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Sam Brannen edited this page Jan 5, 2016 · 52 revisions

JUnit Lambda Wiki

This wiki is being used to document the ongoing development effort of JUnit Lambda aka JUnit 5 aka JUnit Generation 5.

We are currently in Phase 3, working toward an alpha release.

For information on the prototype, jump straight to the prototype page for full details.

Phase 0: Crowdfunding Campaign

From July until October 2015, we collected money to fund the initial development phases of JUnit 5 in a crowdfunding campaign.

Phase 1: Kickoff Meeting

From October 20th to 22nd, 2015 we held a kick-off meeting in Karlsruhe, Germany.

Phase 2: The Prototype

From October 23rd till the end of November we worked on a prototype for JUnit Lambda which you can see in this repository's prototype-1 tag.

Phase 3: Heading for an Alpha

The JUnit Lambda team is currently working on milestone Alpha 1 which is deemed to be ready by early February 2016.


One goal of the JUnit Lambda Team is to build JUnit using a ubiquitous language. We therefore collect the terms we use in code and documentation in a common glossary.