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1066 lines (830 loc) · 48.9 KB

Creating and Sending Notifications


Current web applications use many different channels to send messages to the users (e.g. SMS, Slack messages, emails, push notifications, etc.). The Notifier component in Symfony is an abstraction on top of all these channels. It provides a dynamic way to manage how the messages are sent. Get the Notifier installed using:

$ composer require symfony/notifier

Channels: Chatters, Texters, Email, Browser and Push

The notifier component can send notifications to different channels. Each channel can integrate with different providers (e.g. Slack or Twilio SMS) by using transports.

The notifier component supports the following channels:

  • SMS channel <notifier-sms-channel> sends notifications to phones via SMS messages;
  • Chat channel <notifier-chat-channel> sends notifications to chat services like Slack and Telegram;
  • Email channel <notifier-email-channel> integrates the Symfony Mailer </mailer>;
  • Browser channel uses flash messages <flash-messages>.
  • Push channel <notifier-push-channel> sends notifications to phones and browsers via push notifications.


Use secrets </configuration/secrets> to securely store your API tokens.

SMS Channel


If any of the DSN values contains any character considered special in a URI (such as +, @, $, #, /, :, *, !), you must encode them. See RFC 3986 for the full list of reserved characters or use the urlencode function to encode them.

The SMS channel uses Symfony\\Component\\Notifier\\Texter classes to send SMS messages to mobile phones. This feature requires subscribing to a third-party service that sends SMS messages. Symfony provides integration with a couple popular SMS services:

Service Package DSN
46elks symfony/forty-six-elks-notifier forty-six-elks://API_USERNAME:API_PASSWORD@default?from=FROM
AllMySms symfony/all-my-sms-notifier allmysms://LOGIN:APIKEY@default?from=FROM
AmazonSns symfony/amazon-sns-notifier sns://ACCESS_KEY:SECRET_KEY@default?region=REGION
Bandwidth symfony/bandwidth-notifier bandwidth://USERNAME:PASSWORD@default?from=FROM&account_id=ACCOUNT_ID&application_id=APPLICATION_ID&priority=PRIORITY
Brevo symfony/brevo-notifier brevo://API_KEY@default?sender=SENDER
Clickatell symfony/clickatell-notifier clickatell://ACCESS_TOKEN@default?from=FROM
ContactEveryone symfony/contact-everyone-notifier contact-everyone://TOKEN@default?&diffusionname=DIFFUSION_NAME&category=CATEGORY
Esendex symfony/esendex-notifier esendex://USER_NAME:PASSWORD@default?accountreference=ACCOUNT_REFERENCE&from=FROM
FakeSms symfony/fake-sms-notifier fakesms+email://MAILER_SERVICE_ID?to=TO&from=FROM or fakesms+logger://default
FreeMobile symfony/free-mobile-notifier freemobile://LOGIN:API_KEY@default?phone=PHONE
GatewayApi symfony/gateway-api-notifier gatewayapi://TOKEN@default?from=FROM
GoIP symfony/goip-notifier goip://USERNAME:PASSWORD@HOST:80?sim_slot=SIM_SLOT
Infobip symfony/infobip-notifier infobip://AUTH_TOKEN@HOST?from=FROM
Iqsms symfony/iqsms-notifier iqsms://LOGIN:PASSWORD@default?from=FROM
iSendPro symfony/isendpro-notifier isendpro://ACCOUNT_KEY_ID@default?from=FROM&no_stop=NO_STOP&sandbox=SANDBOX
KazInfoTeh symfony/kaz-info-teh-notifier kaz-info-teh://USERNAME:PASSWORD@default?sender=FROM
LightSms symfony/light-sms-notifier lightsms://LOGIN:TOKEN@default?from=PHONE
Mailjet symfony/mailjet-notifier mailjet://TOKEN@default?from=FROM
MessageBird symfony/message-bird-notifier messagebird://TOKEN@default?from=FROM
MessageMedia symfony/message-media-notifier messagemedia://API_KEY:API_SECRET@default?from=FROM
Mobyt symfony/mobyt-notifier mobyt://USER_KEY:ACCESS_TOKEN@default?from=FROM
Nexmo symfony/nexmo-notifier Abandoned in favor of Vonage (symfony/vonage-notifier).
Octopush symfony/octopush-notifier octopush://USERLOGIN:APIKEY@default?from=FROM&type=TYPE
OrangeSms symfony/orange-sms-notifier orange-sms://CLIENT_ID:CLIENT_SECRET@default?from=FROM&sender_name=SENDER_NAME
OvhCloud symfony/ovh-cloud-notifier ovhcloud://APPLICATION_KEY:APPLICATION_SECRET@default?consumer_key=CONSUMER_KEY&service_name=SERVICE_NAME
Plivo symfony/plivo-notifier plivo://AUTH_ID:AUTH_TOKEN@default?from=FROM
Redlink symfony/redlink-notifier redlink://API_KEY:APP_KEY@default?from=SENDER_NAME&version=API_VERSION
RingCentral symfony/ring-central-notifier ringcentral://API_TOKEN@default?from=FROM
Sendberry symfony/sendberry-notifier sendberry://USERNAME:PASSWORD@default?auth_key=AUTH_KEY&from=FROM
Sendinblue symfony/sendinblue-notifier sendinblue://API_KEY@default?sender=PHONE
Sms77 symfony/sms77-notifier sms77://API_KEY@default?from=FROM
SimpleTextin symfony/simple-textin-notifier simpletextin://API_KEY@default?from=FROM
Sinch symfony/sinch-notifier sinch://ACCOUNT_ID:AUTH_TOKEN@default?from=FROM
Smsapi symfony/smsapi-notifier smsapi://TOKEN@default?from=FROM
SmsBiuras symfony/sms-biuras-notifier smsbiuras://UID:API_KEY@default?from=FROM&test_mode=0
Smsc symfony/smsc-notifier smsc://LOGIN:PASSWORD@default?from=FROM
SMSFactor symfony/sms-factor-notifier sms-factor://TOKEN@default?sender=SENDER&push_type=PUSH_TYPE
SpotHit symfony/spot-hit-notifier spothit://TOKEN@default?from=FROM
Telnyx symfony/telnyx-notifier telnyx://API_KEY@default?from=FROM&messaging_profile_id=MESSAGING_PROFILE_ID
TurboSms symfony/turbo-sms-notifier turbosms://AUTH_TOKEN@default?from=FROM
Twilio symfony/twilio-notifier twilio://SID:TOKEN@default?from=FROM
Vonage symfony/vonage-notifier vonage://KEY:SECRET@default?from=FROM
Yunpian symfony/yunpian-notifier yunpian://APIKEY@default


The 46elks, OrangeSms, KazInfoTeh and Sendberry integrations were introduced in Symfony 6.1. The no_stop_clause option in OvhCloud DSN was introduced in Symfony 6.1. The test option in Smsapi DSN was introduced in Symfony 6.1.


The ContactEveryone and SMSFactor integrations were introduced in Symfony 6.2.


The Bandwith, iSendPro, Plivo, RingCentral, SimpleTextin and Termii integrations were introduced in Symfony 6.3. The from option in Smsapi DSN is optional since Symfony 6.3.


The Redlink and Brevo integrations were introduced in Symfony 6.4.


The Sendinblue integration is deprecated since Symfony 6.4, use the Brevo integration instead.

To enable a texter, add the correct DSN in your .env file and configure the texter_transports:

# .env
# config/packages/notifier.yaml
            twilio: '%env(TWILIO_DSN)%'
<!-- config/packages/notifier.xml -->
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<container xmlns=""

            <framework:texter-transport name="twilio">
// config/packages/notifier.php
use Symfony\Config\FrameworkConfig;

return static function (FrameworkConfig $framework): void {
        ->texterTransport('twilio', env('TWILIO_DSN'))

The Symfony\\Component\\Notifier\\TexterInterface class allows you to send SMS messages:

// src/Controller/SecurityController.php
namespace App\Controller;

use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;
use Symfony\Component\Notifier\Message\SmsMessage;
use Symfony\Component\Notifier\TexterInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Routing\Annotation\Route;

class SecurityController
    public function loginSuccess(TexterInterface $texter): Response
        $options = (new ProviderOptions())

        $sms = new SmsMessage(
            // the phone number to send the SMS message to
            // the message
            'A new login was detected!',
            // optionally, you can override default "from" defined in transports
            // you can also add options object implementing MessageOptionsInterface

        $sentMessage = $texter->send($sms);

        // ...


The 3rd argument of SmsMessage ($from) was introduced in Symfony 6.2.


The 4th argument of SmsMessage ($options) was introduced in Symfony 6.3.

The send() method returns a variable of type Symfony\\Component\\Notifier\\Message\\SentMessage which provides information such as the message ID and the original message contents.

Chat Channel


If any of the DSN values contains any character considered special in a URI (such as +, @, $, #, /, :, *, !), you must encode them. See RFC 3986 for the full list of reserved characters or use the urlencode function to encode them.

The chat channel is used to send chat messages to users by using Symfony\\Component\\Notifier\\Chatter classes. Symfony provides integration with these chat services:

Service Package DSN
AmazonSns symfony/amazon-sns-notifier sns://ACCESS_KEY:SECRET_KEY@default?region=REGION
Chatwork symfony/chatwork-notifier chatwork://API_TOKEN@default?room_id=ID
Discord symfony/discord-notifier discord://TOKEN@default?webhook_id=ID
FakeChat symfony/fake-chat-notifier fakechat+email://default?to=TO&from=FROM or fakechat+logger://default
Firebase symfony/firebase-notifier firebase://USERNAME:PASSWORD@default
Gitter symfony/gitter-notifier gitter://TOKEN@default?room_id=ROOM_ID
GoogleChat symfony/google-chat-notifier googlechat://ACCESS_KEY:ACCESS_TOKEN@default/SPACE?thread_key=THREAD_KEY
LINE Notify symfony/line-notify-notifier linenotify://TOKEN@default
LinkedIn symfony/linked-in-notifier linkedin://TOKEN:USER_ID@default
Mastodon symfony/mastodon-notifier mastodon://ACCESS_TOKEN@HOST
Mattermost symfony/mattermost-notifier mattermost://ACCESS_TOKEN@HOST/PATH?channel=CHANNEL
Mercure symfony/mercure-notifier mercure://HUB_ID?topic=TOPIC
MicrosoftTeams symfony/microsoft-teams-notifier microsoftteams://default/PATH
RocketChat symfony/rocket-chat-notifier rocketchat://TOKEN@ENDPOINT?channel=CHANNEL
Slack symfony/slack-notifier slack://TOKEN@default?channel=CHANNEL
Telegram symfony/telegram-notifier telegram://TOKEN@default?channel=CHAT_ID
Twitter symfony/twitter-notifier twitter://API_KEY:API_SECRET:ACCESS_TOKEN:ACCESS_SECRET@default
Zendesk symfony/zendesk-notifier zendesk://EMAIL:TOKEN@SUBDOMAIN
Zulip symfony/zulip-notifier zulip://EMAIL:TOKEN@HOST?channel=CHANNEL


The Zendesk and Chatwork integration were introduced in Symfony 6.2.


The LINE Notify, Mastodon and Twitter integrations were introduced in Symfony 6.3.

Chatters are configured using the chatter_transports setting:

# .env
# config/packages/notifier.yaml
            slack: '%env(SLACK_DSN)%'
<!-- config/packages/notifier.xml -->
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<container xmlns=""

            <framework:chatter-transport name="slack">
// config/packages/notifier.php
use Symfony\Config\FrameworkConfig;

return static function (FrameworkConfig $framework): void {
        ->chatterTransport('slack', env('SLACK_DSN'))

The Symfony\\Component\\Notifier\\ChatterInterface class allows you to send messages to chat services:

// src/Controller/CheckoutController.php
namespace App\Controller;

use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;
use Symfony\Component\Notifier\ChatterInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Notifier\Message\ChatMessage;
use Symfony\Component\Routing\Annotation\Route;

class CheckoutController extends AbstractController
     * @Route("/checkout/thankyou")
    public function thankyou(ChatterInterface $chatter): Response
        $message = (new ChatMessage('You got a new invoice for 15 EUR.'))
            // if not set explicitly, the message is sent to the
            // default transport (the first one configured)

        $sentMessage = $chatter->send($message);

        // ...

The send() method returns a variable of type Symfony\\Component\\Notifier\\Message\\SentMessage which provides information such as the message ID and the original message contents.

Email Channel

The email channel uses the Symfony Mailer </mailer> to send notifications using the special Symfony\\Bridge\\Twig\\Mime\\NotificationEmail. It is required to install the Twig bridge along with the Inky and CSS Inliner Twig extensions:

$ composer require symfony/twig-pack twig/cssinliner-extra twig/inky-extra

After this, configure the mailer <mailer-transport-setup>. You can also set the default "from" email address that should be used to send the notification emails:

# config/packages/mailer.yaml
        dsn: '%env(MAILER_DSN)%'
            sender: ''
<!-- config/packages/mailer.xml -->
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<container xmlns=""

// config/packages/mailer.php
use Symfony\Config\FrameworkConfig;

return static function (FrameworkConfig $framework): void {

Push Channel


If any of the DSN values contains any character considered special in a URI (such as +, @, $, #, /, :, *, !), you must encode them. See RFC 3986 for the full list of reserved characters or use the urlencode function to encode them.

The push channel is used to send notifications to users by using Symfony\\Component\\Notifier\\Texter classes. Symfony provides integration with these push services:

Service Package DSN
Engagespot symfony/engagespot-notifier engagespot://API_KEY@default?campaign_name=CAMPAIGN_NAME
Expo symfony/expo-notifier expo://Token@default
Novu symfony/novu-notifier novu://API_KEY@default
Ntfy symfony/ntfy-notifier ntfy://default/TOPIC
OneSignal symfony/one-signal-notifier onesignal://APP_ID:API_KEY@default?defaultRecipientId=DEFAULT_RECIPIENT_ID
PagerDuty symfony/pager-duty-notifier pagerduty://TOKEN@SUBDOMAIN
Pushover symfony/pushover-notifier pushover://USER_KEY:APP_TOKEN@default


The Engagespot integration was introduced in Symfony 6.1.


The PagerDuty and Pushover integrations were introduced in Symfony 6.3.


The Novu, Ntfy and GoIP integrations were introduced in Symfony 6.4.

To enable a texter, add the correct DSN in your .env file and configure the texter_transports:

# .env
# config/packages/notifier.yaml
            expo: '%env(EXPO_DSN)%'
<!-- config/packages/notifier.xml -->
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<container xmlns=""

            <framework:texter-transport name="expo">
// config/packages/notifier.php
use Symfony\Config\FrameworkConfig;

return static function (FrameworkConfig $framework): void {
        ->texterTransport('expo', env('EXPO_DSN'))

Configure to use Failover or Round-Robin Transports

Besides configuring one or more separate transports, you can also use the special || and && characters to implement a failover or round-robin transport:

# config/packages/notifier.yaml
            # Send notifications to Slack and use Telegram if
            # Slack errored
            main: '%env(SLACK_DSN)% || %env(TELEGRAM_DSN)%'

            # Send notifications to the next scheduled transport calculated by round robin
            roundrobin: '%env(SLACK_DSN)% && %env(TELEGRAM_DSN)%'
<!-- config/packages/notifier.xml -->
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<container xmlns=""

            <!-- Send notifications to Slack and use Telegram if
                 Slack errored -->
            <framework:chatter-transport name="slack">
                %env(SLACK_DSN)% || %env(TELEGRAM_DSN)%

            <!-- Send notifications to the next scheduled transport
                 calculated by round robin -->
            <framework:chatter-transport name="slack"><![CDATA[
                %env(SLACK_DSN)% && %env(TELEGRAM_DSN)%
// config/packages/notifier.php
use Symfony\Config\FrameworkConfig;

return static function (FrameworkConfig $framework): void {
        // Send notifications to Slack and use Telegram if
        // Slack errored
        ->chatterTransport('main', env('SLACK_DSN').' || '.env('TELEGRAM_DSN'))

        // Send notifications to the next scheduled transport calculated by round robin
        ->chatterTransport('roundrobin', env('SLACK_DSN').' && '.env('TELEGRAM_DSN'))

Creating & Sending Notifications

To send a notification, autowire the Symfony\\Component\\Notifier\\NotifierInterface (service ID notifier). This class has a send() method that allows you to send a Symfony\\Component\\Notifier\\Notification\\Notification to a Symfony\\Component\\Notifier\\Recipient\\Recipient:

// src/Controller/InvoiceController.php
namespace App\Controller;

use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;
use Symfony\Component\Notifier\Notification\Notification;
use Symfony\Component\Notifier\NotifierInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Notifier\Recipient\Recipient;

class InvoiceController extends AbstractController
    public function create(NotifierInterface $notifier): Response
        // ...

        // Create a Notification that has to be sent
        // using the "email" channel
        $notification = (new Notification('New Invoice', ['email']))
            ->content('You got a new invoice for 15 EUR.');

        // The receiver of the Notification
        $recipient = new Recipient(

        // Send the notification to the recipient
        $notifier->send($notification, $recipient);

        // ...

The Notification is created by using two arguments: the subject and channels. The channels specify which channel (or transport) should be used to send the notification. For instance, ['email', 'sms'] will send both an email and sms notification to the user.

The default notification also has a content() and emoji() method to set the notification content and icon.

Symfony provides the following recipients:


This is the default and is useful when there is no need to have information about the receiver. For example, the browser channel uses the current requests' session flashbag <flash-messages>;


This can contain both the email address and the phone number of the user. This recipient can be used for all channels (depending on whether they are actually set).

Configuring Channel Policies

Instead of specifying the target channels on creation, Symfony also allows you to use notification importance levels. Update the configuration to specify what channels should be used for specific levels (using channel_policy):

# config/packages/notifier.yaml
        # ...
            # Use SMS, Slack and email for urgent notifications
            urgent: ['sms', 'chat/slack', 'email']

            # Use Slack for highly important notifications
            high: ['chat/slack']

            # Use browser for medium and low notifications
            medium: ['browser']
            low: ['browser']
<!-- config/packages/notifier.xml -->
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<container xmlns=""

            <!-- ... -->

                <!-- Use SMS, Slack and Email for urgent notifications -->

                <!-- Use Slack for highly important notifications -->

                <!-- Use browser for medium and low notifications -->
// config/packages/notifier.php
use Symfony\Config\FrameworkConfig;

return static function (FrameworkConfig $framework): void {
    // ...
        // Use SMS, Slack and email for urgent notifications
        ->channelPolicy('urgent', ['sms', 'chat/slack', 'email'])
        // Use Slack for highly important notifications
        ->channelPolicy('high', ['chat/slack'])
        // Use browser for medium and low notifications
        ->channelPolicy('medium', ['browser'])
        ->channelPolicy('low', ['browser'])

Now, whenever the notification's importance is set to "high", it will be sent using the Slack transport:

// ...
class InvoiceController extends AbstractController
    public function invoice(NotifierInterface $notifier): Response
        // ...

        $notification = (new Notification('New Invoice'))
            ->content('You got a new invoice for 15 EUR.')

        $notifier->send($notification, new Recipient(''));

        // ...

Customize Notifications

You can extend the Notification or Recipient base classes to customize their behavior. For instance, you can overwrite the getChannels() method to only return sms if the invoice price is very high and the recipient has a phone number:

namespace App\Notifier;

use Symfony\Component\Notifier\Notification\Notification;
use Symfony\Component\Notifier\Recipient\RecipientInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Notifier\Recipient\SmsRecipientInterface;

class InvoiceNotification extends Notification
    public function __construct(
        private int $price,
    ) {

    public function getChannels(RecipientInterface $recipient): array
        if (
            $this->price > 10000
            && $recipient instanceof SmsRecipientInterface
        ) {
            return ['sms'];

        return ['email'];

Customize Notification Messages

Each channel has its own notification interface that you can implement to customize the notification message. For instance, if you want to modify the message based on the chat service, implement Symfony\\Component\\Notifier\\Notification\\ChatNotificationInterface and its asChatMessage() method:

// src/Notifier/InvoiceNotification.php
namespace App\Notifier;

use Symfony\Component\Notifier\Message\ChatMessage;
use Symfony\Component\Notifier\Notification\ChatNotificationInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Notifier\Notification\Notification;
use Symfony\Component\Notifier\Recipient\RecipientInterface;

class InvoiceNotification extends Notification implements ChatNotificationInterface
    public function __construct(
        private int $price,
    ) {

    public function asChatMessage(RecipientInterface $recipient, string $transport = null): ?ChatMessage
        // Add a custom subject and emoji if the message is sent to Slack
        if ('slack' === $transport) {
            $this->subject('You\'re invoiced '.strval($this->price).' EUR.');
            return ChatMessage::fromNotification($this);

        // If you return null, the Notifier will create the ChatMessage
        // based on this notification as it would without this method.
        return null;

The Symfony\\Component\\Notifier\\Notification\\SmsNotificationInterface, Symfony\\Component\\Notifier\\Notification\\EmailNotificationInterface and Symfony\\Component\\Notifier\\Notification\\PushNotificationInterface also exists to modify messages sent to those channels.

Customize Browser Notifications (Flash Messages)


Support for customizing importance levels was introduced in Symfony 6.1.

The default behavior for browser channel notifications is to add a flash message <flash-messages> with notification as its key.

However, you might prefer to map the importance level of the notification to the type of flash message, so you can tweak their style.

you can do that by overriding the default notifier.flash_message_importance_mapper service with your own implementation of Symfony\\Component\\Notifier\\FlashMessage\\FlashMessageImportanceMapperInterface where you can provide your own "importance" to "alert level" mapping.

Symfony currently provides an implementation for the Bootstrap CSS framework's typical alert levels, which you can implement immediately using:

# config/services.yaml
        class: Symfony\Component\Notifier\FlashMessage\BootstrapFlashMessageImportanceMapper
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<container xmlns=""

        <service id="notifier.flash_message_importance_mapper" class="Symfony\Component\Notifier\FlashMessage\BootstrapFlashMessageImportanceMapper"/>
// config/services.php
namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Loader\Configurator;

use Symfony\Component\Notifier\FlashMessage\BootstrapFlashMessageImportanceMapper;

return function(ContainerConfigurator $containerConfigurator) {
        ->set('notifier.flash_message_importance_mapper', BootstrapFlashMessageImportanceMapper::class)

Testing Notifier

Symfony provides a Symfony\\Bundle\\FrameworkBundle\\Test\\NotificationAssertionsTrait which provide useful methods for testing your Notifier implementation. You can benefit from this class by using it directly or extending the Symfony\\Bundle\\FrameworkBundle\\Test\\KernelTestCase.

See testing documentation <notifier-assertions> for the list of available assertions.


The Symfony\\Bundle\\FrameworkBundle\\Test\\NotificationAssertionsTrait was introduced in Symfony 6.2.

Disabling Delivery

While developing (or testing), you may want to disable delivery of notifications entirely. You can do this by forcing Notifier to use the NullTransport for all configured texter and chatter transports only in the dev (and/or test) environment:

# config/packages/dev/notifier.yaml
            twilio: 'null://null'
            slack: 'null://null'

Using Events

The Symfony\\Component\\Notifier\\Transport` class of the Notifier component allows you to optionally hook into the lifecycle via events.

The MessageEvent::class Event

Typical Purposes: Doing something before the message is sent (like logging which message is going to be sent, or displaying something about the event to be executed.

Just before sending the message, the event class MessageEvent is dispatched. Listeners receive a Symfony\\Component\\Notifier\\Event\\MessageEvent event:

use Symfony\Component\Notifier\Event\MessageEvent;

$dispatcher->addListener(MessageEvent::class, function (MessageEvent $event): void {
    // gets the message instance
    $message = $event->getMessage();

    // log something
    $this->logger(sprintf('Message with subject: %s will be send to %s', $message->getSubject(), $message->getRecipientId()));

The FailedMessageEvent Event

Typical Purposes: Doing something before the exception is thrown (Retry to send the message or log additional information).

Whenever an exception is thrown while sending the message, the event class FailedMessageEvent is dispatched. A listener can do anything useful before the exception is thrown.

Listeners receive a Symfony\\Component\\Notifier\\Event\\FailedMessageEvent event:

use Symfony\Component\Notifier\Event\FailedMessageEvent;

$dispatcher->addListener(FailedMessageEvent::class, function (FailedMessageEvent $event): void {
    // gets the message instance
    $message = $event->getMessage();

    // gets the error instance
    $error = $event->getError();

    // log something
    $this->logger(sprintf('The message with subject: %s has not been sent successfully. The error is: %s', $message->getSubject(), $error->getMessage()));

The SentMessageEvent Event

Typical Purposes: To perform some action when the message is successfully sent (like retrieve the id returned when the message is sent).

After the message has been successfully sent, the event class SentMessageEvent is dispatched. Listeners receive a Symfony\\Component\\Notifier\\Event\\SentMessageEvent event:

use Symfony\Component\Notifier\Event\SentMessageEvent;

$dispatcher->addListener(SentMessageEvent::class, function (SentMessageEvent $event): void {
    // gets the message instance
    $message = $event->getOriginalMessage();

    // log something
    $this->logger(sprintf('The message has been successfully sent and has id: %s', $message->getMessageId()));