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Here you'll find answers to some frequently asked questions.

Breaking changes in tox 4

Version 4 of tox should be mostly backwards compatible with version 3, with the following exceptions:

tox 4 - Python support

  • tox now requires Python 3.7 or later and is tested only against CPython. You can still create test environments for earlier Python versions or different Python interpreters. PyPy support is best effort, meaning we do not test it as part of our CI runs, however if you discover issues under PyPy we will accept PRs addressing it.

tox 4 - changed INI rules

  • The # character now always acts as comment within tox.ini or setup.cfg tox configuration file. Where you need to pass on a # character you will need to escape it in form of \# so tox does not handle everything right of the # character as a comment. Valid in tox 3:

    # valid in tox 3
    commands = bash -c "echo 'foo#bar'"
    # valid in tox 4
    commands = bash -c "echo 'foo\#bar'"
  • Within the pass_env you can no longer use space as value separator, instead you need to use the , or the newline character. This is to have the same value separation rules for all tox configuration lines.

    # valid in tox 3
    passenv = ALPHA BETA
    passenv =
    # valid in tox 4
    passenv = ALPHA, BETA
    passenv =
  • tox 4 now errors when using the -U flag when defining dependencies, e.g. deps = -Ur requirements.txt. While this worked in tox 3, it was never supported officially. Additionally, in the context of a new virtual environment this flag makes no sense anyway.

tox 4 - known regressions

  • With tox 4 the tty trait of the caller environment is no longer passed through. The most notable impact of this is that some tools no longer print colored output. A PR to address this is welcomed, in the meantime you can use the tty substitution to force color mode for these tools, see for example tox itself with pytest and mypy here in tox.ini.

tox 4 - new plugin system

tox 4 is a grounds up rewrite of the code base, and while we kept the configuration layer compatibility no such effort has been made for the programmatic API. Therefore, all plugins will need to redo their integration against the new code base. If you're a plugin developer refer to the plugin documentation for more information.

tox 4 - removed tox.ini keys

Configuration key Migration path
indexserver See Using a custom PyPI server.
whitelist_externals Use allowlist_externals key instead.
isolated_build Isolated builds are now always used.

tox 4 - substitutions removed

  • The distshare substitution has been removed.

tox 4 - disallowed env names

  • Environment names that contain multiple Python variants, such as name-py39-pypy or py39-py310 will now raise an error, previously this only warned, you can use ignore_basepython_conflict to disable this error, but we recommend changing the name to avoid this name that can be confusing.

tox 4 - CLI arguments changed

  • The --parallel--safe-build CLI argument has been removed, no longer needed.
  • When you want to pass an option to a test command, e.g. to pytest, now you must use -- as a separator, this worked with version 3 also, but any unknown trailing arguments were automatically passed through, while now this is no longer the case.
  • Running --showconfigor --help-ini with the -v flag will add interleaved debugging information, whereas tox 3 added additional lines at the start. If you want to generate valid ini files you must not use the -v` flag.

tox 4 - packaging changes

  • We use isolated builds (always) as specified by 518 and use 517 to communicate with the build backend.
  • The --develop CLI flag or the use_develop settings now enables editable installations via the 660 mechanism rather than the legacy pip install -e behaviour. The old functionality can still be forced by setting the package setting for the run environment to editable-legacy.

tox 4 -- output changes

  • We now use colors for reporting, to help make the output easier to read for humans. This can be disabled via the TERM=dumb or NO_COLOR=1 environment variables, or the --colored no CLI argument.

New features in tox 4

Here is a non-exhaustive list of these.

  • You can now build wheel(s) instead of a source distribution during the packaging phase by using the wheel setting for the package setting. If your package is a universal wheel you'll likely want to set the wheel_build_env to .pkg to avoid building a wheel for every Python version you target.
  • Editable wheel support was added as defined by 660 via the package setting to editable.
  • We redesigned our CLI interface, we no longer try to squeeze everything under single command, instead now we have multiple sub-commands. For backwards compatibility if you do not specify a subcommand we'll assume you want the tox 3 legacy interface (available under the legacy subcommand), for now the list of available commands are:

      tox command to execute (by default legacy)
        run (r)                   run environments
        run-parallel (p)          run environments in parallel
        depends (de)              visualize tox environment dependencies
        list (l)                  list environments
        devenv (d)                sets up a development environment at ENVDIR based on the tox configuration specified
        config (c)                show tox configuration
        quickstart (q)            Command line script to quickly create a tox config file for a Python project
        exec (e)                  execute an arbitrary command within a tox environment
        legacy (le)               legacy entry-point command

    The exec and depends are brand new features. Other subcommands are a more powerful versions of previously existing single flags (e.g. -av is now succeeded by the list subcommand). All subcommands have a one or two character shortcuts for less typing on the CLI (e.g. tox run can be abbreviated to tox r). For more details see cli.

  • Startup times should be improved because now we no longer eagerly load all configurations for all environments, but instead these are performed lazily when needed. Side-effect of this is that if you have an invalid configuration will not be picked up until you try to use it.
  • We now discover your package dependency changes (either via 621 or otherwise via 517 prepare_metadata_for_build_wheel/build_wheel metadata). If new dependencies are added these will be installed on the next run. If a dependency is removed we'll recreate the entire environment. This works for requirements files within the deps. This means that you should never need to use --recreate flag, tox should be smart enough to figure out when things change and automatically apply it.
  • All tox defaults can now be changed via the user level config-file (see help message output for its location, can be changed via TOX_CONFIG_FILE environment variable).
  • All tox defaults can now be changed via an environment variable: TOX_ prefix followed by the settings key, e.g. TOX_PACKAGE=wheel.
  • Any configuration can be overwritten via the CLI -x or --override flag, e.g. tox run -e py311 -x testenv:py310.package=editable would force the packaging of environment py311 to be an editable install independent what's in the configuration file.
  • basepython is now a list, the first successfully detected python will be used to generate python environment.
  • We now have support for inline tox plugins via the at the root of your project. At a later time this will allow using Python only configuration, as seen with nox.
  • You can now group tox environments via labels configuration, and you can invoke all tox environments within a label by using the -m label CLI flag (instead of the -e list_of_envs).
  • You can now invoke all tox environments within a given factor via the -f factor CLI flag.

Using a custom PyPI server

By default tox uses pip to install Python dependencies. Therefore to change the index server you should configure pip directly. pip accepts environment variables as configuration flags, therefore the easiest way to do this is to set the PIP_INDEX_URL environment variable:

set_env =

It's considered a best practice to allow the user to change the index server rather than hard code it, allowing them to use for example a local cache when they are offline. Therefore, a better form of this would be:

set_env =

Here we use an environment substitution to set the index URL if not set by the user, but otherwise default to our target URI.

Using two PyPI servers

When you want to use two PyPI index servers because not all dependencies are found in either of them use the PIP_EXTRA_INDEX_URL environment variable:

set_env =

If the index server defined under PIP_INDEX_URL does not contain a package, pip will attempt to resolve it also from the URI from PIP_EXTRA_INDEX_URL.


Using an extra PyPI index for installing private packages may cause security issues. For example, if package1 is registered with the default PyPI index, pip will install package1 from the default PyPI index, not from the extra one.

Using constraint files

Constraint files are a type of artifact, supported by pip, that define not what requirements to install but instead what version constraints should be applied for the otherwise specified requirements. The constraint file must always be specified together with the requirement(s) to install. While creating a test environment tox will invoke pip multiple times, in separate phases:

  1. If deps is specified, it will install a set of dependencies before installing the package.
  2. If the target environment contains a package (the project does not have package skip or skip_install is true), it will:
    1. install the dependencies of the package.
    2. install the package itself.

Some solutions and their drawbacks:

  • specify the constraint files within deps (these constraints will not be applied when installing package dependencies),
  • use PIP_CONSTRAINT inside set_env (tox will not know about the content of the constraint file and such will not trigger a rebuild of the environment when its content changes),
  • specify the constraint file by extending the install_command as in the following example (tox will not know about the content of the constraint file and such will not trigger a rebuild of the environment when its content changes).
install_command = python -m pip install {opts} {packages} -c constraints.txt
extras = test

Note constraint files are a subset of requirement files. Therefore, it's valid to pass a constraint file wherever you can specify a requirement file.

Platform specification

Assuming the following layout:

tox.ini      # see below for content     # a classic distutils/setuptools file

and the following tox.ini content:

min_version = 2.0  # platform specification support is available since version 2.0
envlist = py{310,39}-{lin,mac,win}

# environment will be skipped if regular expression does not match against the sys.platform string
platform = lin: linux
           mac: darwin
           win: win32

# you can specify dependencies and their versions based on platform filtered environments
deps = lin,mac: platformdirs==3
       win: platformdirs==2

# upon tox invocation you will be greeted according to your platform
   lin: python -c 'print("Hello, Linus!")'
   mac: python -c 'print("Hello, Tim!")'
   win: python -c 'print("Hello, Satya!")'

You can invoke tox in the directory where your tox.ini resides. tox creates two virtualenv environments with the python3.10 and python3.9 interpreters, respectively, and will then run the specified command according to platform you invoke tox at.

Ignoring the exit code of a given command

When multiple commands are defined within the commands configuration field tox will run them sequentially until one of them fails (by exiting with non zero exit code) or all of them are run. If you want to ignore the status code of a given command add a - prefix to that line (similar syntax to how the GNU make handles this):

commands =
  - python -c 'import sys; sys.exit(1)'
  python --version

Customizing virtual environment creation

By default tox uses the virtualenv to create Python virtual environments to run your tools in. To change how tox creates virtual environments you can set environment variables to customize virtualenv. For example, to provision a given pip version in the virtual environment you can set VIRTUALENV_PIP or to enable system site packages use the VIRTUALENV_SYSTEM_SITE_PACKAGES:

setenv =

Consult the virtualenv project for supported values (any CLI flag for virtualenv, in all upper case, prefixed by the VIRTUALENV_ key).

Building documentation with Sphinx

It's possible to orchestrate the projects documentation with tox. The advantage of this is that now generating the documentation can be part of the CI, and whenever any validations/checks/operations fail while generating the documentation you'll catch it within tox.

We don't recommend using the Make and Batch file generated by Sphinx, as this makes your documentation generation platform specific. A better solution is to use tox to setup a documentation build environment and invoke sphinx inside it. This solution is cross platform.

For example if the sphinx file structure is under the docs folder the following configuration will generate the documentation under .tox/docs_out/index.html and print out a link to the generated documentation:

description = build documentation
basepython = python3.10
deps =
commands =
  sphinx-build -d "{envtmpdir}{/}doctree" docs "{toxworkdir}{/}docs_out" --color -b html
  python -c 'print(r"documentation available under file://{toxworkdir}{/}docs_out{/}index.html")'

Note here we also require Python 3.10, allowing us to use f-strings within the sphinx

Building documentation with mkdocs

It's possible to orchestrate the projects documentation with tox. The advantage of this is that now generating the documentation can be part of the CI, and whenever any validations/checks/operations fail while generating the documentation you'll catch it within tox.

It's best to define one environment to write/generate the documentation, and another to deploy it. Use the config substitution logic to avoid duplication:

description = Run a development server for working on documentation
deps =
commands =
  mkdocs build --clean
  python -c 'print("###### Starting local server. Press Control+C to stop server ######")'
  mkdocs serve -a localhost:8080

description = built fresh docs and deploy them
deps = {[testenv:docs]deps}
commands = mkdocs gh-deploy --clean

Understanding InvocationError exit codes

When a command executed by tox fails, it always has a non-zero exit code and an InvocationError exception is raised:

ERROR: InvocationError for command
       '<command defined in tox.ini>' (exited with code 1)

Generally always check the documentation for the command executed to understand what the code means. For example for pytest you'd read here. On unix systems, there are some rather common exit codes. This is why for exit codes larger than 128, if a signal with number equal to <exit code> - 128 is found in the :pysignal module, an additional hint is given:

ERROR: InvocationError for command
       '<command>' (exited with code 139)
Note: this might indicate a fatal error signal (139 - 128 = 11: SIGSEGV)

The signal numbers (e.g. 11 for a segmentation fault) can be found in the "Standard signals" section of the signal man page. Their meaning is described in POSIX signals. Beware that programs may issue custom exit codes with any value, so their documentation should be consulted.

Sometimes, no exit code is given at all. An example may be found in pytest-qt issue #170 <pytest-dev/pytest-qt/issues/170>, where Qt was calling abort() instead of exit().

Access full logs

If you want to access the full logs you need to write -q and -v as individual tox arguments and avoid combining them into a single one.