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PerLink Noise Bot

made-with-python Tests

PerLink Noise is a small bot that tracks upvotes to links in discord channels by adding emojis to messages. Users only have to click on the emojis to update/downvote a link.

It uses as its database a Google Spreadsheet, so it's easy to extract realtime stats, etc. by administrators.


Development environment

In order to hack on the project you need Poetry installed:

Then you can initialize the development environment:

> poetry install --no-root

Then check if tests passes:

> poetry run pytest -v


TLDR: copy the file .env.example to .env and customize. Then add the Google json auth file in the root folder as perlink_auth.json.

  1. Create a .env file and set the options there. See an example here: Example config
  2. The following options can be configured:
    • DISCORD_TOKEN: str

      • Obtain a discord token for your bot and put it here.


      • Instructions on how to obtain a token.

      • Instructions on how to invite the bot to your server

        • In the SCOPESsection within OAuth2 tab, select the scope bot.
        • In the Bot Permissionssection, select the following permissions:
          • Read Message History
        • Copy the link generated, and paste it on your browser. Example of link:
    • DATABASE_FILE: str

      • Open the following Google Spreadsheet template:
      • Create a copy on your Google Drive (File -> Create copy)
      • From the copy created, get the file ID from the URL:
        • Example:
          • for this file:
          • The id is the following: 1Jb1XW67xoftwD34kADYGX7-D04NiCqQa2hIZ3NjKapo
      • Share the file to the email within in the GOOGLE_AUTH_FILE (see below) as client_email.

      • Specifies the name of the service account json file to use for Google credentials.
      • Default value: perlink_auth.json
      • Create a bot service account json file and put it in the configured location. IMPORTANT: be careful with the json file, every document you grant access to the service account can be read/modified with the contents of the json file.
      • NOTE: You need to share the Google Spreadsheet with the client_id within the json file.
    • MAX_VOTE_HOURS: int

      • How long for the bot to look back in time to count votes. All votes before that period are not counted.
      • Default value: 24
    • DETECT_RAW_LINKS: bool

      • If the bot will try to find links that are not properly written (for example, missing the schema: instead of
      • Default value: false

      • Lets the bot collect votes from NSFW channels or not.
      • Default value: false

      • Which links are considered valid (when DETECT_RAW_LINKS is disabled).
      • Separate multiple values with commas ",".
      • Default value: http,https,ftp

      • Let the bot ignore links that contain secrets (users/passwords) in the URIs.
      • Default value: true
    • BOT_ID: str

      • This is the bot id, should you use several bots within the same asyncio loop.
      • Default value: perlink
    • LOG_FORMAT: str

      • The log format used.
      • Default value: %(asctime)s [%(process)d] %(name)-30s | %(levelname)8s %(message)s

Run the bot

poetry run python -m perlink


Once you test the bot works locally and everything seems ok, it's time to deploy the bot in production.

Generic steps

  1. Upload the bot to production site.
  2. Install all bot dependencies.
  3. Check the configuration is ok (.env file and perlink_auth.json files should be in place).
  4. Run the bot in production by issuing python -m perlink withing the virtual environment with the dependencies installed.


NOTE: We have included a Procfile in the repository root.

  1. Set Heroku buildpack to work with poetry

    $ heroku buildpacks:clear

    $ heroku buildpacks:add

    $ heroku buildpacks:add heroku/python

  2. Create a heroku app

  3. Clone your heroku app locally:

    $ heroku git:clone -a APPNAME perlink_heroku

  4. Copy all content from this repository to your heroku app

  5. Deploy (push the application to heroku:

    $ git push heroku master

  6. Ensure there is at least one instance running:

    $ heroku ps:scale web=1

  7. Visit app location:

    $ heroku open

  8. View logs:

    $ heroku logs --tail