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File metadata and controls

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Below you will find basic setup and deployment instructions for the hacker_news_scraper project. To begin you should have the following applications installed on your local development system:

A note on NodeJS 4.2 for Ubuntu users: this LTS release may not be available through the Ubuntu repository, but you can configure a PPA from which it may be installed:

curl -sL | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs

You may also follow the manual instructions if you wish to configure the PPA yourself:

Django version

The Django version configured in this template is conservative. If you want to use a newer version, edit requirements/base.txt.

Getting Started

First clone the repository from Github and switch to the new directory:

$ git clone
$ cd hacker_news_scraper

To setup your local environment you should create a virtualenv and install the necessary requirements:

# Check that you have python2.7 installed
$ which python2.7
$ mkvirtualenv hacker_news_scraper -p `which python2.7`
(hacker_news_scraper)$ pip install -r requirements/dev.txt

Next, we'll set up our local environment variables. We use django-dotenv to help with this. It reads environment variables located in a file name .env in the top level directory of the project. The only variable we need to start is DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE:

(hacker_news_scraper)$ cp hacker_news_scraper/settings/ hacker_news_scraper/settings/
(hacker_news_scraper)$ echo "DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=hacker_news_scraper.settings.local" > .env

Create the Postgres database and run the initial migrate:

(hacker_news_scraper)$ createdb -E UTF-8 hacker_news_scraper
(hacker_news_scraper)$ python migrate


You should be able to run the development server:

(hacker_news_scraper)$ python runserver

Or, on a custom port and address:

(hacker_news_scraper)$ python runserver

Any changes made to Python, files will be detected and rebuilt transparently as long as the development server is running.


For run API tests follow the command:

(hacker_news_scraper)$ python test

For run Spider tests follow:

cd scraper/
(hacker_news_scraper/scraper)$ python -m unittest discover


For start parsing follow the command:

cd scraper/
(hacker_news_scraper/scraper)$ scrapy crawl news -a page_count=N

where, N is the number of pages you need to parse