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Table Composable

Note: Table lives in its own package at @patternfly/react-table!

PatternFly has two implementations of a React table.

The first is the newer TableComposable component. It takes a more explicit and declarative approach, and its implementation more closely mirrors that of an HTML table. Generally, updates and new feature requests are implemented in the TableComposable.

The second is the original Table component. It is configuration based and takes a less declarative and more implicit approach about laying out the table structure, such as the rows and cells within it. The documentation for the older table implementation can be found under the React legacy tab.

For most common use cases, we recommend using TableComposable. Both implementations are supported and fully maintained.

import SearchIcon from '@patternfly/react-icons/dist/esm/icons/search-icon'; import CodeBranchIcon from '@patternfly/react-icons/dist/esm/icons/code-branch-icon'; import CodeIcon from '@patternfly/react-icons/dist/esm/icons/code-icon'; import CubeIcon from '@patternfly/react-icons/dist/esm/icons/cube-icon'; import LeafIcon from '@patternfly/react-icons/dist/esm/icons/leaf-icon'; import FolderIcon from '@patternfly/react-icons/dist/esm/icons/folder-icon'; import FolderOpenIcon from '@patternfly/react-icons/dist/esm/icons/folder-open-icon'; import SortAmountDownIcon from '@patternfly/react-icons/dist/esm/icons/sort-amount-down-icon'; import BlueprintIcon from '@patternfly/react-icons/dist/esm/icons/blueprint-icon';

import { css } from '@patternfly/react-styles'; import styles from '@patternfly/react-styles/css/components/Table/table';

TableComposable examples

The TableComposable component differs from the regular Table component, in that it allows you to compose the table by nesting the relevant Thead, Tbody, Tr, Th and Td components within it. For a less declarative and more implicit approach, use the Table component instead.

Some general notes:

  • Provide dataLabel prop to the Td components so that in mobile view the cell has a label to provide context.
  • If you want a table caption, simply place a <Caption>My caption</Caption> as the first child within a TableComposable.
  • You can set the TableComposable variant to compact

Composable: Basic

Composable: Custom row wrapper, header tooltips & popovers

  • If you add the noWrap prop to Thead, it won't wrap it if there is no space
  • You can add the textCenter prop to Th or Td to center the contents
  • You can pass className, style and more to Tr

To add a header tooltip or popover to Th, pass a ThInfoType object via the info prop.

Composable: Sortable & wrapping headers

To make a column sortable, pass a ThSortType object via the sort prop on a column's Th.

ThSortType includes an OnSort event handler which has the following signature:

type OnSort = (
  event: React.MouseEvent,
  columnIndex: number,
  sortByDirection: SortByDirection,
  extraData: IExtraColumnData
) => void;

The built in display for sorting is not fully responsive, as the column headers will be displayed per row when the screen size is small. To see a full page demo of a responsive sortable table, utilizing a toolbar item to control sorting for small screens, view the Sortable - responsive demo in the React demos tab.

Composable: Sortable - custom control

Sorting a table may also be controlled manually with a toolbar control. To see a full page demo of a responsive table, view the Sortable - responsive demo in the React demos tab.

Composable: Selectable with checkbox

To make a row selectable, the table needs a selection column. The selection column is just another column, but with selection specific props added. We add it as the first header cell and also as the first body cell for each row.

To make a column sortable, pass a ThSelectType object via the select prop on a column's Th.

To make a row sortable, pass a TdSelectType object via the select prop on each rows's first Td.

Both the TdSelectType and the ThSelectType expect an OnSelect event handler with the following signature:


type OnSelect = (
  event: React.FormEvent<HTMLInputElement>,
  isSelected: boolean,
  rowIndex: number,
  rowData: IRowData,
  extraData: IExtraData
) => void;

Note: This example has a shift + select feature where holding shift while checking checkboxes will check intermediate rows' checkboxes.

Composable: Selectable radio input

Similarly to the selectable example above, the radio buttons use the first column. The first header cell is empty, and each body row's first cell has radio button props.

Composable: Row click handler, hoverable & selected rows

This selectable rows feature is intended for use when a table is used to present a list of objects in a Primary-detail view.

Composable: Actions

This example demonstrates adding actions as the last column. The header's last cell is an empty cell, and each body row's last cell is an action cell.

To make a cell an action cell, render an ActionsColumn component inside a row's last Td and pass an array of IAction objects via the items prop of ActionsColumn.

Composable: Actions Overflow

Useing an OverflowMenu in the actions column, allowing the actions to condense into a dropdown if necessary for space.

Composable: Expandable

To make a parent/child row pair expandable:

  1. Make the first cell in every row an expandable cell by passing TdExpandType object to the expand prop on the Td
  2. Wrap the content of each child row cell in ExpandableRowContent.
  3. Enclose each parent/child row pair in a Tbody component with an isExpanded prop.

The TdExpandType expects an OnCollapse event handler that has the following signature:

type OnCollapse = (
  event: React.MouseEvent,
  rowIndex: number,
  isOpen: boolean,
  rowData: IRowData,
  extraData: IExtraData
) => void;

Note: Table column widths will respond automatically when toggling expanded rows. To retain column widths between expanded and collapsed states, column header and/or data cell widths must be set.

Composable: Compound expandable

To make a parent/child row pair compound expandable:

  1. Pass a TdCompoundExpandType object to the compoundExpand prop on any Td that has an expandable child row
  2. Wrap the content of each child row cell in ExpandableRowContent.
  3. Each child Tr has an isExpanded prop.

The TdCompoundExpandType expects an OnExpand event handler with the following signature

export type OnExpand = (
  event: React.MouseEvent,
  rowIndex: number,
  colIndex: number,
  isOpen: boolean,
  rowData: IRowData,
  extraData: IExtraData
) => void;

Composable: Cell width, breakpoint modifiers

Composable: Controlling text

TODO: distinguish between the use cases for modifier on Td vs on TableText?

Composable: Modifiers with table text

Composable: Empty state

Composable: Favoritable (implemented with sortable)

To make a row favoritable, the table needs a favoritable column. Pass a TdFavoritesType object via the favorites prop on each rows's first Td in the favoritable column.

The TdFavoritesType expects an OnFavorite event handler with the following signature:

type OnFavorite = (
  event: React.MouseEvent,
  isFavorited: boolean,
  rowIndex: number,
  rowData: IRowData,
  extraData: IExtraData
) => void;

To make a favoritable column sortable, pass a ThSortType object to the favoritable column's Th with isFavorites set to true.

Composable: Tree table

To enable a tree table:

  1. Pass the isTreeTable prop to the TableComposable component

  2. Use a TreeRowWrapper rather than Tr

  3. Pass the following props to each row (both the TreeRowWrapper and the treeRow in the first column):

    • isExpanded - Flag indicating the node is expanded and its children are visible
    • isDetailsExpanded - (optional) Flag indicating the row's details are visible in responsive view
    • isHidden - Flag indicating the node's parent is expanded and this node is visible
    • aria-level - number representing how many levels deep this node is nested
    • aria-posinset - number representing where in the order this node sits amongst its siblings
    • aria-setsize - number representing the number of children this node has
    • isChecked - (optional) if this row uses checkboxes, flag indicating the checkbox checked
    • icon - (optional) ReactNode icon to display before the row title
    • toggleAriaLabel - (optional) accessible label for the expand/collapse children rows toggle arrow
    • checkAriaLabel - (optional) accessible label for the checkbox
    • showDetailsAriaLabel - (optional) accessible label for the show row details button in the responsive view
  4. The first Td in each row will pass the following to the treeRow prop:

    • onCollapse - Callback when user expands/collapses a row to reveal/hide the row's children.
    • onCheckChange - (optional) Callback when user changes the checkbox on a row.
    • onToggleRowDetails - (optional) Callback when user shows/hides the row details in responsive view.
    • props - (as defined above)
    • rowIndex - number representing the index of the row

Note: If this table is going to be tested using axe-core, the tests will flag the use of aria-level, aria-posinset, and aria-setsize as violations. This is an intentional choice at this time so that the voice over technologies will recognize the flat table structure as a tree.

Composable: Draggable row table

To make a row draggable:

  1. The table needs a draggable column.
  2. Each draggable Tr needs to be passed draggable, onDrop, onDragEnd, and onDragStart props.
  3. The Tbody needs onDragOver, onDrop, and onDragLeave props.
  4. While the user is dragging a row, the `` class needs to be applied to TableComposable.
  5. The draggable Td in each row needs a TdDraggableType object passed to its draggable prop.

Sticky table modifiers

To make certain columns and the header sticky, the table must be wrapped in a combination of OuterScrollContainer and InnerScrollContainer. For sticky columns, only InnerScrollContainer is required. For sticky headers, and sticky headers with sticky columns, both containers are required to ensure the sticky behavior behaves correctly.

Note: Sticky table headers and columns have a higher z-index than the z-index used for menus (dropdown, select, etc). The intent is that the contents of a scrollable table will scroll under the sticky header/column, including any expanded menus. However, there may be use cases where a menu needs to appear on top of a sticky header/column, such as an expanded menu in a toolbar above a table with a sticky header.

There are a few ways this can be handled:

  • Manipulate the z-index of the menu and/or table headers/columns manually.
  • Use the menuAppendTo prop in non-composable react components with menus to append the menu to an element outside of the table (e.g., the table's parent element) so that the menu has a higher stacking context than - and can appear on top of - sticky headers/columns as well as appear outside of any scrollable content in the table.
  • In the case where the menu is outside of the table (e.g., above the table in a toolbar, or below the table and the menu expands up), assign the entire table a lower z-index than the z-index of the menu. This creates a lower stacking context for the entire table compared to the menu, while preserving the stacking context of the elements inside of the table.

Composable: Sticky column

To make a column sticky, wrap TableComposable with InnerScrollContainer and add the following properties to the Th or Td that should be sticky: isStickyColumn and hasRightBorder. To prevent the default text wrapping behavior and allow horizontal scrolling, all Th or Td cells should also have the modifier="nowrap" property. To set the minimum width of the sticky column, use the stickyMinWidth property.

Composable: Multiple sticky columns

To make multiple columns sticky, wrap TableComposable with InnerScrollContainer and add isStickyColumn to all columns that should be sticky. The rightmost column should also have the hasRightBorder property, and each sticky column after the first must define a stickyLeftOffset property that equals the combined width of the previous sticky columns - set by stickyMinWidth. To prevent the default text wrapping behavior and allow horizontal scrolling, all Th or Td cells should also have the modifier="nowrap" property.

Composable: Sticky columns and header

To maintain proper sticky behavior across sticky columns and header, TableComposable must be wrapped with OuterScrollContainer and InnerScrollContainer.

Nested column headers

To make a nested column header:

  1. Wrap TableComposable with InnerScrollContainer.
  2. Pass nestedHeaderColumnSpans to TableComposable. nestedHeaderColumnSpans is an array of numbers representing the column spans of the top level columns to TableComposable, where each number is equal to the number of sub columns for a column, or 1 if a column contains no sub columns.
  3. Pass hasNestedHeader to Thead.
  4. Pass two Tr as children of Thead.

The first Tr represents the top level of columns, and each must pass either rowSpan if the column does not contain sub columns or colSpan if the column contains sub columns. The value of rowSpan is equal to the number of rows the nested header will span, typically 2, and the value of colSpan is equal to the number of sub columns in a column. Each Th except the last should also pass hasRightBorder.

The second Tr represents the second level of sub columns. The Th in this row each should pass isSubHeader, and the last sub column of a column should also pass hasRightBorder.

Composable: Nested column headers

Composable: Nested column headers and expandable rows

Composable: Expandable with nested table

Composable: Nested sticky header


Composable: Striped

To apply striping to a basic table, add the isStriped property to TableComposable.

Composable: Striped expandable

To apply striping to an expandable table, add the isStriped and isExpandable properties to TableComposable.

Composable: Striped multiple tobdy

When there are multiple Tbody components within a table, a more granular application of striping may be controlled by adding either the isEvenStriped or isOddStriped properties to Tbody. These properties will stripe even or odd rows within that Tbody respectively.

Composable: Striped tr

To manually control striping, add the isStriped property to each desired Tr. This replaces adding the isStriped property to TableComposable.