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Changes & Migration from Kodein 4 to Kodein DI 5

This guide will help you migrate from Kodein 4 to Kodein 5+.

  • The first part explains the changes and their reasoning.

  • The second part gives steps to follow to port your code to Kodein 5+.


New repository: JCenter

Kodein has moved from MavenCentral to JCenter.

The main reason for this move is that I need download statistics for professional reasons.
Also, JCenter is a CDN.
Also, JCenter allows me to manage a dedicated repo for beta releases.

Kodein is an open-source product and will always remain so. There will never be a "pro" paid version! The statistics are just to give me an "argument" in my future projects ;)

To you, it means that:

  • You need to add the JCenter repository to your build system (Gradle or Maven).

  • If you are using a beta version of Kodein, you need to add the Kodein specific repository.

  • That’s all ;)

New modules

Also, the module name have changed to reflect:

  • The platform

  • The generic / erased choice

New package: org.kodein.di

First and foremost, Kodein now has its dedicated domain name:

Kodein is now located inside the package org.kodein.di.


The biggest change in Kodein 5 is that everything in Kodein 5 is lazy.
This is because:

  • You shouldn’t know whether the instance you are asking for will be easy to retrieve or hard to construct.

  • Some classes (such as Android or TornadoFX components) are created before being "attached" to their context.

Furthermore, the use of Kotlin’s delegated properties allows:

  • Factories to access context & receiver (very useful for TornadoFX & Android integration).

  • The use of a trigger (previously known as injector) a lot easier.

The use of delegated properties does not significantly impact performance!

However, if you don’t want all those benefits and still want direct access, Kodein 5 provides DKodein and DKodeinAware (D is for Direct), which works exactly like Kodein 4’s Kodein and KodeinAware.


In Kodein 4, you would curry a factory into an instance by using kodein.with(argument).instance(), which is not really readable / understandable.

In Kodein 5, you curry via the arg parameter: kodein.instance(arg = argument).


Kodein 5 radically changes the way the "injector" works.

In version 4, you would create a KodeinInjector and use it to retrieve dependencies.

In version 5, Kodein offers the KodeinTrigger and the LateinitKodein that each take a role of the previous KodeinInjector.

  • KodeinTrigger allows you to define when you want your dependencies to be retrieved (rather than at first access)

  • LateInitKodein allows you to use a Kodein-like shallow object and to define the location of a real Kodein object later.

In most cases, you won’t need either of these classes, even if you were using a KodeinInjector. Because Kodein 5 is lazy by default, it eliminates most of the injector needs.

Scope & contexts

In Kodein 4, scopes used the factory argument as scope context.

In Kodein 5, there are a few new variable that Kodein uses to find binding & call factories. Scopes now use a context value, which means that there can now be some scoped multiton (the scope uses the context while the multiton uses the argument).

Kodein 5 also allows the binding factories to access the receiver of the property. This is very useful for framework integration such as Android & TornadoFX.

The Singleton binding is now supercharged. It handles scopes AND references, which means that it is now possible for weird stuff such as "weakened scoped singleton".

The multiton binding is the same!

Finally, there are no more such things as "auto-scopes". They are replaced by scopes that do not need a particular provided context, e.g. Scope<Any?, *>.


The Android specific scopes and types have been entirely rewritten to be lighter and less intrusive.


New repository: JCenter

You need to add the jcenter repository to your project (if it is not already).

With Maven


With Gradle

Add the JCenter repository:

buildscript {
    repositories {

New modules

Module names have changed:

Old name New name















New package: org.kodein.di

Well, the new package is now org.kodein.di. So, you know, update the imports ;)

Old name New name

com.github.salomonbrys.kodein *


com.github.salomonbrys.kodein *








The com.github.salomonbrys.kodein package has been split up between core and generic code. This allows Kodein to be used with Java 9.


This is by far the most important change in your migration.

For JVM / Server

You now have a choice : either you embrace this new laziness philosophy, or you fight it ;) In fact, both choice are pretty easy to make!

Injection, a.k.a. kodein.newInstance { }, is not impacted. Only retrieval is.
Lazy by default

If you want to use laziness by default, as Kodein now does, simply replace all = with by.

Example: updating retrieval code to use Kodein’s laziness
// Kodein 4
val ds: DataSource = kodein.instance()

// Kodein 5
val ds: DataSource by kodein.instance()

However, if you don’t want to use laziness, you need to update your code to

Direct by default

If you want to keep Kodein 4’s direct retrieval by default, you simply need to:

  • handle DKodein objects instead of Kodein

  • have your classes being DKodeinAware instead of KodeinAware

Example: creating a DKodein
val kodein = { (1)
    /* bindings */
  1. This .direct will return a DKodein

Example: a DKodeinAware class
class MyController(override val dkodein: DKodein) : DKodeinAware

For Android

In Android, the laziness by default is actually a very good thing, as you don’t need things like KodeinInjector or LazyKodein:

Also, appKodein() is replaced by closestKodein()

Example: a KodeinAware Activity
class MyActivity() : Activity(), KodeinAware {
    override val kodein by closestKodein()
    private val usersManagers: UsersManagers by instance()
If you were using Android specific types (such as KodeinActivity), you should read the Android section.


There’s a new currying syntax:

Example: new currying syntax
// Kodein 4
val dice: Dice = kodein.with(6).instance()

// Kodein 5
val ds: DataSource by kodein.instance(arg = 6)
Much like the tag argument, the arg argument should always be named.


If you were using a KodeinInjector, you now need to use a KodeinTrigger and/or a LateInitKodein.


The KodeinTrigger class allows you to define when the dependencies will be retrieved (as opposed to lazily when needed).

By itself

You can use the on function to create a Kodein object that is bound to a KodeinTrigger:

Example: a Kodein bound to a KodeinTrigger
val tk = kodein.on(trigger = KodeinTrigger())
val ds: DataSource by tk.instance()
In KodeinAware

It is really easy to use a KodeinTrigger in a KodeinAware class:

Example: a KodeinAware class with a trigger
class MyManager(override val kodein: Kodein) : KodeinAware {
    override val kodeinTrigger = KodeinTrigger() (1)
    val ds: DataSource by tk.instance()
    init {
        kodeinTrigger.trigger() (2)
  1. The kodeinTrigger property of a KodeinAware class

Late init

In KodeinAware

In a KodeinAware class, you can set the kodein value to be late init:

Example: a KodeinAware class with a late init kodein
class MyManager : KodeinAware {
    override late init var kodein: Kodein (1)
    val ds: DataSource by instance()
    init {
        kodein = applicationGlobals.kodein (2)
  1. The kodein property is late init, which is not a problem as long as you set it before accessing a dependency.

  2. You can access dependencies after setting the kodein variable.

By itself

For classes that are not KodeinAware, Kodein offers the LateInitKodein class, which acts very similarly:

Example: use of LateInitKodein
val lk = LateInitKodein()
val ds: DataSource by lk.instance()
lk.baseKodein = applicationGlobals.kodein

Scope contexts

Scopes now use the context variable, instead of the factory argument arg.

Binding with a scope

The syntax to bind a scoped singleton has evolved:

Example: binding with a scope
val kodein = Kodein {
    // Kodein 4
    bind<Session>() with scopedSingleton(requestScope) { /* ... */ }

    // Kodein 5
    bind<Session>() with scoped(requestScope).singleton { /* ... */ }

Getting a scoped singleton instance

Retrieval context

A scope is now defined function of a context, rather than of an arg:

Example: getting an instance of a scoped singleton
val kodein = Kodein {
    // Kodein 4
    val session by kodein.with(request).instance()

    // Kodein 5
    val session by kodein.on(context = request).instance()
KodeinAware context

You can define a context that works for an entire KodeinAware class.

Example: a context for the entire KodeinAware class
class MyController(request: Request) : KodeinAware {
    override val kodeinContext = kcontext(request)
    val session by instance()
Setting a kodeinContext still allows you to access bindings without scopes! The kodeinContext is the context by default, but will not be used if there is no need for a context.


The Kodein Android extension has radically changed. It is therefore advised to read the new Kodein on Android documentation.


Because everything is lazy be default, it is now very easy to use KodeinAware with Android components (note that closestKodein replaces appKodein):

Example: a context for the entire KodeinAware class
class MyActivity : Activity(), KodeinAware {
    override val kodein by closestKodein() (1)
    val ds: DataSource by instance()
    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
        ds.connect() (2)
        /* ... */
  1. The closestKodein function replaces the appKodein v4 function.

  2. Because everything is lazy, the kodein AND ds instances will both be retrieved only when needed, which is at that time.

Layered dependencies

The KodeinActivity class, KodeinInjector interface, and all their component equivalent are gone. what they did was:

  • Provide an injector, which is no longer needed since Kodein 5 is lazy by default.

  • Allowed to create a "sub-kodein" with some new or overriding bindings, which this guide explains how to do.

  • Provide a Kodein object that reflects those new or overriding bindings, which is what closestKodein does.

To create a component that creates it’s own Kodein object, simply override the kodein value, create a new Kodein object, and extend the parent kodein in it:

Example: a context for the entire KodeinAware class
class MyActivity : Activity(), KodeinAware {
    private val _parentKodein by closestKodein()  (1)
    override val kodein: Kodein by Kodein {
        extend(_parentKodein)  (2)
        /* activity specific bindings */
  1. Get the "global" application kodein.

  2. Extends the "global" application kodein, to be able to access, with this new Kodein object, all bindings defined at the application level.


All android scopes are replaced by the androidScope function:

Example: binding with an activity scope
val kodein = Kodein {
    // Kodein 4
    bind<Whatever>() with scopedSingleton(activityScope) { /* ... */ }

    // Kodein 5
    bind<Whatever>() with scoped(androidScope<Activity>()).singleton { /* ... */ }


The androidModule still exists but now need the application context:

Example: importing the android module
class MyApplication : Application(), KodeinAware {
    override val kodein = Kodein.lazy {
	    /* bindings */

The autoAndroidModule is gone and will not return! Its implementation was far too messy and leak-prone. To find the "closest" context, Kodein uses either the receiver or the context, which you must provide if the KodeinAware class is not an Android component:

Example: defining the android context as the kodein context
class MyController(override val kodein: Kodein, val context: Context) : KodeinAware {
    override val kodeinContext = kcontext(context)
    private val vibrator: Vibrator by instance()