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723 lines (513 loc) · 24.8 KB

File metadata and controls

723 lines (513 loc) · 24.8 KB


Write output image data to a file.

If an explicit output format is not selected, it will be inferred from the extension, with JPEG, PNG, WebP, AVIF, TIFF, GIF, DZI, and libvips' V format supported. Note that raw pixel data is only supported for buffer output.

By default all metadata will be removed, which includes EXIF-based orientation. See withMetadata for control over this.

The caller is responsible for ensuring directory structures and permissions exist.

A Promise is returned when callback is not provided.


  • fileOut string the path to write the image data to.
  • callback Function? called on completion with two arguments (err, info). info contains the output image format, size (bytes), width, height, channels and premultiplied (indicating if premultiplication was used). When using a crop strategy also contains cropOffsetLeft and cropOffsetTop. May also contain textAutofitDpi (dpi the font was rendered at) if image was created from text.


  .toFile('output.png', (err, info) => { ... });
  .then(info => { ... })
  .catch(err => { ... });
  • Throws Error Invalid parameters

Returns Promise<Object> when no callback is provided


Write output to a Buffer. JPEG, PNG, WebP, AVIF, TIFF, GIF and raw pixel data output are supported.

Use toFormat or one of the format-specific functions such as jpeg, png etc. to set the output format.

If no explicit format is set, the output format will match the input image, except SVG input which becomes PNG output.

By default all metadata will be removed, which includes EXIF-based orientation. See withMetadata for control over this.

callback, if present, gets three arguments (err, data, info) where:

  • err is an error, if any.
  • data is the output image data.
  • info contains the output image format, size (bytes), width, height, channels and premultiplied (indicating if premultiplication was used). When using a crop strategy also contains cropOffsetLeft and cropOffsetTop. May also contain textAutofitDpi (dpi the font was rendered at) if image was created from text.

A Promise is returned when callback is not provided.


  • options Object?

    • options.resolveWithObject boolean? Resolve the Promise with an Object containing data and info properties instead of resolving only with data.
  • callback Function?


  .toBuffer((err, data, info) => { ... });
  .then(data => { ... })
  .catch(err => { ... });
  .toBuffer({ resolveWithObject: true })
  .then(({ data, info }) => { ... })
  .catch(err => { ... });
const { data, info } = await sharp('my-image.jpg')
  // output the raw pixels
  .toBuffer({ resolveWithObject: true });

// create a more type safe way to work with the raw pixel data
// this will not copy the data, instead it will change `data`s underlying ArrayBuffer
// so `data` and `pixelArray` point to the same memory location
const pixelArray = new Uint8ClampedArray(data.buffer);

// When you are done changing the pixelArray, sharp takes the `pixelArray` as an input
const { width, height, channels } = info;
await sharp(pixelArray, { raw: { width, height, channels } })

Returns Promise<Buffer> when no callback is provided


Include all metadata (EXIF, XMP, IPTC) from the input image in the output image. This will also convert to and add a web-friendly sRGB ICC profile unless a custom output profile is provided.

The default behaviour, when withMetadata is not used, is to convert to the device-independent sRGB colour space and strip all metadata, including the removal of any ICC profile.

EXIF metadata is unsupported for TIFF output.


  • options Object?

    • options.orientation number? value between 1 and 8, used to update the EXIF Orientation tag.
    • options.icc string? filesystem path to output ICC profile, defaults to sRGB.
    • options.exif Object<Object> Object keyed by IFD0, IFD1 etc. of key/value string pairs to write as EXIF data. (optional, default {})
    • options.density number? Number of pixels per inch (DPI).


  .then(info => { ... });
// Set "IFD0-Copyright" in output EXIF metadata
const data = await sharp(input)
    exif: {
      IFD0: {
        Copyright: 'Wernham Hogg'
// Set output metadata to 96 DPI
const data = await sharp(input)
  .withMetadata({ density: 96 })
  • Throws Error Invalid parameters

Returns Sharp


Force output to a given format.


  • format (string | Object) as a string or an Object with an 'id' attribute
  • options Object output options


// Convert any input to PNG output
const data = await sharp(input)
  • Throws Error unsupported format or options

Returns Sharp


Use these JPEG options for output image.


  • options Object? output options

    • options.quality number quality, integer 1-100 (optional, default 80)
    • boolean use progressive (interlace) scan (optional, default false)
    • options.chromaSubsampling string set to '4:4:4' to prevent chroma subsampling otherwise defaults to '4:2:0' chroma subsampling (optional, default '4:2:0')
    • options.optimiseCoding boolean optimise Huffman coding tables (optional, default true)
    • options.optimizeCoding boolean alternative spelling of optimiseCoding (optional, default true)
    • options.mozjpeg boolean use mozjpeg defaults, equivalent to { trellisQuantisation: true, overshootDeringing: true, optimiseScans: true, quantisationTable: 3 } (optional, default false)
    • options.trellisQuantisation boolean apply trellis quantisation (optional, default false)
    • options.overshootDeringing boolean apply overshoot deringing (optional, default false)
    • options.optimiseScans boolean optimise progressive scans, forces progressive (optional, default false)
    • options.optimizeScans boolean alternative spelling of optimiseScans (optional, default false)
    • options.quantisationTable number quantization table to use, integer 0-8 (optional, default 0)
    • options.quantizationTable number alternative spelling of quantisationTable (optional, default 0)
    • options.force boolean force JPEG output, otherwise attempt to use input format (optional, default true)


// Convert any input to very high quality JPEG output
const data = await sharp(input)
    quality: 100,
    chromaSubsampling: '4:4:4'
// Use mozjpeg to reduce output JPEG file size (slower)
const data = await sharp(input)
  .jpeg({ mozjpeg: true })
  • Throws Error Invalid options

Returns Sharp


Use these PNG options for output image.

By default, PNG output is full colour at 8 or 16 bits per pixel. Indexed PNG input at 1, 2 or 4 bits per pixel is converted to 8 bits per pixel. Set palette to true for slower, indexed PNG output.


  • options Object?

    • boolean use progressive (interlace) scan (optional, default false)
    • options.compressionLevel number zlib compression level, 0 (fastest, largest) to 9 (slowest, smallest) (optional, default 6)
    • options.adaptiveFiltering boolean use adaptive row filtering (optional, default false)
    • options.palette boolean quantise to a palette-based image with alpha transparency support (optional, default false)
    • options.quality number use the lowest number of colours needed to achieve given quality, sets palette to true (optional, default 100)
    • options.effort number CPU effort, between 1 (fastest) and 10 (slowest), sets palette to true (optional, default 7)
    • options.colours number maximum number of palette entries, sets palette to true (optional, default 256)
    • options.colors number alternative spelling of options.colours, sets palette to true (optional, default 256)
    • options.dither number level of Floyd-Steinberg error diffusion, sets palette to true (optional, default 1.0)
    • options.force boolean force PNG output, otherwise attempt to use input format (optional, default true)


// Convert any input to full colour PNG output
const data = await sharp(input)
// Convert any input to indexed PNG output (slower)
const data = await sharp(input)
  .png({ palette: true })
  • Throws Error Invalid options

Returns Sharp


Use these WebP options for output image.


  • options Object? output options

    • options.quality number quality, integer 1-100 (optional, default 80)
    • options.alphaQuality number quality of alpha layer, integer 0-100 (optional, default 100)
    • options.lossless boolean use lossless compression mode (optional, default false)
    • options.nearLossless boolean use near_lossless compression mode (optional, default false)
    • options.smartSubsample boolean use high quality chroma subsampling (optional, default false)
    • options.effort number CPU effort, between 0 (fastest) and 6 (slowest) (optional, default 4)
    • options.loop number number of animation iterations, use 0 for infinite animation (optional, default 0)
    • options.delay (number | Array<number>)? delay(s) between animation frames (in milliseconds)
    • options.minSize boolean prevent use of animation key frames to minimise file size (slow) (optional, default false)
    • options.mixed boolean allow mixture of lossy and lossless animation frames (slow) (optional, default false)
    • options.force boolean force WebP output, otherwise attempt to use input format (optional, default true)


// Convert any input to lossless WebP output
const data = await sharp(input)
  .webp({ lossless: true })
// Optimise the file size of an animated WebP
const outputWebp = await sharp(inputWebp, { animated: true })
  .webp({ effort: 6 })
  • Throws Error Invalid options

Returns Sharp


Use these GIF options for the output image.

The first entry in the palette is reserved for transparency.

The palette of the input image will be re-used if possible.


  • options Object? output options

    • options.reoptimise boolean always generate new palettes (slow), re-use existing by default (optional, default false)
    • options.reoptimize boolean alternative spelling of options.reoptimise (optional, default false)
    • options.colours number maximum number of palette entries, including transparency, between 2 and 256 (optional, default 256)
    • options.colors number alternative spelling of options.colours (optional, default 256)
    • options.effort number CPU effort, between 1 (fastest) and 10 (slowest) (optional, default 7)
    • options.dither number level of Floyd-Steinberg error diffusion, between 0 (least) and 1 (most) (optional, default 1.0)
    • options.interFrameMaxError number maximum inter-frame error for transparency, between 0 (lossless) and 32 (optional, default 0)
    • options.interPaletteMaxError number maximum inter-palette error for palette reuse, between 0 and 256 (optional, default 3)
    • options.loop number number of animation iterations, use 0 for infinite animation (optional, default 0)
    • options.delay (number | Array<number>)? delay(s) between animation frames (in milliseconds)
    • options.force boolean force GIF output, otherwise attempt to use input format (optional, default true)


// Convert PNG to GIF
await sharp(pngBuffer)
// Convert animated WebP to animated GIF
await sharp('animated.webp', { animated: true })
// Create a 128x128, cropped, non-dithered, animated thumbnail of an animated GIF
const out = await sharp('in.gif', { animated: true })
  .resize({ width: 128, height: 128 })
  .gif({ dither: 0 })
// Lossy file size reduction of animated GIF
await sharp('in.gif', { animated: true })
  .gif({ interFrameMaxError: 8 })
  • Throws Error Invalid options

Returns Sharp


  • since: 0.30.0


Use these JP2 options for output image.

Requires libvips compiled with support for OpenJPEG. The prebuilt binaries do not include this - see installing a custom libvips.


  • options Object? output options

    • options.quality number quality, integer 1-100 (optional, default 80)
    • options.lossless boolean use lossless compression mode (optional, default false)
    • options.tileWidth number horizontal tile size (optional, default 512)
    • options.tileHeight number vertical tile size (optional, default 512)
    • options.chromaSubsampling string set to '4:2:0' to use chroma subsampling (optional, default '4:4:4')


// Convert any input to lossless JP2 output
const data = await sharp(input)
  .jp2({ lossless: true })
// Convert any input to very high quality JP2 output
const data = await sharp(input)
    quality: 100,
    chromaSubsampling: '4:4:4'
  • Throws Error Invalid options

Returns Sharp


  • since: 0.29.1


Use these TIFF options for output image.

The density can be set in pixels/inch via withMetadata instead of providing xres and yres in pixels/mm.


  • options Object? output options

    • options.quality number quality, integer 1-100 (optional, default 80)
    • options.force boolean force TIFF output, otherwise attempt to use input format (optional, default true)
    • options.compression string compression options: none, jpeg, deflate, packbits, ccittfax4, lzw, webp, zstd, jp2k (optional, default 'jpeg')
    • options.predictor string compression predictor options: none, horizontal, float (optional, default 'horizontal')
    • options.pyramid boolean write an image pyramid (optional, default false)
    • options.tile boolean write a tiled tiff (optional, default false)
    • options.tileWidth number horizontal tile size (optional, default 256)
    • options.tileHeight number vertical tile size (optional, default 256)
    • options.xres number horizontal resolution in pixels/mm (optional, default 1.0)
    • options.yres number vertical resolution in pixels/mm (optional, default 1.0)
    • options.resolutionUnit string resolution unit options: inch, cm (optional, default 'inch')
    • options.bitdepth number reduce bitdepth to 1, 2 or 4 bit (optional, default 8)


// Convert SVG input to LZW-compressed, 1 bit per pixel TIFF output
    compression: 'lzw',
    bitdepth: 1
  .then(info => { ... });
  • Throws Error Invalid options

Returns Sharp


Use these AVIF options for output image.

Whilst it is possible to create AVIF images smaller than 16x16 pixels, most web browsers do not display these properly.

AVIF image sequences are not supported.


  • options Object? output options

    • options.quality number quality, integer 1-100 (optional, default 50)
    • options.lossless boolean use lossless compression (optional, default false)
    • options.effort number CPU effort, between 0 (fastest) and 9 (slowest) (optional, default 4)
    • options.chromaSubsampling string set to '4:2:0' to use chroma subsampling (optional, default '4:4:4')


const data = await sharp(input)
  .avif({ effort: 2 })
const data = await sharp(input)
  .avif({ lossless: true })
  • Throws Error Invalid options

Returns Sharp


  • since: 0.27.0


Use these HEIF options for output image.

Support for patent-encumbered HEIC images using hevc compression requires the use of a globally-installed libvips compiled with support for libheif, libde265 and x265.


  • options Object? output options

    • options.quality number quality, integer 1-100 (optional, default 50)
    • options.compression string compression format: av1, hevc (optional, default 'av1')
    • options.lossless boolean use lossless compression (optional, default false)
    • options.effort number CPU effort, between 0 (fastest) and 9 (slowest) (optional, default 4)
    • options.chromaSubsampling string set to '4:2:0' to use chroma subsampling (optional, default '4:4:4')


const data = await sharp(input)
  .heif({ compression: 'hevc' })
  • Throws Error Invalid options

Returns Sharp


  • since: 0.23.0


Use these JPEG-XL (JXL) options for output image.

This feature is experimental, please do not use in production systems.

Requires libvips compiled with support for libjxl. The prebuilt binaries do not include this - see installing a custom libvips.

Image metadata (EXIF, XMP) is unsupported.


  • options Object? output options

    • options.distance number maximum encoding error, between 0 (highest quality) and 15 (lowest quality) (optional, default 1.0)
    • options.quality number? calculate distance based on JPEG-like quality, between 1 and 100, overrides distance if specified
    • options.decodingTier number target decode speed tier, between 0 (highest quality) and 4 (lowest quality) (optional, default 0)
    • options.lossless boolean use lossless compression (optional, default false)
    • options.effort number CPU effort, between 3 (fastest) and 9 (slowest) (optional, default 7)
  • Throws Error Invalid options

Returns Sharp


  • since: 0.31.3


Force output to be raw, uncompressed pixel data. Pixel ordering is left-to-right, top-to-bottom, without padding. Channel ordering will be RGB or RGBA for non-greyscale colourspaces.


  • options Object? output options

    • options.depth string bit depth, one of: char, uchar (default), short, ushort, int, uint, float, complex, double, dpcomplex (optional, default 'uchar')


// Extract raw, unsigned 8-bit RGB pixel data from JPEG input
const { data, info } = await sharp('input.jpg')
  .toBuffer({ resolveWithObject: true });
// Extract alpha channel as raw, unsigned 16-bit pixel data from PNG input
const data = await sharp('input.png')
  .raw({ depth: 'ushort' })
  • Throws Error Invalid options


Use tile-based deep zoom (image pyramid) output.

Set the format and options for tile images via the toFormat, jpeg, png or webp functions. Use a .zip or .szi file extension with toFile to write to a compressed archive file format.

The container will be set to zip when the output is a Buffer or Stream, otherwise it will default to fs.


  • options Object?

    • options.size number tile size in pixels, a value between 1 and 8192. (optional, default 256)
    • options.overlap number tile overlap in pixels, a value between 0 and 8192. (optional, default 0)
    • options.angle number tile angle of rotation, must be a multiple of 90. (optional, default 0)
    • options.background (string | Object) background colour, parsed by the color module, defaults to white without transparency. (optional, default {r:255,g:255,b:255,alpha:1})
    • options.depth string? how deep to make the pyramid, possible values are onepixel, onetile or one, default based on layout.
    • options.skipBlanks number threshold to skip tile generation, a value 0 - 255 for 8-bit images or 0 - 65535 for 16-bit images (optional, default -1)
    • options.container string tile container, with value fs (filesystem) or zip (compressed file). (optional, default 'fs')
    • options.layout string filesystem layout, possible values are dz, iiif, iiif3, zoomify or google. (optional, default 'dz')
    • options.centre boolean centre image in tile. (optional, default false)
    • boolean alternative spelling of centre. (optional, default false)
    • string when layout is iiif/iiif3, sets the @id/id attribute of info.json (optional, default '')
    • options.basename string? the name of the directory within the zip file when container is zip.


    size: 512
  .toFile('', function(err, info) {
    // output.dzi is the Deep Zoom XML definition
    // output_files contains 512x512 tiles grouped by zoom level
const zipFileWithTiles = await sharp(input)
  .tile({ basename: "tiles" })
const iiififier = sharp().tile({ layout: "iiif" });
  • Throws Error Invalid parameters

Returns Sharp


Set a timeout for processing, in seconds. Use a value of zero to continue processing indefinitely, the default behaviour.

The clock starts when libvips opens an input image for processing. Time spent waiting for a libuv thread to become available is not included.


  • options Object

    • options.seconds number Number of seconds after which processing will be stopped


// Ensure processing takes no longer than 3 seconds
try {
  const data = await sharp(input)
    .timeout({ seconds: 3 })
} catch (err) {
  if (err.message.includes('timeout')) { ... }

Returns Sharp


  • since: 0.29.2