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Taking snapshots for Birdseye catalog.


$ npm install --save-dev @birdseye/snapshot


Before running capturing process, you need to pass snapshotPlugin in plugins option of birdseye function.

import birdseye from '@birdseye/app'

// Import snapshot plugin
import { snapshotPlugin } from '@birdseye/snapshot/lib/plugin'

const load = (ctx: any) => ctx.keys().map((x: any) => ctx(x).default)
const catalogs = load(require.context('./catalogs', true, /\.catalog\.ts$/))

birdseye('#app', catalogs, {
  // Pass the plugin to birdseye function
  plugins: [snapshotPlugin]

Next, write birdseye/capture.js like below:

const path = require('path')
const { spawn } = require('child_process')
const { snapshot } = require('@birdseye/snapshot')

function wait(n) {
  return new Promise(resolve => {
    setTimeout(resolve, n)

;(async () => {
  // Run catalog server
  const cp = spawn('npm run serve -- birdseye/preview.js', {
    cwd: path.resolve(__dirname, '../'),
    shell: true,
    stdio: 'ignore'

  // Wait until server is ready
  await wait(3000)

  // Get snapshots for all component catalogs
  await snapshot({
    url: 'http://localhost:8080'

  // Kill the server process

Then run the script with following command:

$ node birdseye/capture.js

It will store snapshot images in birdseye/snapshots for all component catalogs. You can run visual regression test with the snapshots.

Snapshot Options

You can specify snapshot options into your catalog to tweak capture behavior.

import { catalogFor } from '@birdseye/vue'
import MyButton from '@/components/MyButton.vue'

export default catalogFor(MyButton, 'MyButton')
  .add('primary', {
    props: {
      primary: true

    slots: {
      default: 'Button Text'

    plugins: {
      snapshot: {
        // Specify snapshot options here
        delay: 1000

All options should be into plugins.snapshot for each catalog settings.

Available snapshot options are below:

  • skip Set true if you want to skip capturing for the catalog. (default false)
  • target CSS selector for the element that will be captured. (default: the root element of the preview)
  • delay A delay (ms) before taking snapshot.
  • disableCssAnimation Disable CSS animations and transitions if true. (default true)
  • capture A function to define interactions (e.g. click, hover etc. the an element) before capture. See Triggering Interaction before Capture for details.

Triggering Interaction before Capture

There are cases that you want to manipulate a rendered catalog before capturing it. For example, capturing a hover style of a button, a focused style of a text field, etc.

You can trigger such manipulations with capture option:

import { catalogFor } from '@birdseye/vue'
import MyButton from '@/components/MyButton.vue'

export default catalogFor(MyButton, 'MyButton')
  .add('primary', {
    props: {
      primary: true

    slots: {
      default: 'Button Text'

    plugins: {
      snapshot: {
        capture: async (page, capture) => {
          // Capture the regular style of the button.
          await capture()

          // Trigger a hover for the button. Specify the target elemenet with a CSS selector.
          // The below triggers a hover for an element with `my-button` class.
          await page.hover('.my-button')

          // Capture the button while it is hovered.
          await capture()

capture option is a function receiving two arguments - a page context and a capture function. The page context has methods to trigger manipulations for an element in the page. They are just aliases of Puppeteer's ElementHandle methods except receiving the selector for the element as the first argument. Available methods are below:

  • click
  • focus
  • hover
  • press
  • select
  • tap
  • type

The original method arguments are supposed to placed after the second argument. For example, if you write{ button: 'right' }) with Puppeteer, the equivalent is'.selector', { button: 'right' }).

In addition, page.mouse and page.keyboard are also exposed under the page context with the same name and the same interface of functions.

Visual Regression Testing with reg-suit

reg-suit is a visual regression testing tool which compares snapshot images, stores snapshots on cloud storage (S3, GCS), etc. This section describes how to set up visual regiression testing with reg-suit and @birdseye/snapshot with storing snapshot images on S3. You may also want to read the example repository of reg-suit.

Before using reg-suit, setup your AWS credentials. Set environment variables:

export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=<your-access-key>
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=<your-secret-key>

Or create a file at ~/.aws/credentials:

aws_access_key_id = <your-access-key>
aws_secret_access_key = <your-secret-key>

Install reg-suit and execute initialization command. The reg-suit CLI tool asks you several questions for set up:

$ npm install -D reg-suit
$ npx reg-suit init

After finishing reg-suit set up, run the following command for visual regression test:

$ node birdseye/capture.js && reg-suit run
