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1. Create operator

Java Operator is created as a Java Quarkus project. You can buld it either as a standard Docker image or a Native Docker image using GraalVM.

1.1. Standard build
mvn package
1.2 Native build
./mvnw package -Pnative -DskipTests -Dnative-image.docker-build=true

2. Dockerize operator application and push it into Docker Hub

2.1. Standard build
docker build -f src/main/docker/Dockerfile.jvm -t leszko/hazelcast-operator:java . && docker push leszko/hazelcast-operator:java
2.2. Native build
docker build -f src/main/docker/Dockerfile.native -t leszko/hazelcast-operator:java-native . && docker push leszko/hazelcast-operator:java-native

3. Create Hazelcast CRD (Custom Role Definition) and RBAC (Cluster Role and Cluster Role Binding)

kubectl apply -f hazelcast.crd.yaml
kubectl apply -f role.yaml
kubectl apply -f role_binding.yaml

4. Deploy an operator

4.1. Standard build
kubectl apply -f operator.yaml
4.2. Native build
kubectl apply -f operator.native.yaml

5. Create Hazelcast Resource

kubectl apply -f hazelcast.yaml

Note: If you want Hazelcast members themselves to form a cluster, you need to configure RBAC for Hazelcast: kubectl apply -f

6. Clean up

kubectl delete -f hazelcast.yaml
kubectl delete -f operator.yaml
kubectl delete -f role_binding.yaml
kubectl delete -f role.yaml
kubectl delete -f hazelcast.crd.yaml