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File metadata and controls

601 lines (498 loc) · 20.1 KB
title date
2020-08-27 09:42:26 UTC


目录 描述 /System/Library/ /Library/ ~/Library/
Preferences/ 存放应用的配置文件 Y Y Y
LaunchDaemons/ 存放系统级进程的配置文件 Y Y
LaunchAgents/ 存放用户级进程的配置文件 Y Y Y
StartupItems/ 存放启动项的配置文件 Y Y


osascript: execute OSA scripts (AppleScript, JavaScript, etc.)

osascript -e <script> [-l <language>]


script='display notification ("您好" as unicode text)'
osascript -e $script



# 右上角通知
display notification "hello world!"
  with title "Greet"
  subtitle "Everyone"
  sound name "Frog"
# 弹窗
display alert "Alert"
  message "Hello, ..."
  as critical
  buttons {"Don't Continue", "Continue"}
  default button "Continue"
  cancel button "Don't Continue"
display dialog "Dialog"
  buttons {"Don't Continue", "Continue"}
  default button "Continue"
  cancel button "Don't Continue"
  with icon caution
  giving up after 5 # 5秒后自动关闭
# 打开Safari
tell app "Safari" to activate
# 关闭Safari
quit app ""
# 调整音量
set volume input volume 40
set volume output volume 50
set volume output muted TRUE
set volume output muted not (output muted of (get volume settings))
# 直接关机、重启
tell app "System Events" to shut down
tell app "System Events" to restart
# 延时
delay 0.5 #


osascript -e 'id of app "Visual Studio Code"'


launchd: System wide and per-user daemon/agent manager.

launchctl: interfaces with launchd to manage and inspect daemons, agents and XPC services.



graph LR
kernel[OS Kernel]
	---> system-launchd[System Launchd]
	---> system-deamons[System Daemons<br/>/System/Library/LaunchDaemons] & third-party-deamons[Third-party Deamons<br/>/Library/LaunchDaemons]
	---> login{User Login<br/>loginwindow}
	---> user-launchd[User Launchd]
	---> system-agents[System Agents<br/>/System/Library/LaunchAgents] & user-agents[Third-party Agents<br/>/Library/LaunchAgents] & current-agents["Current User Agents<br/>~/Library/LaunchAgents"]
	---> ...((""))
# 列出用户进程状态
launchctl list
# 列出系统进程状态
sudo launchctl list


  • daemon: 系统级进程,在系统启动时载入,在活动监视器中可以看到用户为root
  • agent: 用户级进程,在用户登录时载入,在活动监视器中可以看到用户为当前用户(whoami)。



# 系统自带的系统级进程配置文件
# 系统自带的用户级进程配置文件
# 系统自带的进程间通信进程配置文件
# 管理员提供的(如安装软件)系统级进程配置文件
# 管理员提供的用户级进程配置文件
# 当前登录用户自己的进程配置文件



关于plist,可以查看man plist, man launchd.plist

  1. RunAtLoad:表示当前任务是否在配置载入(开机/登录)后自动启动。
  2. KeepAlive:表示当前任务是否一直运行。当设置为true时,在退出后会自动重启(俗称关不掉的流氓程序)。
  3. SuccessfulExit:表示是否在当前任务成功退出后自动重启。当该属性出现时,载入后一定会自动启动。
  4. Label:该.plist文件代表的任务名称。
  5. Program, ProgramArguments:任务的程序路径。
  6. WatchPaths:监控路径,当路径变化时执行当前任务。
核心属性(详细可见man launchd.plist
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
	<!-- 任务名称 -->
	<!-- 工作目录 -->
	<!-- 程序路径,写法一 -->
	<!-- 程序路径,写法二 -->
		<string>/Volumes/Macintosh HD</string>
	<!-- 环境变量 -->
	<!-- 标准输入输出 -->
  <!-- 权限:用户 -->
  <!-- 权限:用户组 -->
  <!-- 权限:Umask -->
    0	read, write and execute/search
    1	read and write
    2	read and execute/search
    3	read only
    4	write and execute
    5	write only
    6	execute/search only
    7	none
  <!-- 限流 -->
  <!-- IO优先级 -->
	<!-- 限制可用资源 -->
  <!-- 包括:CPU, FileSize, NumberOfFiles, Core, Data, MemoryLock, NumberOfProcesses, ResidentSetSize, Stack -->
	<!-- 运行条件:常驻运行(自动重启) -->
	<!-- 运行条件:常驻运行(自动重启),有条件地 -->
	<!-- 运行条件:在开机后自动启动 -->
  <!-- 运行条件:周期性启动,按时间间隔 -->
  <!-- 运行条件:周期性启动,按日历 -->
  <!-- 运行条件:监控路径,当路径变动(创建、删除、写入)时启动 -->
  <!-- 运行条件:监控目录,当目录不为空时启动 -->


plutil: can be used to check the syntax of property list files, or convert a plist file from one format to another. Specifying - as an input file reads from stdin.


例如,关闭Microsoft AutoUpdate软件的自动启动:

plutil -remove SuccessfulExit /Library/LaunchAgents/
plutil -replace RunAtLoad -bool NO /Library/LaunchAgents/

launchd plistdaemonagent任务的服务配置文件。


sysctl: get or set kernel state.

查看交换内存(swap usage):

sysctl vm.swapusage
# vm.swapusage: total = 0.00M used = 0.00M free = 0.00M (encrypted)



mdutil: Utility to manage Spotlight indexes.

# 关闭所有卷(volumes)的索引服务
mdutil -a -i off
# 开启
mdutil -a -i on


diskutil: Utility to manage local disks and volumes.

# 列出磁盘的分区(Partitions)
diskutil list
# 获取磁盘或分区信息
diskutil info <disk>


  • 系统睡眠(sleep):shutdown -s
  • 系统关机(halted):shutdown -h
  • 将非超级用户用户踢下线(kick):shutdown -k


caffeinate: prevent the system from sleeping on behalf of a utility.


pmset: manipulate power management settings.


    -a # all
    | -b # battery
    | -c # charger
    | -u # UPS


pmset -g [
  | stats # sleeps and wakes system has gone thru since boot.
  | ac,adapter
  | ps # ups
  | batt # battery
  | sched # scheduled events


  • type: sleep, wake, poweron, shutdown, wakeorpoweron

  • weekdays: Subset of MTWRFSU

  • date+time: "MM/dd/yy HH:mm:ss" (in 24 hour format; must be in quotes)

  • time: HH:mm:ss


pmset schedule [cancel|cancelall] <type> <date+time> [owner]


pmset repeat <type> <weekdays> <time>
pmset repeat cancel


pmset relative [wake | poweron] <seconds>



# 获取图片所有属性
> sips --getProperty all <img>
# 获取图片所有属性,返回xml格式
> sips --getProperty allxml <img>
# 缩放图片
> sips --resampleHeightWidthMax 1024 <img> --out <resampledImg>
常用选项 含义
--helpProperties/-H 查看支持的图片属性
--formats 查看支持的格式
--out/-o 输出文件夹/名
--getProperty/-g, --setProperty/-s, --deleteProperty/-d 获取/设置/删除图片属性
--setProperty format <jpeg/tiff/png/gif/jp2/pict/bmp/qtif/psd/sgi/tga> 转换图片格式
--getProperty all 获取图片的所有属性
--resampleWidth, --resampleHeight, --resampleHeightWidth/-z <h> <w>, --resampleHeightWidthMax/-Z <max> 缩放图片
--cropToHeightWidth/-c <h> <w>, --cropOffset <x> <y> 剪切图片
--padToHeightWidth/-p <h> <w> 通过填充内边框缩放图片,填充颜色通过--padColor <hex=000000>设置
--rotate/-r <degree> 旋转图片
--flip/-f <horizontal,vertical> 翻转图片


brew install imagemagick,安装后提供display, convert, montage, identity等命令。

# 查看支持的格式
> identify -list format
# 转换格式
> convert 1.jpg 1.png
> convert *.jpg *.png
# 特效


选项 含义
-affine <matrix> 仿射变换 affine transform matrix
-adjoin 合成多图片文件,如gif, tiff等 join images into a single multi-image file
-antialias 反锯齿 remove pixel-aliasing
-authenticate <password> 解密 decipher image with this password
-attenuate <value> 设置升噪衰减值 lessen (or intensify) when adding noise to an image
-annotate geometry text 添加备注 annotate the image with text
-auto-gamma 自动调整伽马值 automatically adjust gamma level of image
-auto-level 自动调整 automatically adjust color levels of image
-auto-orient 自动调整 automatically orient (rotate) image
-auto-threshold method 自动调整 automatically perform image thresholding
-background <none/<color>> 设置背景色
-bias <value> 设置卷积偏离值 add bias when convolving an image
-bilateral-blur <geometry> 双边滤波 non-linear, edge-preserving, and noise-reducing smoothing filter
-black-threshold <value> force all pixels below the threshold into black
-blur <geometry> 模糊 reduce image noise and reduce detail levels
-border <geometry>, -bordercolor <color> 添加边框 surround image with a border of color
-brightness-contrast <geometry> 调整明度 improve brightness / contrast of the image
-canny <geometry> (极简风格)边缘提取 detect edges in the image
-charcoal <radius> 炭笔化 simulate a charcoal drawing
-chop <geometry> 移除像素 remove pixels from the image interior
-contrast 调整对比度 enhance or reduce the image contrast
-contrast-stretch <geometry> 提高对比度 improve contrast by 'stretching' the intensity range
-convolve <coefficients> 卷积 apply a convolution kernel to the image
-deskew <threshold> 拉直图像 straighten an image
-despeckle 减少图片中的斑点 reduce the speckles within an image
-distort <method> <args> 扭曲图像 distort images according to given method and args
-draw <string> 注释图片 annotate the image with a graphic primitive
-edge <radius> (细节)边缘提取 apply a filter to detect edges in the image
-emboss <radius> 浮雕化 emboss an image
-enhance 通过数字滤波器提升噪点 apply a digital filter to enhance a noisy image
-equalize 通过直方图均衡化图片 perform histogram equalization to an image
-evaluate <operator> <value> 进行数学运算、逻辑运算或关系运算 evaluate an arithmetic, relational, or logical expression
-extent <geometry> 设置图片大小 set the image size
-extract <geometry> 截取区域 extract area from image
-flatten 平滑序列 flatten a sequence of images
-fft 离散傅里叶变换 implements the discrete Fourier transform (DFT)
-flip 垂直翻转 flip image vertically
-floodfill <geometry> <color> 填充区域 floodfill the image with color
-flop 水平翻转 flop image horizontally
-frame <geometry> 用装饰性边框环绕图片 surround image with an ornamental border
-function <name> <parameters> 对图片数据执行函数 apply function over image values
-gamma <level> 伽马校正 level of gamma correction
-gaussian-blur <geometry> 高斯模糊 reduce image noise and reduce detail levels
-grayscale <method> 灰度图 convert image to grayscale
-identify 识别图片格式和特征 identify the format and characteristics of the image
-ift 反向离散傅里叶变换 implements the inverse discrete Fourier transform (DFT)
-implode amount 向中心坍缩 implode image pixels about the center
-integral 计算图片像素数 calculate the sum of values (pixel values) in the image
-interpolative-resize geometry 通过插值缩放图片 resize image using interpolation
-kmeans <geometry> 褪色 K means color reduction
-kuwahara <geometry> 保留边缘的降噪滤波 edge preserving noise reduction filter
-lat geometr 自适应局部图像阈值处理 local adaptive thresholding
-level value 对比度调平 adjust the level of image contrast
-level-colors <color,color> (通过给定颜色进行)颜色调平 level image with the given colors
-linear-stretch <geometry> 通过拉伸饱和度提高对比度 improve contrast by 'stretching with saturation'
-liquid-rescale geometry 通过接缝雕刻(seam-carving)缩放图片 rescale image with seam-carving
-local-contrast geometry 增强局部对比 enhance local contrast
-mean-shift geometry 均值偏移 delineate arbitrarily shaped clusters in the image
-median <geometry> 中值滤波 apply a median filter to the image
-mode <geometry> 使每个像素都是相邻像素的主色 make each pixel the 'predominant color' of the neighborhood
-modulate <value> 调整明度、对比度和色调 vary the brightness, saturation, and hue
-monochrome 黑白图 transform image to black and white
-motion-blur <geometry> 模拟运动模糊 simulate motion blur
-negate 补色 replace every pixel with its complementary color
-noise <geometry> 提升或降低噪点 add or reduce noise in an image


Xcode Command Line Tools:将Xcode的底层功能提供到命令行中,以便脚本脚用和喜欢命令行操作的开发者。


ls /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/


xcode-select --install


  1. 活动监视器查看进程的父进程,如果是launchd,执行后续操作

  2. 找到开机启动配置文件

  3. 使用plutil将配置文件中的KeepAlive改为false;删除StartIntervalStartCalendarInterval属性,删除SuccessfulExit属性;如果不需要开启启动,将RunAtLoad也改为false

  4. 如果父进程不是launchd,则继续执行第一步,找到最终进程即可

# 直接搜索配置文件(自动启动的服务),注意,对于二进制格式的.plist无法直接搜索,可以先找到文件。
grep -iw -e 'RunAtLoad' \
         -e 'KeepAlive' \
         -e 'StartInterval' \
         -e 'StartCalendarInterval' \
         -e 'SuccessfulExit' \
         /System/Library/Launch*/*.plist \
         /Library/Launch*/*.plist \

例如禁止Microsoft AutoUpdate(包括Edge)弹窗:

# 查找microsoft产品相关的配置文件,比如使用关键词 microsoft:
ls /System/Library/Launch*/*.plist \
   /Library/Launch*/*.plist \
   ~/Library/LaunchAgents/*.plist | grep -i microsoft

# 找到文件:
# /Library/LaunchAgents/
# /Library/LaunchDaemons/

# 删除定期开启(StartInterval):
plutil -remove StartInterval /Library/LaunchAgents/
# 取消开机启动(RunAtLoad):
plutil -replace RunAtLoad -bool NO /Library/LaunchAgents/
# 让系统加载最新的配置
launchctl load /Library/LaunchAgents/


参考:Set vscode as the default editor for text files on mac

  1. 先安装duti
brew install duti
  1. 设置vscode为默认打开软件

2.1 获取vscode的软件ID(bundle ID

osascript -e 'id of app "Code"'
# 打印:
while read -d ' ' line; do
  # program=$(duti -x $line 2>/dev/null | head -1)
  [[ $line ]] && duti -s $line all
done <<< '.c .cpp .cs .css .go .java .js .sass .scss .less .vue .cfg .json .jsx .log .lua .md .php .pl .py .rb .rs .ts .tsx .txt .conf .yaml .yml .toml'