00 00

When the app receives a heartbeat, the app must send the same heartbeat (5 bytes of zeros) back to let the server know that the app is still running. If the app does not respond with a heartbeat, the server will close the TCP connection.

Heartbeats should be sent by the app only in response to the server.

Type 1: New Connection

Messages of type 1 are sent when the app first connects to the server. It contains a JSON string with the language and version of the game.

{"lang": "de", "version": ""}

The complete string send:

size(32) type(8) content(size)
25 00 00 00 01 7B 22 6C 61 6E 67 22 3A 20 22 64 65 22 2C 20 22 76 65 72 73 69 6F 6E 22 3A 20 22 31 2E 31 2E 33 30 2E 30 22 7D
37 1 {"lang": "de", "version": ""}

The App presumably verifies version & lang, then replies with a heartbeat.

Type 2: Busy

Messages of type 2 are sent when the server is busy. A server will be busy if a Pipboy Companion app is already connected. The message contains no data.


00 00 00 00 02
size(32) type(8) content(size)
00000000 02

Type 3: Data Update

Messages of type 3 contain updates to the database. The database is a collection of values where each value is represented by an ID.

A Data Update payload is a sequence of data updates. Each update begins with a header:

struct UpdateHeader {
  uint8_t type,
  uint32_t id

This is followed by data depending on the value type. The possible types are as follows:

Type ID Type Java Python Bytes Format of update data
0 BOOLEAN boolean bool 1 uint8_t 0: false 1: true. Considered true if data is non-zero.
1 INT8 byte byte 1 int8_t [0x00-0xFF]
2 UINT8 - (?) 1 uint8_t [0-255]
3 INT32 int int 4 int32_t [0x00000000-0xFFFFFFFF]
4 UINT32 - (?) 4 uint32_t [0-4294967295]
5 FLOAT float float 4 float32_t
6 STRING String str n Null(0x00)-termined byte string. Most likely UTF-8.
7 ARRAY [] list 2+(n*4) uint16_t length, uint32_t ids[length], ids are the value IDs of previously sent values
8 OBJECT Hashmap dict 2+(i4)+2+(d4) Very complex. See picture/text below.


Objects are complex. There are two parts - a set of (key, value) pairs to add, followed by a set of old values to remove. The first time an object is sent, the remove set will be empty.

The first part, (key, value) pairs to add, begins with a uint16_t length, followed by length lots of (uint32_t id, 0x00-terminated byte string key). This maps key to the previously sent value with ID id.

The second part is uint16_t length, uint32_t ids[length], where ids contains the IDs of values which the object currently maps to. Any (key, value) pair which maps to such a value should be removed.

Note that it is possible to contain a removal and an addition for the same key in one update, for example if the update said to add the (key, value) pair ("foo", 1234) and remove the value which "foo" currently maps to. In this case, the new value replaces the old value.

Objects are unordered and keys will not be repeated.


(Read from top to down, left to right. Remember, data is little-endian and strings are UTF-8)

Data Update Attributes example (bytes) Interpretation
size 3b000000 59 bytes content, size of packages (next table) included
type 03 Type 3: Data Update
content 030a0000002a0000
See next Table

The content can contain many Data Packages. They just follow after each other.

Data Item Attributes Data Attributes example (bytes) Interpretation
First Package type 03 Data Type 3: INT32
id 0a 00 00 00 ID: 10
data 2a 00 00 00 Value: 42
Second Package type 07 Data Type 7: Array
id 0b 00 00 00 ID: 11
data length 02 00 Length 2: Array has 2 entries
id #1 01 00 00 00 ID of element 1: >>1
id #2 02 00 00 00 ID of element 2: >>2
Third Package type 08 Data Type 8:
id 0c 00 00 00 ID: 12
added length 0200 2 elements to insert
id #1 05 00 00 00 ID of element 1: >>5
key #1 66 6f 6f 00 Key of element 1: "foo\0"
id #2 06 00 00 00 ID of element 2: >>6
key #2 68 65 6c 6c 6f 00 Key of element 2: "hello\0"
removed length 02 00 2 elements to remove
first id 03 00 00 00 remove element with ID >>3
second id 04 00 00 00 remove element with ID >>4

corresponds to an update that:

  • sets value with id 10 to be a uint32 equal to 42
  • sets value with id 11 to be an array containing the values with ids 1, 2
  • updates value with id 12, an object, to add keys "foo": 5, "hello": 6 and remove values 3, 4

Total size 59 bytes is valid. 1 + 4 + 4 + 1 + 4 + 2 + 4 + 4 + 1 + 4 + 2 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 6 + 2 + 4 + 4 = 59

Type 4: Local Map Update

Messages of type 4 contain binary image data of the current local map if you view the local map in the app.

struct Extend {
  float32_t x,
  float32_t y

struct Map {
      uint32_t width,
      uint32_t height,
      Extend nw,
      Extend ne,
      Extend sw,
      uint8_t pixel[ width * height ]

Type 5: Command Request

Messages of type 5 are sent by the app to the server to request an action be taken in the game. The content of the message is a JSON string of the form:

{"type": 1, "args": [4207600675, 7, 494, [0, 1]], "id": 3}
  • The command type (type) is seen in range of 0 to 14
  • The arguments to the command (args) differ based on the type property
  • The id of the command increments with every command send.
Command Type Args Comment
0 [ <HandleId>, 0, <$.Inventory.Version> ] Use an instance of item specified by <HandleId>.
1 [ <HandleId>, <count>, <$.Inventory.Version>, <StackID> ] Drop <count> instances of item, <StackID> is the whole list under StackID.
2 [<HandleId>, <StackID>, <position>, <$.Inventory.Version>] Put item on favorite <position> counts from far left 0 to right 5, and north 6 to south 11.
3 [<ComponentFormId>, <$.Inventory.Version>] Toggle Tag for search on component specified by <ComponentFormId>.
4 [<page>] Cycle through search mode on inventory page. ( 0: Weapons, 1: Apparel, 2: Aid, 3: Misc, 4: Junk, 5: Mods, 6: Ammo )
5 [<QuestId>, ??, ??] Toggle marker for quest.
6 [ <x>, <y>, false ] Place custom marker at <x>,<y>.
7 [] Remove the set custom marker.
8 ? CheckFastTravel
9 [<id>] Fast travel to location with index <id> in database.
10 ? MoveLocapMap (Probably meant localmap)
11 ? ZoomLocalMap
12 [<id>] Toggle radio with index <id> in database
13 [] Toggle receiving of local map update
14 [] Clear Idle. Issued when display is touched/ a key is pressed after some time.

Internally, in the C# files, the function responsible for sending them is called SendNetworkRequest(...) and is defined in the PipboyMenuBase.cs file.

Command 1: Drop item



Drop the item at index 0, a fedora (amount: 1), inside the apparel page (page index 1)

Command 6: Set way point


Command 9: Fast travel


Command 12: Toggle a radio station



Known station ids:

ID Name
50313 Diamond City
50308 Classical
Command 13: Toggle local map view



Type 6: Command Response

Messages of type 6 are responses to commands. Currently, it appears that responses are only received for commands of type 9.

