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749 lines (481 loc) · 47.9 KB

File metadata and controls

749 lines (481 loc) · 47.9 KB

Change Log


Patch Changes

  • Fix invalid pre-releases that lacked build output.


Minor Changes

  • #3156 6d6ec286 - Lit and its underlying libraries can now be imported directly from Node without crashing, without the need to load the @lit-labs/ssr dom-shim library. Note that actually rendering from a Node context still requires the @lit-labs/ssr dom-shim, and the appropriate integration between @lit-labs/ssr and your framework/tool.

Patch Changes

  • #3003 daddeb34 - Lit's async-directive now re-exports everything from the directive module.


Patch Changes

  • #3130 1f0567f1 - Export the underlying type of the keyed directive.

  • #3132 2fe2053f - Added "types" entry to package exports. This tells newer versions of TypeScript where to look for typings for each module.


Patch Changes

  • #2849 b12e8d93 - Expand documentation for render and TemplateResult.


Patch Changes

  • #2952 a78cc3b7 - Fix SSR hydration bug relating to and other void elements having attribute bindings.


Patch Changes

  • #2847 79d82385 - Fix typo in API docs for live() directive.

  • #2828 b3b6bc33 - Remove private Lit 2 migration helpers: INTERNAL and clearContainerForLit2MigrationOnly. This logic is no longer depended on.


Patch Changes

  • #2732 3e181bcb - Enforce use of file extensions in imports. Fixes an issue with older TypeScript compilers.


Patch Changes

  • #2657 a6069c40 - Remove readonly restriction from StyleInfo interface as addition, deletion, and updating of styles is valid. Expanded styleMap documentation with links to

  • #2642 badc532c - Add an additional security brand check to StaticValues; Similar to #2307

  • #2691 171143bd - Fixes ref bug when auto-bound class method used as a callback could incorrectly receive undefined.

  • #2661 9a3a38cd - Give a clearer error message when rendering into null/undefined

  • #2646 365cd09a - Clarify that hacking around the template strings array brand error can create security vulnerabilities.


Patch Changes

  • #2635 ae358703 - Make the event debug logger lazier, doing even less work (with no side effects) even in dev mode unless the page has opted in.


Minor Changes

  • #2401 2c9d0008 - Added a devlog events system that may be used for debugging and visualizing Lit's internals.


Patch Changes

  • #2498 2a1dc7a1 - Replace 'rare' with 'invalid' in svg tag function JSDocs.

  • #2459 23df9d45 - Fix bindings inside of <title> elements

  • #2479 89560520 - Expand JSDocs for the svg tagged template literal (TTL). The new documentation makes it more clear that the svg tag function should only be used for SVG fragments, and not for the <svg> HTML element.


Patch Changes

  • #2399 5ac025bf - Correct typo in async-directive module comment

  • #2410 b9a6962b - Correct the link path of in files


Patch Changes


Minor Changes

  • #2337 fcc2b3d0 - Add a keyed(key, value) directive that clears a part if the key changes.

Patch Changes

  • #2307 221cb0a9 - Added an additional check to prevent spoofing of internal lit types in data bindings.


Patch Changes

  • #2236 5fc3818a - Prevent polyfillSupport.noPatchSupported from implicitly being any. Deduplicate types for DevMode-suffixed polyfill support functions.


Patch Changes

  • #2152 ba5e1391 - Replace dynamic name lookups for polyfill support functions with static names.


Major Changes

  • The templateFactory option of RenderOptions has been removed.

  • TemplateProcessor has been removed.

  • Symbols are not converted to a string before mutating DOM, so passing a Symbol to an attribute or text binding will result in an exception.

  • The shady-render module has been removed and is now part of platform-support, and Lit's polyfill support now adds the following limitations: (1) Bindings in style elements are no longer supported. Previously these could not change and in the future they may be supported via static bindings. (2) ShadyCSS.styleElement is no longer called automatically. This must be called whenever dynamic changes that affect styling are made that involve css custom property shimming (older browsers) or changes to custom properties used via the deprecated @apply feature. It was previously called only on first render, and it is now up to the user to decide when this should be called. See Polyfills for more details.

  • render() no longer clears the container it's rendered to. It now appends to the container by default.

  • Expressions in comments are no longer rendered or updated. See Valid expression locations for more details.

  • Template caching happens per callsite, not per template-tag/callsize pair. This means some rare forms of highly dynamic template tags are no longer supported.

  • Arrays and other iterables passed to attribute bindings are not specially handled. Arrays will be rendered with their default toString representation. This means that html`<div class=${['a', 'b']}> will render <div class="a,b"> instead of <div class="a b">. To get the old behavior, use array.join(' ').

  • Multiple bindings in a single attribute value don't require the attribute value is quoted, as long as there is no whitespace or other attribute-ending character in the attribute value. html`<div id=${a}-${b}>`

  • The directive and part APIs are significantly different. See Custom Directives and the Upgrade Guide for more details.

  • The Directive base class and directive() factory function are now exported from the lit-html/directive.js module.

  • NodePart has been renamed to ChildPart, along with other methods and variables that use the "Node" naming, like PartType.Node which is now PartType.CHILD.

  • The part exports (ChildPart, AttributePart, etc) have been change to interface-only exports. The constructors are no longer exported. Directive authors should use helpers in directive-helpers.js to construct parts.

  • The eventContext render option has been changed to host.

  • #2103 15a8356d - Updates the exports field of package.json files to replace the subpath folder mapping syntax with an explicit list of all exported files.

    The /-suffixed syntax for subpath folder mapping originally used in these files is deprecated. Rather than update to the new syntax, this change replaces these mappings with individual entries for all exported files so that (a) users must import using extensions and (b) bundlers or other tools that don't resolve subpath folder mapping exactly as Node.js does won't break these packages' expectations around how they're imported.

  • #1764 0b4d6eda - Don't allow classMap to remove static classes. This keeps classMap consistent with building a string out of the classnames to be applied.

Minor Changes

  • Added renderBefore to render options. If specified, content is rendered before the node given via render options, e.g. {renderBefore: node}.
  • Added development mode, which can be enabled by setting the development Node exports condition. See Development and production builds for more details.
  • All usage of instanceof has been removed, making rendering more likely to work when multiple instances of the library interact.
  • Template processing is more robust to expressions in places other than text and attribute values.
  • render now returns the ChildPart that was created/updated by render.
  • Added AsyncDirective, which is a Directive subclass whose disconnected callback will be called when the part containing the directive is cleared (or transitively cleared by a Part higher in the tree) or manually disconnected using the setConnected API, and whose reconnected callback will be called when manually re-connected using setConnected. When implementing disconnected, the reconnected callback should also be implemented to return the directive to a usable state. Note that LitElement will disconnect directives upon element disconnection, and re-connect directives upon element re-connection. See Async directives for more details.
  • Added setConnected(isConnected: boolean) to ChildPart; when called with false, the disconnected callback will be run on any directives contained within the part (directly or transitively), but without clearing or causing a re-render to the tree. When called with true, any such directives' reconnected callback will be called prior to its next update/render callbacks. Note that LitElement will call this method by default on the rendered part in its connectedCallback and disconnetedCallback.
  • Added the static-html module, a static html tag function, a literal tag function, and unsafeStatic(), which allows template authors to add strings to the static structure of the template, before it's parsed as HTML. See Static expressions for more details.
  • Added lit-html/directive-helpers.js module with helpers for creating custom directives. See Custom directives for more details.
  • Rendering null, undefined, or empty string in a ChildPart now has the same affect as rendering nothing: it does not produce an empty text node. When rendering into an element with Shadow DOM, this makes it harder to inadvertently prevent <slot> fallback content from rendering.
  • Nested directives whose parent returns noChange are now unchanged. This allows the guard directive to guard directive values (#1519).
  • Added optional creationScope to RenderOptions, which controls the node from which the template is cloned from.
  • Added support for running with Trusted Types enforced.

Patch Changes

  • #1922 8189f094 - Binding noChange into an interpolated attribute expression now no longer removes the attribute on first render - instead it acts like an empty string. This is mostly noticable when using until() without a fallback in interpolated attributes.

  • #1964 f43b811 - Don't publish src/ to npm.

  • #2070 a48f39c8 - Throw instead of rendering an innocuous value into a style or script when security hooks are enabled.

  • #2044 662209c3 - Improves disconnection handling for first-party AsyncDirectives (until, asyncAppend, asyncReplace) so that the directive (and any DOM associated with it) can be garbage collected before any promises they are awaiting resolve.


Patch Changes

  • #2098 b3121ab7 - Fix ChildPart parentNode for top-level parts to return the parentNode they will be inserted into, rather than the DocumentFragment they were cloned into. Fixes #2032.
  • #2103 15a8356d - Updates the exports field of package.json files to replace the subpath folder mapping syntax with an explicit list of all exported files.

    The /-suffixed syntax for subpath folder mapping originally used in these files is deprecated. Rather than update to the new syntax, this change replaces these mappings with individual entries for all exported files so that (a) users must import using extensions and (b) bundlers or other tools that don't resolve subpath folder mapping exactly as Node.js does won't break these packages' expectations around how they're imported.

  • #2074 d6b385e3 - (Cleanup) Added missing tests to close out TODOs in the code. Fixed unsafeHTML and unsafeSVG to render no content (empty string) for values undefined, null, and nothing.
  • #1922 8189f094 - Binding noChange into an interpolated attribute expression now no longer removes the attribute on first render - instead it acts like an empty string. This is mostly noticable when using until() without a fallback in interpolated attributes.
  • #2114 b4bd9f7c - Parts are not supported inside the template or textarea tags. In dev mode, we indicate if parts are placed here so the developer can remove them.
  • #2113 5b2f3642 - Dependency upgrades including TypeScript 4.4.2
  • #2072 7adfbb0c - Remove unneeded matches support in @queryAssignedNodes. Update styling tests to use static bindings where needed. Fix TODOs related to doc links.
  • #1764 0b4d6eda - Don't allow classMap to remove static classes. This keeps classMap consistent with building a string out of the classnames to be applied.
  • #2071 01353317 - In dev mode, throw for tag name bindings. These should use static templates.
  • #2070 a48f39c8 - Throw instead of rendering an innocuous value into a style or script when security hooks are enabled.
  • #2075 724a9aab - Ensures dev mode warnings do not spam by taking care to issue unique warnings only once.
  • #2073 0312f3e5 - (Cleanup) Removed obsolete TODOs from codebase
  • #2056 e5667d66 - Fixed issue where AsyncDirectives could see this.isConnected === true if a LitElement performed its initial render while it was disconnected.
  • #2128 cc5c3a09 - Add test for AsyncDirectives that synchronously call this.setValue()
  • #2046 043a16fb - In development mode, constructing an EventPart from an improperly formed attribute will now throw: the attribute must contain only a single expression and the surrounding two strings must be the empty string. Before, constructing an EventPart with extra expressions or surrounding text would cause that part to be silently and incorrectly treated as an AttributePart.
  • #2043 761375ac - Update some internal types to avoid casting globalThis to any to retrieve globals where possible.


Major Changes

  • #1959 69389958 - Changed all prefixes used for minifying object and class properties from greek characters to ASCII, to avoid requiring an explicit script charset on some browser/webview environments.

Patch Changes

  • #2002 ff0d1556 - Fixes polyfill-support styling issues: styling should be fully applied by firstUpdated/update time; late added styles are now retained (matching Lit1 behavior)
  • #2034 5768cc60 - Reverts the change in Lit 2 to pause ReactiveElement's update cycle while the element is disconnected. The update cycle for elements will now run while disconnected as in Lit 1, however AsyncDirectives must now check the this.isConnected flag during update to ensure that e.g. subscriptions that could lead to memory leaks are not made when AsyncDirectives update while disconnected.
  • #1942 c8fe1d4 - For minified class fields on classes in lit libraries, added prefix to stable properties to avoid collisions with user properties.
  • #2041 52a47c7e - Remove some unnecessary internal type declarations.
  • #1959 6938995 - Changed prefix used for minifying class field names on lit libraries to stay within ASCII subset, to avoid needing to explicitly set the charset for scripts in some browsers.
  • #1937 3663f09 - Re-export PropertyPart from 'directive.ts'
  • #1991 f05be301 - Fixed bug where Template.createElement was not patchable by polyfill-support when compiled using closure compiler, leading to incorrect style scoping.
  • #1990 56e8efd3 - Fixed an error thrown when an empty <style></style> tag is rendered while using the @apply shim under native Shadow DOM.
  • #2044 662209c3 - Improves disconnection handling for first-party AsyncDirectives (until, asyncAppend, asyncReplace) so that the directive (and any DOM associated with it) can be garbage collected before any promises they are awaiting resolve.
  • #1972 a791514b - Properties that must remain unminified are now compatible with build tools other than rollup/terser.
  • #2050 8758e06 - Fix syntax highlighting in some documentation examples

Changes below were based on the Keep a Changelog format. All changes above are generated automatically by Changesets.

[2.0.0-rc.3] - 2021-05-07


  • Exported the Ref interface.

[2.0.0-rc.2] - 2021-04-20


  • Add dependency on trustedtypes typings.

2.0.0-rc.1 - 2021-04-20


  • Added defer-hydration attribute handling to experimental-hydrate, which helps coordinate ordered wakeup of custom elements during hydration.
  • Added support for running with Trusted Types enforced.


  • (Since 2.0.0-pre.7) Renamed hydrate module to experimental-hydrate to reflect its experimental nature. Experimental modules may undergo breaking changes within otherwise non-major releases.

2.0.0-pre.7 - 2021-03-31


  • Added optional creationScope to RenderOptions, which controls the node from which the template is cloned from.
  • (Since 2.0.0-pre.6) Reintroduced the SVGTemplateResult type. (#1623)


  • @apply now functions correctly under native Shadow DOM when template parts are used. (#1739).

  • styleMap() now removes properties if the value is set to undefined or null, as opposed to not being a property of the style object. (#1665).

[2.0.0-pre.6] - 2021-02-11

  • (Since 2.0.0-pre.4) Added asyncappend and asyncReplace directives.


  • Nested directives whose parent returns noChange are now unchanged. This allows the guard directive to guard directive values (#1519).


  • (Since 2.0.0-pre.4) Removes second klass argument from isDirectiveResult since it is generally not version-agnostic to test directives using instanceof. A new getDirectiveClass helper is introduced, which allows for directive class branding checks instead.
  • (Since 2.0.0-pre.4) DisconnectableDirective was renamed to AsyncDirective, and its module name was renamed from disconnectable-directive to async-directive.
  • (Since 2.0.0-pre.4) Rendering null, undefined, or empty string in a ChildPart now has the same affect as rendering nothing: it does not produce an empty text node. When rendering into an element with Shadow DOM, this makes it harder to inadvertently prevent <slot> fallback content from rendering.
  • (Since 2.0.0-pre.4) DisconnectableDirective's disconnectedCallback and reconnectedCallback were renamed to disconnected and reconnected.
  • (Since 2.0.0-pre.4) Renamed platform-support to polyfill-support.

[2.0.0-pre.4] - 2020-12-16


  • render now returns the NodePart that was created/updated by render.

  • Added DisconnectableDirective, which is a Directive subclass whose disconnectedCallback will be called when the part containing the directive is cleared (or transitively cleared by a Part higher in the tree) or manually disconnected using the setConnected API, and whose reconnectedCallback will be called when manually re-connected using setConnected. When implementing disconnectedCallback, reconnectedCallback should also be implemented to return the directive to a usable state. Note that LitElement will disconnect directives upon element disconnection, and re-connect directives upon element re-connection.

  • Added setConnected(isConnected: boolean) to NodePart; when called with false, disconnectedCallback will be run on any directives contained within the part (directly or transitively), but without clearing or causing a re-render to the tree. When called with true, any such directives' reconnectedCallback will be called prior to its next update/render callbacks. Note that LitElement will call this method by default on the rendered part in its connectedCallback and disconnetedCallback.

  • Added unsafeStatic(), which allows template authors to add strings to the static structure of the template, before it's parsed as HTML.

  • Added isPrimitive(), isTemplateResult(), and isDirectiveResult() to lit-html/directive-helpers.js.


  • Directives that asynchronously update their part value must now extend DisconnectableDirective and call this.setValue(), a new API exposed on the DisconnectableDirective class. Directives that render synchronously to their update lifecycle should simply return the value to be committed to their part from update/render.

  • The Directive base class and directive() factory function are now exported from the lit-html/directive.js module.

  • (since 2.0.0-pre.3) The Part type constants (NODE_PART, etc) are removed from the main lit-html module and exported as an enum-object named PartType from lit-html/directive.js. Use PartType.NODE instead of NODE_TYPE.

  • (since 2.0.0-pre.3)) lit-html/parts.js has been renamed to lit-html/directive-helpers.js.

  • (since 2.0.0-pre.3)) Originally in lit-html/parts.js, createAndInsertPart() and insertPartBefore() have been combined into a single insertPart() function in lit-html/directive-helpers.js. detachNodePart() and restoreNodePart() have been removed in favor of moving parts with insertPart().

  • (since 2.0.0-pre.3) NodePart has been renamed to ChildPart, along with other methods and variables that use the "Node" naming, like PartType.Node which is now PartType.CHILD.

  • (since 2.0.0-pre.3) The DirectiveClass, DirectiveParameters and PartInfo types have been moved from lit-html to lit-html/directive.ts.

  • (since 2.0.0-pre.3) The part exports (ChildPart, AttributePart, etc) have been change to interface-only exports. The constructors are no longer exported. Directive authors should use helpers in directive-helpers.js to construct parts.

  • (since 2.0.0-pre.3) The setPartValue function in directove-helpers.js has been renamed to setChildPartValue and now only supports ChildParts. Directives that require updating their container part outside the render/update lifecycle should extend DisconnectableDirective and use this.setValue().

  • (since 2.0.0-pre.3) The eventContext render option has been changed to host.

[2.0.0-pre.3] - 2020-09-21


  • The shady-render module has been removed and is now part of platform-support. There are also a couple of breaking changes. (1) Bindings in style elements are no longer supported. Previously these could not change and in the future they may be supported via static bindings. (2) ShadyCSS.styleElement is no longer called automatically. This must be called whenever dynamic changes that affect styling are made that involve css custom property shimming (older browsers) or changes to custom properties used via the deprecated @apply feature. It was previously called only on first render, and it is now up to the user to decide when this should be called.
  • render() no longer clears the container it's rendered to. It now appends to the container by default.
  • Expressions in comments are not rendered or updated.
  • Template caching happens per callsite, not per template-tag/callsize pair. This means some rare forms of highly dynamic template tags are no longer supported.
  • Arrays and other iterables passed to attribute bindings are not specially handled. Arrays will be rendered with their default toString representation. This means that html`<div class=${['a', 'b']}> will render <div class="a,b"> instead of <div class="a b">. To get the old behavior, use array.join(' ').
  • Multiple bindings in a single attribute value don't require the attribute value is quoted, as long as there is no whitespace or other attribute-ending character in the attribute value. html`<div id=${a}-${b}>
  • The directive and part APIs are significantly different. See the README for mroe details.


  • Added renderBefore to render options. If specified, content is rendered before the node given via render options, e.g. {renderBefore: node}.
  • Added development mode, which can be enabled by setting the development Node exports condition. See for more details.


  • All usage of instanceof has been removed, making rendering more likely to work when multiple instances of the library interact.
  • Template processing is more robust to expressions in places other than text and attribute values.


  • The templateFactory option of RenderOptions has been removed.
  • TemplateProcessor has been removed.
  • Symbols are not converted to a string before mutating DOM, so passing a Symbol to an attribute or text binding will result in an exception.
  • The asyncAppend and asyncReplace directives are not implemented.

[1.3.0] - 2020-08-19


  • Set the "type" field in package.json to "module. (#1146)


  • Added support for Trusted Types. This support uses a policy named 'lit-html' for parsing the static parts of html literals, and ensures that we pass trusted type values through to the DOM when used in bindings. (#1153)
  • Export the shadyTemplateFactory from lib/shady-render.js (#1135)

[1.2.1] - 2020-03-19


  • Added TypeScript type declarations for older versions of TypeScript. We're currently testing back to TS 3.4. We can't commit to never breaking TypeScript builds, but we'll be supporting older versions as best we can.

[1.2.0] - 2020-03-18


  • Added unsafeSVG directive to bind SVG source inside SVGs. (#304)
  • Added templateContent() directive for stamping out the contents of an HTML template into a text binding. (#1058)
  • Added the live() directive. (#877)


  • Fixed a bug where classMap and styleMap directives wouldn't render mutated objects. (#972)
  • Fixed a bug where ifDefined() would set an attribute even when the value didn't change. (#890)
  • Change classMap directive to set classes correctly on SVGs (#1070).

[1.1.2] - 2019-08-12


  • Fixed a bug where bindings in comments could be written as text in some cases. (#926)

[1.1.1] - 2019-07-09


  • render and shady-render now both accept any value that is renderable by NodePart. (#910)

[1.1.0] - 2019-05-20


  • Many small performance enhancements.
  • Private names are now named with a __ prefix (#859).


  • Setup continuous benchmarking with Tachometer (#887).


  • Prevent empty styles from causing exceptions or breaking rendering when using shady-render (#760).
  • Primitive values in attributes are now always simply stringified, regardless of whether they are iterable. (#830)
  • Adopt and upgrade template fragments after processing for parts (#831).
  • Fixed bindings with attribute-like expressions preceeding them (#855).
  • Fixed errors with bindings in HTML comments (#882).

[1.0.0] - 2019-02-05



  • Global version of lit-html on window (#790).


  • Removed use of any outside of test code (#741).

[1.0.0-rc.2] - 2019-01-09


  • Performance improvements to template processing. (#690)


  • Added the nothing sentinel value which can be used to clear a part. (#673)


  • Fixed #702: a bug with the unsafeHTML directive when changing between unsafe and other values. (#703)
  • Fixed #708: a bug with the until directive where placeholders could overwrite resolved Promises. (#721)

[1.0.0-rc.1] - 2018-12-13


  • Documentation updates.
  • Fixed typing for template_polyfill createElement call.

[0.14.0] - 2018-11-30


  • until() can now take any number of sync or async arguments. (#555)
  • guard() supports multiple dependencies. If the first argument to guard() is an array, the array items are checked for equality to previous values. (#666)
  • Renamed classMap.js and styleMap.js files to kebab-case. (#644)


  • Added cache() directive. (#646)
  • Removed Promise as a supposed node-position value type. (#555)
  • Added a minimal <template> polyfill.


  • Removed the when() directive. Users may achieve similar behavior by wrapping a ternary with the cache() directive.


  • Bound attribute names are rewritten to avoid IE/Edge removing SVG and style attributes. (#640)
  • Ensure shady-render prepares styling for a scope before attaching child elements. (#664)
  • Handle CSS Custom Variables in the styleMap directive. #642)

[0.13.0] - 2018-11-08


  • Directives are now defined by passing the entire directive factory function to directive(). (#562)


  • Fix issue on obscure browsers that do not accept event listener objects by using callback as event part listener (#581)
  • Fix KeyFn and ItemTemplate types (#570)
  • Don't use export * to workaround rollup bug (#556)
  • eventContext is no longer used as the this value for event listener objects (object with a handleEvent method), as the object itself is supposed to be the this value. (#576)

[0.12.0] - 2018-10-05


  • Re-implemented repeat directive for better performance (#501)
  • Updated TypeScript dependency to 3.1
  • render() now takes an options object as the third argument. (#523)


  • Event listeners are called with a configurable this reference, which is set via the eventContext option to render(). (#523)
  • Support for event listener options, by passing the listener itself as both the second and third arguments to add/removeEventListener().

[0.11.4] - 2018-09-17


  • Fixed issues with shady-render introduced in 0.11.3 (#504 and #505).

[0.11.3] - 2018-09-13


  • Moved upgrading of custom elements in template fragments to a common location in TemplateInstance (#489)
  • Rewrite render() to reuse the logic in NodePart. render() now supports all the data types that NodeParts do. (#491)


  • Fixed bug when using the ShadyCSS @apply` shim. (#502)

[0.11.2] - 2018-09-12


  • Added classMap and styleMap directives (#486)


  • Fixed bug in asyncReplace when rerendering the same iterable (#485)
  • Update properties before upgrading custom elements (#455)
  • Cache the ShadyCSS version lookup (#477)

[0.11.1] - 2018-09-02


  • Eliminated a cycle in the module import graph (#472)
  • Remove the default value for the templateProcessor parameter in TemplateResult#constuctor, making it a required paremeter (#472)

[0.11.0] - 2018-08-28


  • Added support for property, event, and boolean bindings to default syntax (#398)
  • Added guard directive (#438)
  • Added when directive (#439)


  • Split implementation into multiple small modules and merged lit-html.js and core.js (#436)
  • Moved directives into top-level directives/ directory (#436)
  • Replaced PartCallback with TemplateProcessor (#405)
  • Unified NodePart and AttributePart interfaces (#400)
    • AttributePart#setValue() takes a single value
    • Part has separate setValue() and commit() phases
    • Added AttributeCommitter to commit attribute values once for multiple AttributeParts


  • Removed lit-extended.js (#436)


  • Render initial undefined values in attributes (#377)
  • Handle case-sensitive attributes like viewBox correctly (#376)
  • Support bindings in <template> elements (#343)
  • Don’t break templates when HTML comments have bindings in them (#446)
  • IE: Don't use Set() constructor arguments (#401)
  • Handle forms as Node instead of iterable (#404)
  • Update values after upgrading custom elements (#385)
  • Dirty check primitive values passed to unsafeHTML() (#384)
  • Handle forms as Node instead of iterable (#404)
  • Upgrade disconnected custom elements before setting properties on them. (#442)
  • Fix style attribute bindings in IE (#448)

[0.10.1] - 2018-06-13

  • Added noChange - Value in favour of directiveValue (deprecated).
    • A noChange - Value signals that a value was handled by a directive and should not be written to the DOM
  • Updated shady-render to render styles in order, work with @apply, and work in browers where CSS Custom Properties must be polyfilled, like IE 11.
  • Introduced API to modify template contents safely without breaking template parts
    • insertNodeIntoTemplate(template: Template, node: Node, refNode: Node|null)
    • removeNodesFromTemplate(template: Template, nodesToRemove: Set<Node>)

[0.10.0] - 2018-05-03

  • Added IE11 support
  • Declarative events in lit-extended are more efficient when handlers change

[0.9.0] - 2018-02-01

  • Refactored how template tags and render() are implemented so that all specialization of template syntax is done in tags, not render(), allowing for the mixining of templates of different syntaxes, and for hooks in render() to change templates before they're initially processed.
  • Added ShadyCSS support in lib/shady-render.js. It's exported render function will pass templates to ShadyCSS's prepareTemplate() function to process style tags and elements in the template for emulate CSS scoping.
  • lit-extended: Attribute bindings with a ? suffix on the name now act as boolean attributes. The attribute will be removed for falsey values and set to '' for truthy values, matching the HTML specification behavior for boolean attributes.
  • Fixed a bug where directives rendered incorrectly on AttributeParts and PropertyParts

[0.8.0] - 2018-01-12

  • Allow all valid HTML attribute names, including emoji and Angular-style (foo)= and [foo]= names.
  • Drastically improved performance of the repeat directive.
  • Fixed an issue with expressions directly following elements.
  • Fixed numerous bugs with the repeat directive.
  • Performance improvements for template setup
  • Internal code cleanup
  • Support synchronous thenables
  • Added the asyncAppend and asyncReplace directives to handle async iterable values in expressions.

[0.7.0] - 2017-10-06

  • Added the svg template tag for creating partial SVG content
  • Support for expressions inside tables and other elements with limited permitted content
  • Only remove whitespace between elements, or at the start or end of elements
  • Fixed bugs with rendering iterables
  • A few IE/Edge fixes. Closer to full support.

[0.6.0] - 2017-09-01

  • Fixed removing event handlers when setting them to undefined.
  • Allow the text "{{}}" to appear in templates.
  • Optimized clearing of Parts.
  • Added unsafeHTML() directive to bind values as HTML source.
  • Optimizations, simplification and bug fixes of Array handling code.
  • Update to extension API: added partCallback parameter to render().
  • Added the directive() decorator function to create directives. Functions values are no longer treated as directive by default, simplifying declarative event handlers.