From 4a7542266812c768f4ec5db6af40c3df404ea62f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Jan Ouwens Date: Wed, 4 May 2022 16:17:33 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] Adds Nix runner for documentation --- | 5 + docs/gemset.nix | 1085 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ docs/shell.nix | 14 + 3 files changed, 1104 insertions(+) create mode 100644 docs/gemset.nix create mode 100644 docs/shell.nix diff --git a/ b/ index f7344f88d..e15318202 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -26,6 +26,11 @@ Note that there's also a 'fat' jar with no transitive dependencies with artifact Please see the [project's website]( +To generate the website: + +* Using Nix: open a `nix-shell` in the `docs/` folder +* Using Jekyll: install the Ruby 3.x toolchain and run `bundle exec jekyll serve --watch` + # Contribution Pull requests are welcome! If you plan to open one, please also [register an issue]( or [send a message to the Google Group](!forum/equalsverifier), so we can discuss it first. It would be a shame to put in a lot of work on something that isn't a good fit for the project. Also, I can help you by giving pointers on where to find certain things. diff --git a/docs/gemset.nix b/docs/gemset.nix new file mode 100644 index 000000000..43be1c6fd --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/gemset.nix @@ -0,0 +1,1085 @@ +{ + activesupport = { + dependencies = ["concurrent-ruby" "i18n" "minitest" "tzinfo" "zeitwerk"]; + groups = ["default" "jekyll_plugins"]; + platforms = []; + source = { + remotes = [""]; + sha256 = "1w74dw96laf63qd748sm2ngabrkfk08qrrw6hqkii3gqhm52df91"; + type = "gem"; + }; + version = ""; + }; + addressable = { + dependencies = ["public_suffix"]; + groups = ["default" "jekyll_plugins"]; + platforms = []; + source = { + remotes = [""]; + sha256 = "022r3m9wdxljpbya69y2i3h9g3dhhfaqzidf95m6qjzms792jvgp"; + type = "gem"; + }; + version = "2.8.0"; + }; + coffee-script = { + dependencies = ["coffee-script-source" "execjs"]; + groups = ["default" "jekyll_plugins"]; + platforms = []; + source = { + remotes = [""]; + sha256 = "0rc7scyk7mnpfxqv5yy4y5q1hx3i7q3ahplcp4bq2g5r24g2izl2"; 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+ groups = ["default" "jekyll_plugins"]; + platforms = []; + source = { + remotes = [""]; + sha256 = "1kzvdnk1vw8y6x8gy340mhnxipxh9p1h1h20br68clyxbsy7brsb"; + type = "gem"; + }; + version = "0.2.0"; + }; + jekyll-theme-primer = { + dependencies = ["jekyll" "jekyll-github-metadata" "jekyll-seo-tag"]; + groups = ["default" "jekyll_plugins"]; + platforms = []; + source = { + remotes = [""]; + sha256 = "1cq7lfwa3xs8hkx3cmv2ics7cr4r2azv66m0gfav0zi1k0kjh9yf"; + type = "gem"; + }; + version = "0.6.0"; + }; + jekyll-theme-slate = { + dependencies = ["jekyll" "jekyll-seo-tag"]; + groups = ["default" "jekyll_plugins"]; + platforms = []; + source = { + remotes = [""]; + sha256 = "0f9l7kaafab2cphkx8gh4b12d8zzbg2ig7x2qzxvxfqjwyfr0h2y"; + type = "gem"; + }; + version = "0.2.0"; + }; + jekyll-theme-tactile = { + dependencies = ["jekyll" "jekyll-seo-tag"]; + groups = ["default" "jekyll_plugins"]; + platforms = []; + source = { + remotes = [""]; + sha256 = "0li64hnjp4qw7fwsdx0767z7mwxn3kri6sqlg9fkicnmmr41p1mp"; + type = "gem"; + }; + version = "0.2.0"; + }; + jekyll-theme-time-machine = { + dependencies = ["jekyll" "jekyll-seo-tag"]; + groups = ["default" "jekyll_plugins"]; + platforms = []; + source = { + remotes = [""]; + sha256 = "1qjgsw2n3zny345h540n6rm9600mad7rs33qf6k4rhngxjkr0d5w"; + type = "gem"; + }; + version = "0.2.0"; + }; + jekyll-titles-from-headings = { + dependencies = ["jekyll"]; + groups = ["default" "jekyll_plugins"]; + platforms = []; + source = { + remotes = [""]; + sha256 = "10c4sa3gwyidmkcs8h6223lmqpw3h09mn7w8hxfppsk1wda6fdkp"; + type = "gem"; + }; + version = "0.5.3"; + }; + jekyll-watch = { + dependencies = ["listen"]; + groups = ["default" "jekyll_plugins"]; + platforms = []; + source = { + remotes = [""]; + sha256 = "1qd7hy1kl87fl7l0frw5qbn22x7ayfzlv9a5ca1m59g0ym1ysi5w"; + type = "gem"; + }; + version = "2.2.1"; + }; + jemoji = { + dependencies = ["gemoji" "html-pipeline" "jekyll"]; + groups = ["default" "jekyll_plugins"]; + platforms = []; + source = { + remotes = [""]; + sha256 = "09sxbnrqz5vf6rxmh6lzism31gz2g3hw86ymg37r1ccknclv3cp9"; + type = "gem"; + }; + version = "0.12.0"; + }; + kramdown = { + dependencies = ["rexml"]; + groups = ["default" "jekyll_plugins"]; + platforms = []; + source = { + remotes = [""]; + sha256 = "0757lqaq593z8hzdv98nai73ag384dkk7jgj3mcq2r6ix7130ifb"; + type = "gem"; + }; + version = "2.3.2"; + }; + kramdown-parser-gfm = { + dependencies = ["kramdown"]; + groups = ["default" "jekyll_plugins"]; + platforms = []; + source = { + remotes = [""]; + sha256 = "0a8pb3v951f4x7h968rqfsa19c8arz21zw1vaj42jza22rap8fgv"; + type = "gem"; + }; + version = "1.1.0"; + }; + liquid = { + groups = ["default" "jekyll_plugins"]; + platforms = []; + source = { + remotes = [""]; + sha256 = "0zhg5ha8zy8zw9qr3fl4wgk4r5940n4128xm2pn4shpbzdbsj5by"; + type = "gem"; + }; + version = "4.0.3"; + }; + listen = { + dependencies = ["rb-fsevent" "rb-inotify"]; + groups = ["default" "jekyll_plugins"]; + platforms = []; + source = { + remotes = [""]; + sha256 = "0agybr37wpjv3xy4ipcmsvsibgdgphzrwbvcj4vfiykpmakwm01v"; + type = "gem"; + }; + version = "3.7.1"; + }; + mercenary = { + groups = ["default" "jekyll_plugins"]; + platforms = []; + source = { + remotes = [""]; + sha256 = "10la0xw82dh5mqab8bl0dk21zld63cqxb1g16fk8cb39ylc4n21a"; + type = "gem"; + }; + version = "0.3.6"; + }; + mini_portile2 = { + groups = ["default" "jekyll_plugins"]; + platforms = []; + source = { + remotes = [""]; + sha256 = "0rapl1sfmfi3bfr68da4ca16yhc0pp93vjwkj7y3rdqrzy3b41hy"; + type = "gem"; + }; + version = "2.8.0"; + }; + minima = { + dependencies = ["jekyll" "jekyll-feed" "jekyll-seo-tag"]; + groups = ["default" "jekyll_plugins"]; + platforms = []; + source = { + remotes = [""]; + sha256 = "1gk7jmriiswda1ykjzpsw9cpiya4m9n0yrh0h6xnrc8zcfy543jj"; + type = "gem"; + }; + version = "2.5.1"; + }; + minitest = { + groups = ["default" "jekyll_plugins"]; + platforms = []; + source = { + remotes = [""]; + sha256 = "06xf558gid4w8lwx13jwfdafsch9maz8m0g85wnfymqj63x5nbbd"; + type = "gem"; + }; + version = "5.15.0"; + }; + multipart-post = { + groups = ["default" "jekyll_plugins"]; + platforms = []; + source = { + remotes = [""]; + sha256 = "1zgw9zlwh2a6i1yvhhc4a84ry1hv824d6g2iw2chs3k5aylpmpfj"; + type = "gem"; + }; + version = "2.1.1"; + }; + nokogiri = { + dependencies = ["mini_portile2" "racc"]; + groups = ["default" "jekyll_plugins"]; + platforms = []; + source = { + remotes = [""]; + sha256 = "1g43ii497cwdqhfnaxfl500bq5yfc5hfv5df1lvf6wcjnd708ihd"; + type = "gem"; + }; + version = "1.13.4"; + }; + octokit = { + dependencies = ["faraday" "sawyer"]; + groups = ["default" "jekyll_plugins"]; + platforms = []; + source = { + remotes = [""]; + sha256 = "1nmdd7klyinvrrv2mggwwmc99ykaq7i379j00i37hvvaqx4giifj"; + type = "gem"; + }; + version = "4.22.0"; + }; + pathutil = { + dependencies = ["forwardable-extended"]; + groups = ["default" "jekyll_plugins"]; + platforms = []; + source = { + remotes = [""]; + sha256 = "12fm93ljw9fbxmv2krki5k5wkvr7560qy8p4spvb9jiiaqv78fz4"; + type = "gem"; + }; + version = "0.16.2"; + }; + public_suffix = { + groups = ["default" "jekyll_plugins"]; + platforms = []; + source = { + remotes = [""]; + sha256 = "1f3knlwfwm05sfbaihrxm4g772b79032q14c16q4b38z8bi63qcb"; + type = "gem"; + }; + version = "4.0.7"; + }; + racc = { + groups = ["default" "jekyll_plugins"]; + platforms = []; + source = { + remotes = [""]; + sha256 = "0la56m0z26j3mfn1a9lf2l03qx1xifanndf9p3vx1azf6sqy7v9d"; + type = "gem"; + }; + version = "1.6.0"; + }; + rb-fsevent = { + groups = ["default" "jekyll_plugins"]; + platforms = []; + source = { + remotes = [""]; + sha256 = "06c50pvxib7wqnv6q0f3n7gzfcrp5chi3sa48hxpkfxc3hhy11fm"; + type = "gem"; + }; + version = "0.11.1"; + }; + rb-inotify = { + dependencies = ["ffi"]; + groups = ["default" "jekyll_plugins"]; + platforms = []; + source = { + remotes = [""]; + sha256 = "1jm76h8f8hji38z3ggf4bzi8vps6p7sagxn3ab57qc0xyga64005"; + type = "gem"; + }; + version = "0.10.1"; + }; + rexml = { + groups = ["default" "jekyll_plugins"]; + platforms = []; + source = { + remotes = [""]; + sha256 = "08ximcyfjy94pm1rhcx04ny1vx2sk0x4y185gzn86yfsbzwkng53"; + type = "gem"; + }; + version = "3.2.5"; + }; + rouge = { + groups = ["default" "jekyll_plugins"]; + platforms = []; + source = { + remotes = [""]; + sha256 = "0b4b300i3m4m4kw7w1n9wgxwy16zccnb7271miksyzd0wq5b9pm3"; + type = "gem"; + }; + version = "3.26.0"; + }; + ruby2_keywords = { + groups = ["default" "jekyll_plugins"]; + platforms = []; + source = { + remotes = [""]; + sha256 = "1vz322p8n39hz3b4a9gkmz9y7a5jaz41zrm2ywf31dvkqm03glgz"; + type = "gem"; + }; + version = "0.0.5"; + }; + rubyzip = { + groups = ["default" "jekyll_plugins"]; + platforms = []; + source = { + remotes = [""]; + sha256 = "0grps9197qyxakbpw02pda59v45lfgbgiyw48i0mq9f2bn9y6mrz"; + type = "gem"; + }; + version = "2.3.2"; + }; + safe_yaml = { + groups = ["default" "jekyll_plugins"]; + platforms = []; + source = { + remotes = [""]; + sha256 = "0j7qv63p0vqcd838i2iy2f76c3dgwzkiz1d1xkg7n0pbnxj2vb56"; + type = "gem"; + }; + version = "1.0.5"; + }; + sass = { + dependencies = ["sass-listen"]; + groups = ["default" "jekyll_plugins"]; + platforms = []; + source = { + remotes = [""]; + sha256 = "0p95lhs0jza5l7hqci1isflxakz83xkj97lkvxl919is0lwhv2w0"; + type = "gem"; + }; + version = "3.7.4"; + }; + sass-listen = { + dependencies = ["rb-fsevent" "rb-inotify"]; + groups = ["default" "jekyll_plugins"]; + platforms = []; + source = { + remotes = [""]; + sha256 = "0xw3q46cmahkgyldid5hwyiwacp590zj2vmswlll68ryvmvcp7df"; + type = "gem"; + }; + version = "4.0.0"; + }; + sawyer = { + dependencies = ["addressable" "faraday"]; + groups = ["default" "jekyll_plugins"]; + platforms = []; + source = { + remotes = [""]; + sha256 = "0yrdchs3psh583rjapkv33mljdivggqn99wkydkjdckcjn43j3cz"; + type = "gem"; + }; + version = "0.8.2"; + }; + simpleidn = { + dependencies = ["unf"]; + groups = ["default" "jekyll_plugins"]; + platforms = []; + source = { + remotes = [""]; + sha256 = "06f7w6ph3bzzqk212yylfp4jfx275shgp9zg3xszbpv1ny2skp9m"; + type = "gem"; + }; + version = "0.2.1"; + }; + terminal-table = { + dependencies = ["unicode-display_width"]; + groups = ["default" "jekyll_plugins"]; + platforms = []; + source = { + remotes = [""]; + sha256 = "1512cngw35hsmhvw4c05rscihc59mnj09m249sm9p3pik831ydqk"; + type = "gem"; + }; + version = "1.8.0"; + }; + thread_safe = { + groups = ["default" "jekyll_plugins"]; + platforms = []; + source = { + remotes = [""]; + sha256 = "0nmhcgq6cgz44srylra07bmaw99f5271l0dpsvl5f75m44l0gmwy"; + type = "gem"; + }; + version = "0.3.6"; + }; + typhoeus = { + dependencies = ["ethon"]; + groups = ["default" "jekyll_plugins"]; + platforms = []; + source = { + remotes = [""]; + sha256 = "1m22yrkmbj81rzhlny81j427qdvz57yk5wbcf3km0nf3bl6qiygz"; + type = "gem"; + }; + version = "1.4.0"; + }; + tzinfo = { + dependencies = ["thread_safe"]; + groups = ["default" "jekyll_plugins"]; + platforms = []; + source = { + remotes = [""]; + sha256 = "0zwqqh6138s8b321fwvfbywxy00lw1azw4ql3zr0xh1aqxf8cnvj"; + type = "gem"; + }; + version = "1.2.9"; + }; + unf = { + dependencies = ["unf_ext"]; + groups = ["default" "jekyll_plugins"]; + platforms = []; + source = { + remotes = [""]; + sha256 = "0bh2cf73i2ffh4fcpdn9ir4mhq8zi50ik0zqa1braahzadx536a9"; + type = "gem"; + }; + version = "0.1.4"; + }; + unf_ext = { + groups = ["default" "jekyll_plugins"]; + platforms = []; + source = { + remotes = [""]; + sha256 = "0bf120xbq23zjyf8zi8h1576d71g58srr8rndig0whn10w72vrxz"; + type = "gem"; + }; + version = ""; + }; + unicode-display_width = { + groups = ["default" "jekyll_plugins"]; + platforms = []; + source = { + remotes = [""]; + sha256 = "1204c1jx2g89pc25qk5150mk7j5k90692i7ihgfzqnad6qni74h2"; + type = "gem"; + }; + version = "1.8.0"; + }; + webrick = { + groups = ["jekyll_plugins"]; + platforms = []; + source = { + remotes = [""]; + sha256 = "1d4cvgmxhfczxiq5fr534lmizkhigd15bsx5719r5ds7k7ivisc7"; + type = "gem"; + }; + version = "1.7.0"; + }; + zeitwerk = { + groups = ["default" "jekyll_plugins"]; + platforms = []; + source = { + remotes = [""]; + sha256 = "09bq7j2p6mkbxnsg71s253dm2463kg51xc7bmjcxgyblqbh4ln7m"; + type = "gem"; + }; + version = "2.5.4"; + }; +} diff --git a/docs/shell.nix b/docs/shell.nix new file mode 100644 index 000000000..06b3b9a0c --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/shell.nix @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +with import {}; +let + gems = bundlerEnv { + name = "jekyll-website"; + ruby = ruby_3_1; + gemdir = ./.; + }; +in mkShell { + packages = [ gems gems.wrappedRuby glibcLocales ]; + + shellHook = '' + exec ${gems}/bin/jekyll serve --watch + ''; +}